City Council

October 6, 2014





Monday, October 6, 2014

Red Bud City Hall

City Council Chambers

The City Council of Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinois met on Monday, October 6, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at Red Bud City Hall, City Council Chambers.

Members Present: Mayor Tim Lowry, Clem Esker, Don Thompson, Mike Reed, Bill Hanebutt, Glenn Linnertz, Ronnie White, Clarence Nail

Members Absent: Jeff Toenjes

Others Present: Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; Police Chief, Dan Brotz; City Attorney, Paul Ray; City Superintendent, David “Louie” Diewald; City Superintendent Trainee, Josh Eckart; City Code Administrator, Jeff Mueller; City Clerk, Karla Landgraf

I.  Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Lowry

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call by City Clerk, Karla Landgraf

IV. Approval of Financial Statements

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Reed, to approve the Financial Statements as presented and file for audit. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye. Motion carried.

V. Line Item Transfers

There were none.

VI. Approval of Estimated and Listed Bills

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to approve the estimated and listed bills. The vote was as follows: Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, abstain; Nail, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried with one abstaining.

VII. Consideration of any Additional Bills

Louie had one bill from Metro-Ag for sludge removal, that hasn’t been received yet, but wants approval for when it comes to be paid ASAP. The bill will be received once the project is complete next week. If it gets paid within 10 days of receipt, there is a 2% discount and the bill is approximately $20,000.00.

Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve paying the bill once upon receipt, for sludge removal from Metro-Ag. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, abstain; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

VIII. Correspondence and Public Guest Comments

A. Waverunners Swim Team

Amy Wolter, president of the Red Bud Waverunners Swim Team, came to the podium to voice the swim teams concerns about the ongoing use of the Red Bud Pool. She stated:

·  This year there were 84 kids on swim team, who used the pool on a daily basis.

·  Swim team members have to buy a pool pass

·  Swim team has been billed by the YMCA for use of the pool approx. $2500 this year

·  Concerns with YMCA’s rules, feel that these keep attendance down on a daily basis

·  Swim team hosts 6 regular meets per summer, plus a triathlon, and once every 6 years they host the conference swim meet. All of these bring people to Red Bud.

·  Recently Park and Rec Committee disbanded or restructured?

·  They will be attending the October Committee meetings in order to discuss their concerns further.

·  Main concern is the fear of losing the pool as Chester and Waterloo have. They want to work with the City in order to keep the pool open.

·  Mayor Lowry stated that we know we have an older pool and need to look at some things. We don’t have any plans to close the pool at this point. We are going to look at the management portion at this time also. More discussion to happen at the Committee Meeting in October.

Dennis Malott, a Red Bud citizen came to the podium to ask the City to look at his water/sewer bill in hopes of getting reimbursed for a broken water line and high water bills.

IX. Consent Agenda—Items Originated at Committee Level

Please note: Items with ** were removed from the consent agenda.

Consent Agenda – Items Originated At Committee Level As Indicated in ( )

A. City Council Meeting Minutes from September 2, 2014

Approval of minutes

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

B. Audit Report (Finance)

Acceptance of report

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

C. Halloween Trick or Treat Hours (Public Health & Safety)

Establish Hours between 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. on October 31

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

D. Request from Sporto’s (Public Health & Safety)

Approval of Music and Use of Parking Lot w/no Liquor Sales on City Property

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

E. Request from Beautification Committee (Cultural)

Collect at 4-way Stop on November 14 from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m.

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

F. Request from Muskets Athletic Association (Cultural)

Approval of Homecoming Events at Musket Field and Lincoln Park October 7-9, 2014

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

G. Request from St. John the Baptist Catholic School (Cultural)

Approval to sell donuts at 4-way on Saturday, November 22, 2014

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

H. Request from the VFW (Cultural)

Collect at 4-way on November 7, 2014 from 2-6 p.m.

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

I. Natural Gas Futures Contract (Public Works)

Approval of Contract and Authorization of Signatures

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

J. Andy Donjon Resignation (Public Works)

Acceptance of Resignation effective September 9, 2014

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

K. Training Request—Kenny Langrehr, Steve Mertz and Josh Eckart (Public Works)

Approval of Training Request for Specified Employees

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

L. Part-Time Help

Hiring Alan Ohms and Perri Mehring at the Established Rate of Pay/Physical & Drug Test

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, for approval of the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

X. Reports of Standing Committee, Departments and Other Committees, Boards & Commissions

A. Finance Committee—Meeting, September 25, 2014

1. Maturing CD’s

There are no CD’s left, no action.

B. Personnel Committee— Meeting, September 25, 2014

Nothing to report.

C. Public Health & Safety Committee— Meeting, September 25, 2014

Nothing to report.

D. Public Works Committee— Meeting, September 25, 2014

1. #4 Cooling Tower Line Repair

Nothing on this at this time.

2. Training Request—Tom Caverly

Motion made by Council Member Linnertz, seconded by Council Member Nail to send Tom Caverly to a training entitled: “3M Dynatel Locator Class” on October 21, 2014 in Earth City, MO with no registration fee, transportation is required. The vote was as follows: Linnertz, aye; White, aye; Nail, aye Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.

E. Code Enforcement Committee— Meeting, September 25, 2014

Nothing to report.

F. Cultural Committee— Meeting, September 25, 2014

1. Chamber of Commerce Lighted Parade Resolution No. 14-005

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Reed to approve Resolution No. 14-005, “A Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Street Closing for the Red Bud Chamber of Commerce Lighted Parade/Holiday Happenings”. The vote was as follows: White, aye; Nail, aye Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye. Motion carried.

G. Executive Session Minutes Review Committee—No Meeting

H. Planning and Public Policy Committee—Meeting Held with Planning Commission Mtg.

Nothing to report.

I. Planning Commission— Meeting, September 16, 2014

Continuing looking at the Comprehensive Plan for the City.

J. Economic Development Commission—No Meeting

Nothing to report.

K. Parks & Recreation Committee—Meeting, September 23, 2014

Nothing to report.

XI. Old Business

XII. New Business

A. Review of October Calendar

Date changed to Tuesday, October 28, 2014 in order to allow Mayor Lowry to attend another meeting.

B. Other Comments

C. Adjournment

Motion made at 7:16 p.m. by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Reed to adjourn the meeting. The vote was as follows: all ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Karla Landgraf, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois