Name and Surname / Organization1 / Ivan Turok - Chairperson / Human Sciences Research Council
2 / Thato Tsautse / Durban Chamber of Commerce
3 / Akash Singh / Durban Chamber of Commerce
4 / Urmila Bob / UKZN –Dean of Research Full Professor in Geography
5 / Glen Robbins / KZN Provincial Planning Commission
6 / Yasmin Rajah / Civil Society
7 / Malcolm Mitchell / Civil and Transportation Engineer
8 / Eric Mtshali / Civil Society
9 / Adrian Peters / Strategy Office
10 / Shivani Singh / Investment Promotion Unit
11 / Jo Douwes / Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department
12 / Helen Epstein / Framework Planning
13 / Soobs Moonsamy / Development Planning
14 / Ken Breetzke / Engineering Unit
15 / Pamela Moonsamy / Strategy Office
16 / Puvendra Akkiah / Corporate Policy-Strategy Office
17 / Sogen Moodley / Corporate Policy-Strategy Office
18 / Phumelele Sokhela / BPCC
19 / Vijay Punchee / Treasury
20 / Brian O’Leary / Strategy Office
21 / Ajiv Maharaj / Economic Development Unit - Policy And Strategy Info & Research
22 / Bongumusa Zondo / Strategy Office
23 / Musa Gumede / DCM Economic Development & Planning
24 / Mimi Ndokweni / Economic Development DCM Support
Item no. / Comment / Resp. Person / Due Date
The chairperson welcomed everyone and indicated that the critical objectives for the meeting are to :-
- take the themes forward
- Decide on how we are going to deal with the Urban Observatory and demographic forecasting.
- Deal with the 100 RC Alignment
- Thato Tsautse
- Beauty Zibula
It was agreed that the agenda be changed to bring in the 100RC update as item 4 with all other items shifting down.
The minutes of 17 March 2016 were approved.
Vacancies on the commission - Given the imminent political changes it was decided not to pursue the Commission vacancies any further.
4. / 100 RC REPORTBACK (Presentation by Dr Debra Roberts)
Following a presentation by Dr Roberts, the following questions/comments were made :-
- Chair
- Is the report available and how do we get hold of it?.
- The systems approach is good for our themes as well
- We need to know the timing and scope of the Resilience Strategy
- We need to know how we move from RBO’s to a Resilience Strategy
- We need a 1 day workshop between 100RC team and CPC to deal with alignment
- Commissioner Mitchell
- He is reasonably involved in the 100RC project and it is a very good project
- We and to ensure that there is alignment
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Where do thoughts of ‘agency’ fall in relation to which levers are chosen eg. Education lever where City does not have a mandate.
- We need to ensure that we focus on areas of mandate to ensure cogent action
- Commissioner Bob
- The Workshop is supported.
- The timescale may distinguish and clarify how 100RC relates to CPC work
- We need to ensure that key performance indicators & M&E framework align
- Is the project looking at regional resilience? We must not be inward looking.
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- How do the levers relate to the 2 projects
- Debra
- The summary report is being cleaned up and will be circulated
- Dalberg has also been asked to prepare a process document which will also be circulated.
- A Resilience Strategy is the key product which is targeted for Jan/Feb 2017
- The intention is to narrow not broaden out
- A workshop is endorsed as is alignment
- We need to look at how we release the documents
- The 6 levers did not give us a sense of where action is possible. Informal Settlements is an area where there is agency and a lot of initiatives as well as political interest.
- The ITB likewise; since we have the planning mandate. Already there are stewardship initiatives underway in these areas..
- ‘Agency’ is a key issue
- Monitoring needs to be discussed in the workshop
- Regional resilience is a key factor in particular with the 2nd RBO
- The RBO’s chosen that are actionable and draw in as many of the levers as possible
- Debra
- The 6 PRA’s were not a static deliverable
- They were Informants for the 6 levers
- There is an evolving process
- The study has moved past themes
- The study is bound by timelines and obligations and so won’t be the level of iteration
- Chair
- Suggest that Form a sub group is formed to plan workshop- Ken, Adrian etc.
