June 1, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lohr followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with Skaggs, Krischel, Jones, Orabutt and Smith present. A motion was made by Smith seconded by Jones to accept the minutes, treasurer’s report and to pay the bills, excluding Bill’s mileage. Motion passed as presented. Jamie Durham was introduced as the next Alderman for Ward 2 and was sworn in by the city clerk.

A letter was received from the Chief of Police, Tom Martin on his resignation which will be effective July 1, 2015. Mayor Lohr thanked Jim and Dianne Simmons for providing and planting flowers and for cleaning the memorial uptown.


Dean Chalkey was present to report that sealed bids will be taken for seal coating of the streets.

Chris Smith is working on the internal control policy. He hopes to have it ready soon.

Bill Simmons reported that he has been working with Britt Lowney to design restrooms to be built uptown, he would like to get bids for the plumbing and electrical so they can figure up a cost which will be funded from the Missal trust fund.

Sheryl Churney was present and talked about the annual appropriations ordinance. She gave the council a report to look over and they are to let her know of any changes so she can have the ordinance ready for next month’s meeting.

Bill Simmons reported that the county would like to sell back to the city the properties of Hackleman and Kovatch for the price of $646 per lot which there are 5 lots total. Sheryl will check on it and get back to the council.

The new Wenona sign has been installed and is looking good. It was decided to put some brick around the sign and maybe a few bushes at a later date.

Patti Jones was present to express her concerns about all the landscaping around town. She suggested that maybe they could ask for volunteers or organizations to help clean up weeds and whatever needs to be done to make everything look good.

Chris Smith reported on the new insurance rates. He gave a report on different plans and stated that they are still looking at options.

It was reported that the Fieldcrest School will be giving tours of all the schools so residents can see what they now look like because of the discussion on what to do with the buildings, either tear down or renovate.

A motion was made by Orabutt seconded by Skaggs to close Main Street on July 10, 2015 for cruise night. Motion passed.

The zoning board met and they discussed the change of a few items. A motion was made by Orabutt seconded by Jones to change the cost of a building permit to $35 with anything over 1300 square feet would add $1 per square ft. Motion passed. The mayor appointed Matt Zulz to be the person who issues permits.

All newly elected aldermen will need to take IML training.

Sheila reported that the Jaegle property is in foreclosure for a sheriff’s sale. The city has put a lien on the property for mowing costs.

The mayor reported that they are in talks about merging with the Toluca police department.

Krischel reported that we need new lights on the south end of Chestnut and he has checked with State Farm who sometimes donates lights. Mitch will fill the holes temporary until we hear something.

The Mayor will be sending letters to all landlords to remind their tenants to please have their dogs licensed and vaccinated.

A motion was made by Orabutt seconded by Skaggs to accept the prevailing wage Ordinance #060115. Ayes: Skaggs, Durham, Krischel, Jones and Orabutt. Nays: Smith.

Trees that were planted on Main Street need to be removed since they have died. It was suggested that they be pulled out, Mitch and Charlie will take them out.

A motion was made by Jones seconded by Durham to purchase a pickup truck for the water department through a state bid, which is purchased from the state at a reasonable price. Motion passed.

The committee reports: Streets and Alley, Skaggs would like to see the alleys cleaned up from all the weeds and also behind the businesses where there is junk accumulating. Park and Rec, lights have been fixed. There was nothing to report for Insurance and Purchasing, Water and Sewer and Health and Public Safety.

Bill: Nothing

Mitch: Nothing

Jim: Nothing

Shelia – There is a flyer that is available for all new residents or anyone who would like to read about Wenona which was made by Braiden Skinner. She reported on the Blackboard reports and she will set up a meeting with Jacob and Kline. She sent out letters to owners of golf carts to get them registered.

A motion was made by Orabutt seconded by Jones to go into executive session at 8:20 pm. Motion passed.


Mayor City Clerk