City of Woodland Hills
City Council Meeting
June 14, 2016
Mayor Lauritzen called to order the City Council meeting at 6:36 p.m.
Notice of time, place and agenda were posted at the City Information Bulletin Board located at 200 South Woodland Hills Drive and the Woodland Hills City Center. Members of the local press were notified. Those present for the meeting were Council Members Kari Malkovich, Lawrence Henry, Wendy Pray and Ray Walker.
Council Member Malkovich led the Pledge of Allegiance and Council Member Henry the invocation.
The City Recorder provided the Council with a copy of an email sent to the City on behalf of the developers of Mountain Oaks Estates. A copy of the email will be included with a hard copy of the minutes.
Minutes of the May 24, 2016 meeting were approved as corrected by general consent.
· Oath of Office for Appointed City Council Member Dorel Kynaston
At the last City Council Meeting Resident Dorel Kynaston was appointed to fill the term of Council Member Ray Walker.
Council Member Kynaston recited the Oath of Office.
Mayor Lauritzen indicated that he will need to leave the meeting early but wanted to inform the Council that the City will hold a Truth and Taxation Hearing on August 9th, 2016.
Mayor Lauritzen asked for the Council concurrence to rearrange the order of the items on the agenda.
Council concurred.
· Discussion/Approval to Purchase City Snow Plow
A spreadsheet was distributed to the Council, by the Mayor, outlining and comparing the cost if the City were to take on the responsibility of snow removal versus the cost of renewing the with the current snow removal contractors.
Public Works Supervisor Corbett Stephens explained how he managed snow removal when he was working in Elk Ridge and let the Council know that he has spoken with three individuals that plowed for him in the past and all three have expressed a desire to come work for the City of Woodland Hills. In addition, Mr. Stephens has obtained and provided the Council with cost estimates if the Hiatt’s were called upon to assist with snow removal.
Council Member Malkovich asked if the Mayor was aware of any individuals in Woodland Hills that would be willing to help with snow removal.
Mayor Lauritzen indicated that there are several individuals in the City, who have plowed for other entities before, that have expressed interest.
The Mayor explained that the figures he has provided Council were calculated on a high snow fall year and they included a 20% contingency as well.
Council Member Malkovich expressed that the Council may want to consider allowing the current snow plow contractors to come back and rebid.
Mayor Lauritzen informed the Council that he along with the Public Works Supervisor and the Financial Director have meet with current contractors a number of times and the current contractors are only interested in renewing their contract based on the contract term being 5 years at a rate of $81,000/year not including the roads in Summit Creek or class F roads in the City.
Mr. Stephens provided the specs on the snow plow that he would like the Council to consider purchasing. The snow plow is a 2005, has 46,000 miles and the price would be $66,000. Since the truck is coming from Wisconsin there would be additional costs incurred with transporting.
Council Member Rushton MOVED to approve the purchase of the snow plow. Council Member Kynaston seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
· Update on Boundary Adjustment with Elk Ridge
Mayor Lauritzen let the Council know that there is a property owner that currently owns property with one lot being part of the County and the adjacent lot being in Elk Ridge. The property owner has expressed a desire to annex both lots into Woodland Hills.
· Appointment of Mark Bracken to the SUVMWA and Mt. Nebo Water Agency Boards
Council Member Malkovich MOVED to appoint Mark Bracken to SUVMWA and Mt. Nebo Water Agency Boards. Council Member Pray seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
· City Volunteer Fire Department Update
Chief Northup informed the Council that he will be taking over the role as the Chairman of the CWPP Committee. Former Chief Jeff Andersen has agreed to work with the Department and help out.
Mayor Lauritzen remarked that he would like to ask Council Member Kynaston to serve as the Council Representative to the Fire Department.
Chief Northup updated the Council on the condition of the City fire trucks and asked for permission to start getting bids on what a new main engine, the trade in value our current main and bids for a new brush truck. The City’s main engine is 8 years old and he feels that it may be wise to trade it in while there is still some value to it.
Mayor Lauritzen would like the Council to consider exploring the idea of charging a Public Safety Impact Fee.
Chief Northup indicated that there is equipment that could be moved from the current main engine onto a new truck.
Council Member Kynaston MOVED to authorize Chief Northup to explore bids for a new main engine and a brush truck. Council Member Henry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
· Ordinance 2016-02 Door to Door Solicitation
Mayor Lauritzen informed the Council that a meeting has been scheduled with the City Attorney and he will discuss with him a Door to Door Solicitation Ordinance.
· Council Updates
Council Member Pray reported that the Utah Valley Dispatch Special Service Distract Dispatch has been busy with the construction of a new building with an estimated move in date of late fall. . The district is looking into the high turnover of personnel. There is a question on whether or not the Dispatch Center is getting more money from 911 calls than other entities. The Dispatch has scheduled a meeting with State legislators to explore the issue.
Council Member Malkovich reported that the Utah Lake Commission did not meet last month but the festival held at the beginning of the month was successful.
Woodland Hills Day- Council Member Malkovich indicated she has asked a number of individuals to help with Woodland Hills Days but has not had anyone commit to assist her.
Council Member Rushton reported that the district has not met since his last update.
Council Member Henry mentioned that he felt the Fire Chief adequately discussed everything in his report.
Council Member Pray and Malkovich are working on the City Web-Site and getting the staff and Council new email addresses.
Council Member Pray will be attending the staff meetings that are held on the first and third Mondays.
Council Member Malkovich MOVED to ADJOURN at 8:15pm. Council Member Rushton seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Jody Stones, City Recorder