- Commissioners must be requested to get involved.
- Ken
- The 2 RBO’s have a good relationship with the spatial theme.
1.)A 1 day workshop be held with the 100RC project to deal with alignment of methodology, timelines, outputs and outcomes
Pursuant to (1) above a sub-group be established to plan the workshop.
Sogen Moodley presented on MILE emphasizing the following points :-
- UCLG uses MILE and its portal for City to City learning
- MILE is helping Cities internationally to develop implementation strategies for SDG’s
- The capacity enhancement programme includes management seminars , councilor seminars and master classes
- They also facilitate learning exchanges relating to policy and practice
- Municipal Technical support is also facilitated.
- The municipality is also creating an academy (EMA) for Skills Development which is separate from MILE.
- Mile has also engaged the Tertiary Institutions to align research with the 3 CPC thematic areas.
- After the presentation the following questions and comments were raised :-
- Chair
- How big is the staff complement to which Sogen advised that he has 3 permanent staff members?
- Mentioned that EU equivalent has 2000 staff
- Commissioner Singh
- Wants to know more about the Academy – to be dealt with outside of the meeting.
- Commissioner Mitchell
- There is a very poor relationship between UKZN and Practice, especially Engineering
- There is a blurring of lines between political and executive leaders. Politicians are getting far too involved in administrative issues.
- Commissioner McMenamin
- It is a problem that the purpose of Mile can’t be summarized in 2 sentences
- What exactly are you doing about what and why is the question
- Worried about resources to support Commission
- University relationships –sometimes fewer that are more meaningful might be better.
- MILE needs a focusedpurpose and mandate.
- Commissioner Rakharebe
- Passion is appreciated
- Could ask City to provide more resources.
- Commissioner Bob
- The role of MILE is to create a Learning Space not to do the learning
- Universities are looking for win-win relationships
- Commissioner Robbins
- We must identify contacts and networks for us to come to grips with partnerships that we need to have to implement our plan
- There is a need to deal with city leadership mentoring etc.
- Following a presentation by Brian ‘O Leary on the Urban Observatory the following questions and comments were made :-
- Chair
- Given the political nature of decision making our objective of the proposal is to ensure credible and informed decision making
- There is a need to appoint a champion and engage with partners like Province, National Treasury and business etc.
- Commissioner Singh
- Business will buy in
- Need to identify datasets and synthesize the data into first tier business uses
- Commissioner Bob
- This is an important initiative for many stakeholders
- She disagrees with the way it has being conceptualized
- The Observatory is about knowledge management and providing information that others can interrogate and analyze.
- It should not be conceptualized as a project.
- It should not necessarily have outputs
- It must play multiple roles eg identifying resource bases, research partners etc.
- Commissioner Mitchell
- There should be a closer relationships between academic institutions and practice
- Commissioner Rajah
- We need to look at how we use what is already in place.
- She agrees that the Observatory should be a robust resource for everybody
- Commissioner McMenamin
- There are different potential models with pros & cons that need to be explored.
- Chair
- There is a need to Speak to RasheedSeedat from GRO
- Sogen and Brian responded to questions
That a sub-group is formed led by Brian and including Akash, Ivan, Urmilla, Glen & Yasmeen to look at:
- Scope and functionality of an Observatory
- Partnership options including with Business, National Treasury, Province and Tertiary Institutions to fast track the Observatory
- A possible business plan for the Observatory
Following a presentation by Brian O’ Leary the following comments/questions were raised :-
- Chair
- We must look at scenarios eg. high growth, low growth etc.
- Glen
- We must consider the extraordinary event horizon- what are the things that could shock or change projections
- Age profiling needs to be looked at as well as household sizes etc.
- Chair
- Interrogation of the 3 projections is supported.
- Ken
- Common base is essential for all infrastructure depts. to plan
- Spatial distribution of the growth is critical as is future economic activities
- Need to evaluate assumptions of how City is going to grow.
