210 E. MAIN ST.
MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014
7:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call: Mayor John Nixon, Alderpersons Trevor Diedrick,Aaron Grimm, Ed Hernandez, Patrick King, Steve Ryerson andLee Wise
3. Prayer and Pledge
4. Approval of Minutes
- Regular Common Council meeting held on May 12, 2014
- Airport Commission meeting held on May 14, 2014
- Finance and Personnel meeting held on June 2, 2014
5. Financial Report
- General Fund Budget Comparison
- Bank Account Report
6. Approval of the agenda.
7. Citizen’s request to speak before the Council: None
8. Bid Openings:None
9. License Applications:
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding a request for a Temporary Class “B”/ “Class B” Retailer’s License from John Prindle, President of the Waushara Chamber of Commerce at 513 S. Fair St. (aka Waushara County Fair Grounds) on July 4, 2014 and July 5, 2014.
- Aaron D. Grimm of Grimm’s One More and I Gotta Go, has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class B liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. The licensed premises are located at 319-321 W. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Aaron D. Grimm of Grimm’s One More and I Gotta Go has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class B liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 315-317 W. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Martha R. Lee of Saramar, Inc. has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class B liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 112 S. Ste. Marie St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Kalpesh Patel of OM Wautoma Oil, Inc. (aka Wautoma Pit Stop Express) has applied for a Class A and fermented malt beverage license and a Class A Liquor License in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 613 W. Main St. City of Wautoma Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Dean Tschurwald of Doggers Bar & Lanes LLC, has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class B liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 109 N. Scott St. City of Wautoma,Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Albertario Torres of El Popo Mexican Restaurant has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class B liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 340 E. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Duane Detjens agent for Stoneridge Meat & Country Market, Inc. has applied for a Class A fermented malt beverage license and a Class A liquor license in accordance to the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 975 E. Main St City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Robert Stephenson, manager of Dollar General Store #6571 has applied for a Class A fermented malt beverage license and a Class A liquor license in accordance to the laws of 1934. Licenses premise is located at 905 E. Division St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Larry Wise of Christianos Pizza, LLC has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class C wine license in accordance to the laws of 1934. The licensed premises is located at 122 W. Main St.
- Larry Wise of Christianos Pizza, LLC has applied for a Class B fermented malt beverage license and a Class C wine license in accordance to the laws of 1934. Licensed premises is located at 200 W. Main St.
- Donald Zietlow of Kwik Trip, Inc. has applied for a Class A fermented malt beverage license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 935 E. Main St. City of Wautoma Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Jamie Hendow of Candle Freak Gallery Inc. has applied for a Class Cwine license anda Class A liquor license in accordance with the laws of 1934. Licensed premise is located at 449 W. Main St. City of Wautoma Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Dogger’s Bar and Lanes has applied for a Cigarette and Tobacco Product License. The premise is located at 109 N. Scott St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Robert Stephenson, manager of Dollar General Store #6571 has applied for a Cigarette and Tobacco Product License. The premise is located at 905 E. Division St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- OM Wautoma Oil, Inc.(aka Wautoma Pit Stop Express) has applied for a Cigarette and Tobacco Product License. The premise is located at 613 W. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Albertario Torres of El Popo has applied for a Cigarette and Tobacco Product License. The premise is located at 340 E. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Donald Zietlow of Kwik Trip, Inc. has applied for a Cigarette and Tobacco Product License. The premise is located at 935 E. Main St. City of Wautoma, Waushara County, Wisconsin.
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding the individuals listed below that have applied for a license to serve fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors, subject to the limitations imposed by section 125.12(1), 125.32(2) of the Wisconsin statues and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto:
Dollar General Corporation: Kelly Cryan, Linea Urukalo, Robert Stephenson, Lawrence Gatta, Ted Druckrey, and Marylou Johnson
Grimm’s One More and I Gotta Go: Christie (Pomahac) Raabe and Megan Reetz
El Popo: Dana Letual, Lisa Roche, Albertario Torres, Linda Maya and Omar Torres
Dogger’s Bar and Lanes: Ryan Deuel, Tobey Clark, Cynthia Bray and Steven Maples
OM Wautoma Oil, Inc.: Tanya Abrams, Elizabeth Ashley, Judith Raatz, Illiona Reyes, Oscar Reyes, Jr., Jeanene Roberts, Denise Thompson, Crystal Wadel, and Laclyn Zanto
Stone Ridge Piggly Wiggly:Patrick King, Gail Henschel, Susan Miller, Jacqueline Miller, Cheyenne Radley, Luanne Simenson
Kwik Tripp: April Gunther, Peggy Candra, Debra Schultz, Susan Goers, Diane Kluck and Jessica Modrow
Waushara Area Chamber of CommerceTemporary Operator License Gary Christensen for July 4th and July 5, 2014.
10. Public Hearing: None
a. 14-06 A resolution approving the electronic compliance maintenance annual report.
12. Ordinances:
- Amending Chapter 60, Utilities, Article III, Sewer System, Division 3 Construction and Installation.
13. Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer’s Correspondence
- Administrator/ Clerk/ Treasurer’s monthly report
- Chief Weiss’ monthly report
- Matt Reepsdorf was hired as the temporary seasonal public works employee.
- Notice of Board of Review on June 10, 2014 at 1 p.m.
14. Mayor’s Report to Council:
- Letter from Judy Downie resigning from the WWII Board.
- Letter from Pastor Mark Clements from the Coulee Region Prayer Consortium
- Reminder for residents to register their pets by June 20th.
- Update on Dog Park.
15. Committee Reports:
Finance and Personnel
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding the payment of the monthly vouchers. Review of the end of the month vouchers that were paid.
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding a new/revised proposal from Dixon Engineering for the coating inspection service for the 250,000 gallon water tower for $17,126.
- Discussion and appropriate action to revise the Community Development Block Grant- Public Facilities list of project for the proposed 2015 street, sanitary sewer and storm sewer upgrades.
16. Old Business:
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding the color and design of the city’s water tower.
17. New Business:
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding the city’s 2013 audited financials performed by Kerber Rose and Associates.
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding an amended and restated development agreement between the City of Wautoma and Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. to extend the date of creating 200 jobs to December 31, 2015 and retaining those jobs until at least December 31, 2017.
- Discussion and appropriate action to allow James Nezat 219 Hazel St. to have three dogs at his home.
- Change order 4 from PTS Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $5,722.20 for the sanitary sewer project.
- Discussion and appropriate action regarding letter from Mary Bohn disputing charges for thawing her water lateral a second time.
- The common council may move to go into closed session per state statue 19.85(1)(g)Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.
- Rey Vega
18. Adjournment
PLEASE NOTE: Under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if special accommodations are necessary to attend the meeting, please notify the City Administrator/ Clerk/ Treasurer at 787-4044.