Civics & Economics Unit 2 Study Guide – The Living Constitution

**This study guide must be completed and turned in on test day. Be sure to define all terms, answer all questions, etc. You will receive a daily grade for this study guide.

Standards Addressed in Unit 2: CE.C&G.1.1, CE.C&G.1.3, CE.C&G.1.4,CE.C&G.2.3, CE.C&G.2.6,CE.C&G.3.7, CE.C&G.5.4

Articles of Confederation
1. What were some of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation?
2. What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
3. What was the significance of Shays’ Rebellion?
4. How did the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation lead to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution?
Constitutional Convention
5. What were the key provisions of the Virginia Plan?
6. What were the key provisions of the New Jersey Plan?
7. How did the Great Compromise combine elements of both the Virginia and New Jersey plans?
8. What was the slave trade compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention?
9. What was the compromise reached concerning how the President of the United States would be elected?
Federalist and Antifederalist Debates
13. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?
13. What were the Federalists’ arguments for the Constitution?
14. What was the purpose of the Antifederalist Papers?
15. What were some of the Antifederalists’ arguments against the Constitution?
16. How did the debates of the Federalists & Anti-Federalists help to construct the government of the U.S. nation?
Basic Principles/Ideas Found in the Constitution – Define each term:
19. Majority rule
20. Separation of powers
21. Rule of law/Limited Government
23. Popular sovereignty
24. Federalism
25. Checks and balances
26. Judicial Review
Interpreting the Living Constitution
26. What is common law?
27. What does it mean when a judge uses precedent in making a decision?
28. What is the significance of the term stare decisis? What is one example of when the Supreme Court broke with precedent?
30. What level of government is considered supreme according to the Supremacy Clause in Article VI?
31. What is the meaning of the Establishment Clause in the 1st amendment?
32. What is the significance of the Necessary and Proper Clause found in Article I?
33. In what 2 ways can a constitutional amendment be proposed?
  1. Method 1:
  1. Method 2:
34. In what 2 ways can a constitutional amendment be ratified?
a. Method 1:
b. Method 2:
Powers of the Government – Define each term:
35. Delegated powers/Enumerated powers
36. Expressed powers
37. Implied powers
38. Reserved powers
39. Concurrent powers
Rights of Accused Persons
41. What is a writ of habeas corpus?
42. What is due process?
43. What rights to counsel are granted in the 6th amendment?
44. What protections against self-incrimination are granted in the 5th Amendment?
45. Why is the right to trial by jury a fundamental right given to all Americans?
46. What is the protection against double jeopardy granted through the 5th amendment?
47. What does it mean when a case is appealed?

Unit 2 – Key Understandings:

  • The principles that govern a nation define an individual’s rights andpower of government.
  • The United States Constitution is a viable document that withstandsthe test of time.
  • You have individual rights outlined in the Constitution.