The 3 existing projections are interrogated for possible utilization as a CPC endorsed centralized projection. / Brian O’Leary
Following a presentation by Ajiv Mharaj, the following comments / questions were made :-
- Chair
- The Framework should be is to Invest in People, Places and Propulsive Industries & processes
- We need to sharpen the specifics which places, which skills and which particular industries
- Commissioner Singh
- The tone is much better & framework is workable
- We need to budget for innovation
- Define what is economic leadership
- Have we looked at PGDS ?
- A productivity plan is required that shows gains
- Think about how fund using social capital
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- Creating an enabling environment is the nub of the issue.
- Skills follows economic need
- Enabling port efficiency is key
- Economic leadership is important to deal with silos
- Need a single unified voice, speaking with certainty and being responsive
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Agree that enabling environment is key
- Need to get processes right
- Need the right people at the table to build relationships
- Focus on getting the basics right
- Commissioner Robbins
- We need to interrogate leadership a bit more
- We need to constrain the leadership tendency to focus on projects rather than processes.
- We need to put content to economic leadership – should be more in a governance context rather than project focused.
- Urmilla
- May be addressed in the governance theme
- Challenges have been documented before
- Systemic set of underlying issues
- Pick up in consolidation discussion.
- Short term strategic annexure is not strategic – need to think strategically about what we can change now that will impact on the future.
- Chair
- The fundamental priority is a conducive business environment
- Supported by investing in people (low skilled & poor people) and key industries and activities and key assets with their backwards & forward linkages. We need to focus on key employers(top 20 or 50) that require special attention
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Get the basics right instead of focusing on projects since we may have lost a lot of growth because we don’t have an enabling environment.
- Create a platform for top 20 or 50 businesses to make investment decisions.
- Commissioner Mitchell
- Leadership should be administrative leadership and not so much political leadership
- Ajiv
- Unblocking is key, efficiencies etc.
- Short term plan will be reviewed
- We need to look at procurement more carefully
- Shunnon
- We need a single narrative
- The enabling environment is critical
- Need a change management process
- Intervention in key sectors
- Engagement is critical
- Chair
- The work is endorsed
- We need to reshape and sharpen
- We need to identify specific key elements in the short, medium and long term.
- Commissioner Rajah
- The role of the informal economy must be identified and provided for.
- There should be appropriate regulation
Following a presentation by Mr Bongumusa Zondo, the following questions / comments were made :-
- Chair
- There are 19 issues listed in the summary which is far too many
- We need to prioritize- some may be less strategic than others eg. filling of vacancies
- We need a more explicit discussion around recommendations
- We need to link issues to other themes to show impact over time
- We need to broaden sub-group to take forward
- Commissioner McMenamin
- First signify what are the key levers that will resolve the majority of issues
- Apply systems thinking
- Secondly need to assess quality of interventions.
- The critical lever is quality of leadership at the top – Executive at the top. We need to think very carefully about how we interveneat this level.
- Commissioner Mitchell
- We need institutional realignment
- Treatment at Sizakala Centers is no good.
- We need mechanisms to involve all I&AP’s
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- The Executive Mayor System should be looked at.
- Commissioner Robbins
- The report is an interesting consolidation of information
- We need to relate to storyline and societal problems eg xenophobia etc
- We need to be explicit about how better governance can result in better societies
- Chair
- It is useful to look at Jackie Cilliers report from ISS re how security problems relate to governance as a wider context.
- Urmilla
- Some assistance may be required to grasp issues in a strategic way
- Pull out one key theme eg. Communication & engagement, unpack and look at how address. Some existing structures may be disenabling.
- We need to Identify 3 or 4 big picture issues.
- Soobs
- This is a difficult theme which needs additional capacity
- Chair
- Agree that we need to bring in additional capacity
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Need external credible group especially if going to reflect on leadership etc. eg Harvard School of Governance
- Commissioner Mitchell
- Suggest UNISA
- Puven
- Salga
- Commissioner Bob
- Critical to bring in an external expert
- Commissioner Singh
- Don’t think an expert will solve the problem
- An external expert may assist the process
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Look at NDP
- Need to emphasize professionalization of the bureaucracy
- Chair
- We need to take theme forward.
