City of Pescara

City of Pescara

City of Pescara


"Contest of planning for the urban retraining of the area of “ Area di risulta” ex central station of Pescara


Commune of Pescara, Italia n.1 square – 65100– C.F.: 00124600685 – tel. +39.085.42831 – situated internet site:

Accountable for the procedure: Arch. Emilia Fino.

Reception office of the contest: with commune of Pescara, urbanistic area, n. 10 Duca D’Aosta square 65100– tel. +39.085.4283790 – fax +39.085.4283563 – email: .


Law 11.02.994 n.109 and s.m.i. |art|. 17 and D.P.R. n. 554 of the 21.12.99 and s.m.i. |artt|. after 50 to 56 and 59-60-61.


The commune of Pescara entrust the public task, to the senses of the |art|. 59 – paragraph 2 of the quoted D.P.R. 554/99, a " contest of planning for the urban retraining of the “Area di Risulta” ex central station of Pescara ", in only degree and with the obligation of an economic financial study to norm of the |art|. 59 - paragraph 3 quoted, opened to all the subjects, in the the European Community circle in possession of the requisites of the |art|. 5 of the proclamation.

The official tongue is the Italian.


The contest has the purpose to acquire a proposal of urban retraining of the “Area di Risulta” of the ex central station of Pescara through the elaboration of a preliminary project and the editing of an economic financial study for the construction and management, on the basis of the finalities and demands pointed out in the Preliminary Document to the Planning attached to the present proclamation.

Synthetically the objectives of the urban transformation are the followings.

-The location in the area of urban qualifying functions (cultural).

The principal function is identifiable in a cultural polyvalent structure. A function of great relief for the city and of meaningful new building will be constituted by a cultural structure of elevated architectural quality like catalyst of cultural and relational activity in degree to revitalize the whole urban area of reference. This structure has been individuated in the library provincial " G. D’Annunzio ", which is not only a place of the reading but above all as center of cultural and social interrelation defined by ample spaces for a vast range of cultural and recreational activity that allows the fruition even in the evening. A structure with polyfunctional characteristics of exchange of culture ( internet, wander for events, little |auditorium| , refreshments ).

-the riconfigurazione of public spaces and parks of quality.

The public park has to occupy an elevated surface ( minimum 80 % ) and cover with a green mantle part of the area. The park has to represent an occasion to live in the open air any tied up activities per time free and to the cultural of the city, even for example tanks to the offer of shows in the open air during the day and the evening ( the park as great social fact ). In this parkthere will be present little building, realized with light technology ( typical of the mobile architectures ) destined to entertain recreational activities. The park will be like a place of the point of view of the urban landscape and of the existing architectures and of project, integrating, in an unitary image, the different urban elements that converge in the area.

- the expansion of the services to the city across the realization of car-parking- lots | and terminal bus.

One or more undergrounding park, in degree to contain from about 2.000 to 3.000 cars, to more level and in part out, this progect have to studied with the due attention in its impact on the enviroment, holding in the due account the in considerable superficiality of the water stratums that are to quotas relatively low ( mt. 2.50/3.00 about ). The work is destined to replace the existing parking, revaluing the dimensional, project and managerial characteristics. ( …..) The bus station (bus terminal) is shaped in functional way and reported to the park and to the system of anticipated parking lots from the intervention.

Maximum cost of realization of the intervention to plan: € 52.000.000 excluded technical expenses, iva and burden for the safety ex D.Lgs. 494/96.


The share to the contest is open to the people pointed out to the |art|. 17 – paragraph 1– |lett|. d)- e) – f) – g) – g-bis) of the law 109/94 and s.m.i.. in rule with the registration to roll, record, list in demand by law or fit administrative in accordance with the juridical nature of the subjects the same and in accordance with the affiliation members state of the U.E.. To the senses of the |art|. 51 – paragraph 5 of the DPR 554/99 the temporary groups have to foresee the presence of a trained professional by less of five years to the exercise of the profession in accordance with the norms of the U.E. state of residence.

All the participants will be able use of advisors and/or collaborators. They will be able be destitute of registration to the professional rolls, the partecipants won't have to find in the conditions of incompatibility of which to the |art|. 6 of the proclamation and they won't be able to be component of the group; their polites and ther attributions will be definite in the competing group without invest the relationship of the group with the commune of Pescara. They will have to declared their qualify and the nature of the their consultation or collaboration.

The societies of engineering and the professional societies have to| possess the requisites of which to the |art|. 53 and 54 of the DPR 554/99.


to the senses of the art. 52 of the D.P.R. 554/99 is excluded by the contest the subjects of which to the preceding |art|. 5 what they is in the anticipated conditions from the |art|. 12 of the D.Lgs. n. 157/95 and s.m.i.;

It apply the suitable limits from the |art|. 51 – paragraph 1– 2 and 3 of the DPR 554/99 and s.m.i. and from the |art|. 11 of the D.P.R. 382/80 and s.m.i..

