Name ______Topic ______


You will be creating a power point presentation on the topic you selected. Research will be conducted in the library and classroom using books and the internet. You will also create a storyboard (blueprint of slides) that displays what each slide will look like and what information will be where. The final phase will involve putting everything together in the computer lab. Below is a checklist we will use to complete the project.

Research Phase (3 days – In library March 21st – 23rd )

□ These three days of research will include completing worksheets with information on your selected topic. You will need a minimum of 4 references with at least one being from a book. This part of the project is worth 20 points & will be checked for completion on Monday, March 26th

Storyboard Phase (2 days – April 3rd – 4th)

□ The storyboard will be completed on a large blank sheet of paper. Squares will be used to depict slides and general items such a text (not exact wording), graphics, hyperlink, and action buttons on the slides. This part of the project is worth 20 points.

Final PowerPoint Phase (3 days in computer lab - April 10th, 11th, & 13th) 100 points

□ Minimum of 22 slides

□ Title page

□ Table of Contents slide (Goals & strategies, population statistics, causes, states involved, your specific topic, and a reference section)

□ Minimum of 10 different graphics used (examples: picture, map, chart, graph, clipart)

□ Minimum of 23 actions buttons (icons on slides that provide a function like

transitioning to another part of presentation. This is what makes it non-linear, when

people have choices viewing your slideshow.

□ Goals and strategies of the North and South presented (foldable)

□ Causes of the war listed & explained (bubble diagram)

□ A chart, graph, or table that contains any type of information about the Union &

Confederacy’s population. (ex. casualties, African Americans, troops, etc.)

□ States involved listed & categorized (Union, Confederate, and border states) (map we


□ Short video clip pertaining to your topic embedded in presentation.

□ A working hyperlink to another website that has information on your topic. Do not use


□ Minimum of 10 slides explaining your topic and its relevance to the Civil War. Each

slide must have more than one sentence. (your research)

**** Due Date: Monday, April 16th ****