Following presentation by Mr Ken Breetzke, the following questions / comments were made
- Ken
- Single most important lever is buy-in to a Corporate Spatial Plan
- Helene
- Integration is important
- Regional integration is also critical
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- Articulates key issues very well though issues are known.
- Challenge is to identify solutions and to implement these.
- Chair
- Justification is good especially relating to governance
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Spatial strategy must be cornerstone of all that we do
- Can’t have a spatial strategy without economic logic
- Ask the question re where the economic dynamism is coming from eg. Interchange in Cornubia taking so long
- Purpose of spatial plan to balance what markets want and infrastructure efficiency but we need economic logic
- Commissioner Robbins
- Need to map City investments
- So many competing plans
- Categorize existing plans from problematic to supportive
- Chair
- We must also identify things to be discouraged & discontinued
- Commissioner Mitchell
- We need to look at how we sell things like densification
- Soobs
- Spatial economics depends on private investment
- Need to have a degree of flexibility
- Need to be able to respond to private sector driven non or lower priority projects by eg. Carrying full costs etc.
- Chair
- Need to be able to steer the market rather than reacting
- Ken
- Point taken that City plan is the point of reference.
- The NHS subsidy regime is driving urban form though the approach seems to be changing.
- Need to see what is working in other metros
- It is difficult to get large landowners to reflect their spatial development outlook.
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- TongatHullethave produced an economic outlook report.
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Need to identify where the rates are coming from and what are the trends – where growing etc
- Where does infrastructure capacity exist and where does it need to be extended
- How do you use incentives to get development to take place where infrastructure capacity exists
- Ajiv
- There is no rationale on where we spend our budgets
- There is too much focus on take up
- Puven
- Economic inputs in the IDP are project based
- Chair
- We should encourage experimentation eg. reducing parking requirements
- It is difficult to get the private sector to be strategic- rather put concrete proposals to developers and gauge responses
- Importance of the heart of the City
- Public spaces and the public realm are not adequately covered.
- Commissioner Robbins
- Relates to governance theme who and how we engage
- Need to get more out of our forums
- Diffuse authorities in City – we need designated contact persons
- Commissioner Robbins
- PPC has consistently raised issues re urban vs rural but politically there is a view that Durban has enough resources
- City and Provincial officials need to engage more
- Strategy will be released in a few weeks
- Raise issues with our politicians
- Recruit Provincial officials into our Theme groups
- Chair
- Further technical work is required
- Need another iteration before next meeting
- We need to think about how feed into strategy which must be done by year end
- We need to set up a special sub group to start working on the strategy
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Suggest an independent Strategy Group to engage with all 3 themes
- We need dedicated resource/partner
- Commissioner Robbins
- We need another meeting before the next programmed meeting say 2 months from now.
- Thematic work must continue
- Commissioner McMenamin
- The key issue for governance particularly is executive leadership. What do we do to ensure professional leadership?
- Creating an enabling environment is the key economic issue
- Spatial framework is key for restructuring and directing investment
- Commissioner Robbins
- Go to GTAC possibly
(a)Programme a follow up meeting
(b)(b) sources additional capacity to assist theme groups and o start compiling the strategy
- Commissioner Mitchell
- Believes that the document should go out
- Commissioner Robbins
- Too close to elections so need to be cautious
- Commissioner McMenamin
- No benefit in media launch
- Distribute to officials
- Get adopted so that it is in the pack of new Council
- Rather go back to stakeholders with storyline and draft strategy
- Also put on website and elicit comments
- Commissioner Robbins
- We should Dovetail with regional SOCR launch
- Commissioner Wilkinson
- Prepare a press release.
- Commissioner McMenamin
- Press release that contextualizes the document and where it is in the process.
- Chief spokesperson is chairperson
- Chair suggests that:-
- Go to Business Day re advertising the Storyline
- Start a new strand of work to pull themes together and to prepare a draft strategy plan
- 2 meetings before next programmed meeting, 1 with 100RC team and the other to look at a draft strategy
- Circulate 3 theme documents for comments from Commissioners
Nothing to discuss on this stage.