Civil Engineering Contractors Association Wales Ltd
Director and Secretary
The Civil Engineering Contractors Association Wales Ltd, known as CECA Wales, is a trade association representing civil engineering contractors and operating as a limited company.
The members of CECA Wales consist of contactors engaged on works of a civil engineering nature in Wales.
It consists of an Executive Committee of up to 12 members with Office Bearers - The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Immediate past chairman.
The Executive Directors consist of the Office Bearers and the Director and Secretary
The main objects of the Association are to promote and further the interests of the civil engineering industry and the members of the Association in Wales
Post of Director and Secretary
The Director and Secretary will be responsible for the day to day running of the Association including the duties and responsibilities of Company Secretary and will report to the Executive Committee directly through the Chairman.
The Director will be expected to undertake his duties to meet the main objects of the Association. In doing so, the tasks of the Director and Secretary will include the following
· Manage the office of CECA Wales and the administrative or secretarial staff appointed by the Executive Committee
· Undertake duties and responsibility as Company Secretary for maintaining all financial records and preparation of annual accounts for external audit together with any other matters required by legislation as a limited company.
· Arrange quarterly Executive Committee meetings and prepare a report advising the Committee of activities and `financial statements and budget reports together with any other papers for the consideration of the Committee.
· Advise and provide support for the Chairman and other Executive Committee members representing CECA Wales on GB Committees or any other body
· Disseminate information and guidance to CECA Wales members on Legislation, Health and Safety, Education and Training, Technical, Environmental and any other issues of interest to the members.
· Deal with any members’ queries, complaints and requests for information promptly.
· Manage and collect the subscription income from members.
· Increase the membership of CECA Wales
· Arrange regular Meetings with UK and Welsh Government Ministers whose portfolio includes areas of interest to members.
· Work in partnership with the Association for Consultancy and Engineering Cymru Wales, CITB Cymru Wales, Constructing Excellence in Wales, the Institution of Civil Engineers Wales Cymru, and the Wales Construction Federation Alliance (comprising the FMB, NFB, HBF and SEC in Wales) and others to promote and support policies and initiatives that have a benefit for members.
· Establish and maintain links with officers representing Welsh Government,the County Surveyors Society (CSS) Wales, Natural Resources Wales, Network Rail, Utilities and other clients with responsibility for infrastructure in Wales.
· Seek to influence the above decision makers on policy matters which are of direct concern to CECA Wales and its members
· Project a positive image of CECA Wales and the work undertaken by its members.
· Be the first point of contact for CECA Wales and to act as spokesperson, where appropriate
· Establish and develop links with the press and media
· Prepare press releases and/or editorials where appropriate to promote and maintain the profile of CECA Wales
· Liaise with educational establishments to promote appropriate recruitment to the Civil Engineering Industry.
· Attend meetings of CECA GB when required or agreed with the Chairman
· Maintain links and liaise with CECA GB and the executive officers of the other Associations of CECA in England and Scotland
· Maintain a CECA Wales presence on the CECA GB website
· Monitor changes and proposed changes to legislation and where appropriate respond to consultation documents from governments and other bodies.
· Organise the CECA Wales Annual General Meeting and prepare an Annual Report.
· Organise events, seminars, and meetings, to encourage active participation of members in topical matters of interest to members and public.
· Organise the CECA Wales Annual Dinner
· Organise the CECA Wales Annual Golf Day.
· Organise and arrange appropriate training courses to meet changing needs of members
· Monitor regularly members concerns and comments on topical issues and investigate policy issues affecting members and provide feedback to the Executive Committee.
· Any other duties agreed by the Executive Committee necessary to promote and/or maintain the primary objects of the Association.
CECA Wales 30092015