The share to the competition is not also admitted for:

a)the components the jury, their consorts and their relatives and they till the III inclusive degrees;

b)The administrators, the the town council advisers and the staff the commune of Pescara, even with forward contract, the advisors of the commune with continuous contract;

c)Those people who have intercourse of dependent work with commune public institutions or administrations, save the hypothesis of which to the |art|. 57, paragraph 2 DPRS 554/99;

d)the employers or those people that have any relationship of work or continuous and notorious collaboration with limbs of the Examining Commission.

A same competitor cannot be part of more of a group. A same professional is able participate in an only form: single, in partnership or in society. The violation of such prohibition involves the exclusion of all the accessory which the professional is represent.


To take part in the contest is necessary to effect the registration on special form ( card of registration that it is possible to find in the site internet of the commune of Pescara: that together to the payment of the sum of € 120, give straight to the withdrawal of the documentation of the contest.

The documentation of the contest, furnished in fully grown compatible digitalis, is constituted by:

a)preliminary document to the planning of which to the |art|. 15 – paragraph 5 of the D.P.R. 554/99;

b)quoted planimetries of the interested areas from the intervention;

c)the reports and the relating graph to the geologic investigations, geotechnical, hydrologic, hydraulic and seismic effect on the same areas;

d)photographic documentation;

e)project tables;

f)announcement of competition and forms for the editing of the appeal and of the substitutive declarations.

Whole documentation will be able is viewed all days, excluded Saturday and festive, from the hours 9 , 00 am till 11 , 45 am and from 16 , 00 pm still 16 , 45 pm from Tuesday still Thursday, with the reception office of the contest, commune of Pescara, Urbanistic Area. This documentation is available on cd and it will be able be retired, previous compilation of the card of registration and payment of € 120,00, with the reception office of the competed in the same days and hours above indicated. The documentation is available on the internet site of commune of Pescara, downloadable through password, that will come communicated away electronic mail to everybody who askit sending, away fax to the reception office of the contest ( fax +39 085 4283563), the card of registration, compiled, and the copy of the happened payment of the sum of € 120 by banking credit transfer in favor of commune of Pescara– Spa CARIPE treasurer, n. of c/c 0360123489– motive " European contest planning " ( coordinate national: BBAN– L0624515411CC0360123489; international coordinates: BBAN-L0624515411CC0360123489, IBAN– IT 50, SWIFT– BPALIT34). The present proclamation, the card of registration, the form for the editing of the appeal of share and of the substitutive declarations are also available on the internet site of th ecommune of Pescara:

In the date 3. aprils 2004 a lecture of presentation is developed about the contents of the competed with guided tour to the area of intervention. Schedules and formality will come published on the situated internet site of the commune of Pescara..


The competitors have to introduce the elaborate technicians and the administrative documents required to take part in the competed with the formalities at a stretch points out punishment the exclusion. To guarantee the anonymous share to the contest the competitors have to adopt a witticism to affix to the outside of the envelopes and of the packet and on the sheet, files, graphic.

The project proposal will have to be introduced in forms absolutely anonymous, it will have to be composed by the suitable documents in the |art|. 9 and will have to be contained in an only separate anonymous envelope when has to entirely appear the witticism and the following wording: ENVELOPE TO-PROJECT PROPOSAL.

The administrative documentation will have to be composed by the documents pointed out to the following art.10 and has to be integrated in a separate anonymous envelope when has to entirely appear the witticism and the following wording: B ENVELOPE-ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTATION.

The two envelopes( envelope A and envelope B ) have to be integrated in an only anonymous packet on which frontispiece has to entirely appear the witticism and the sentence " contest of planning FOR the urban retraining of the “Area di Risulta” of the ex station of Pescara ".

The two envelopes and the packet that contains them have to be closed with sealing wax or with transparent adhesive tape on the edges of closing, opaque and rigorously anonymous, for which won't have to bring any heading, signs, stamp or other sign that consents the individualization of the participat.

The packet has to reach directly or by post to the reception office of the competed with the commune of Pescara-urbanistic area-n.13 Duca D’aosta Square– Only counter-CAP 65100 within and not over the 12:00 hours of the 110° following day to that of consignment of the proclamation of which to the |art|. 19 ( 14 junes 2004 ), suffers the exclusion. The date and the hour brings in the stamp of acquisition to the reception office of the contest will bear witness. In the case of postal transmission the date and the hour brings in the consignment will bear witness. In the case will be excluded the reached packets over the seventh day from the expiration set for the delivery will be encluded. If the consignment happens by post and the posts require the indication of the sender, exclusively the professional order of affiliation of the participant will be able to be suitabe or, in the case of groupings, of the designate group leader.

Art 9-ENVELOPE A )-project proposal

The envelope has to contain an only project proposal, suffer the exclusion.

The project proposal, render explicit in anonymous form, has to be formulated across n. 4 fully grown tables A0 ( cm 118 , 8 * 84) and a fully grown relationship A4 with a maximum of 25.000 wisecracks; in the specific thing:

–the tables, paginated in accordance with the enclosure schemes to the proclamation, drawn up in black and white or to color, have to be mounted on rigid support of the maximum thickness of 10 mm, predisposed for the exposure and have to use as system of measure the decimal system and bring a metric graphic reference, in way to consent even publications in fully grown foyer.;

–the typed report has to contain the project criterions adopteds, the architectural solutions proposals, the select technical-constructive in relation to objectify foreseed by the proclamation let alone the economic formalities of realization, or a synthetic economic-financial study with the individualization of the means of innovative finance for the realization and the management of the interventions.

The partecipation o the contest happens in anonymous form; all the elaborated to introduce will have to be marked by a witticism; the same witticism has to be suitable in the question of share to the contest.

To the project proposal will have to besides be attached, penality the exclusion:

-1a copy of the reduced tables in fully grown A3;

-2a CD, in anonym forms and marked by the witticism, containing:

or the file of the tables of project in fully grown |dxf| or |dwg|;

or the file of the reduction of the tables in A3 in fully grown |tif| and resolution 300 |dpi|;

or the file of the complete relationship in fully grown |doc|;

or a synthesis of the relationship in fully grown |doc|, with a maximum of 3.000 wisecracks, with the


This envelope has to contain:

- question of share to the contest of containing planning, the under listing substitutive declarations to the senses of the |artt|. 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. n. 445 of the 28.12.2000, undersigned by the professional or legal representative and equiped by photostatic legible not certifieded copies of a document of identity of the underwriter to the senses of the art.38 paragraph 3 of the aforesaid D.P.R.:

1)name, last name, date of birth, domicile, deliver telephone, fax, e-mail;

2)type of share to the contest( in partnership single freelance, professional, group leader or component of temporary, legal groupings society representative or of consortium);

3) to be listed in the professional order with the indication of the number and date of registration;

4)doesn't find in the conditions of which to the art.12 of the D.L.vo 157/95 and following modifications, to the senses of the |art|. 52 of the DPR 554/99 as replaced by the art.1 of the D.P.R. n.412 of the 30.08.2000; N.B.: the substitutive declaration doesn't find in the anticipated situations in the letter B ) of the |art|. 12 of the D.Lgs. 157/95, as specified by the quoted |art|. 52, the substitutive declaration has to be introduced from the technical executive boards, for the societies of professionals or of engineering, from all the partners in the case of general partnership, from all the general partners in the case of society and from all the fortified administrators of the powers of representation in the other cases;

5)that there aren’t causes of anticipated exclusion from the art.51– paragraph 1– 2 and 3 of the D.P.R. n.554 of the 21.12.99 and s.m.i.e from the |art|. 11 of the D.P.R. 382/80 and s.m.i.;

6)what don't exist causes of incompatibility for the share to the competition for the senses of the current provisions and of the |art| 6 of the proclamation;

7)in the eventuality of temporary groupings to constitute, the indication of the designate professional as group leader and the appointment of the agent-in case the grouping results winner of the contest-to confer collective special order with representation to the aforesaid group leader, which will stipulate the possible convention in name and to count one's own and of the agents;

8)in the case of society, to have to be to the C.C.I.A.A.– Office Records Enterprises– with the indication of the denomination, of the number and date of registration, of the nominatives of the technical executive boards, of the legal representatives or persons delegated to represent and hock legally the society, of all the general partners for the societies in, of all the partners in the case of |snc|, with the precise statement that in the comparisons of the society they are not present, in the last five years, adjudications of bankruptcy, admission in agreement and temporary receivership;

9)in the case of society of engineering: the partecipants have to posses the requisites of the |art|. 53 of the DPR 554/99 and s.m.i.;

10) in the case of professional society: they have to posses the requisites of the |art|. 54 of the quoted DPR ;

11)they have to accept that for every and any controversy not definable administratively the Forum of Pescara is exclusively competent with express resignation at the optional Forum of the |art|. 20 of the C.P.C.;

12) they have to take vision of the places of project and to accept all the conditions contained in the proclamation of competition;

13)they have to take action that the commune of Pescara has the right to the diffusion and to the publication of the elaborate project, of the name and last name of the participants and of the collaborators;

14)it can, eventually, of advisors or/and collaborators, with the declaration that they are not in the conditions of incompatibility of the |art|. 6 of the proclamation and with the indication of their qualify and nature of the consultation and/or collaboration;

15)the witticism that marks all the elaborate of project ( tables, relationship, CD ).

In the demand will have to be expressly pointed out that " the listing declarations are made with the awareness that in the case of mendacious declarations, falsehood in fit and use of false actions, the people incurs in established penis from the Penal Code and from the legislation in this subject, in accordance with prescribed by the art.76 of the DPR 445/2000 ".

The substitutive declarations will have to be produced from every component of the in partnership study, of the temporary grouping.

The demand and the substitutive declarations have to be undersigned in every page, if the people uses the predisposed form from this Administration this completes, over to be undersigned in every page, it has to be regularly compiled crossing the parts that are not of interest.

Art. 11– PRIZES.

The contest will end with a classification of worth and with the attribution of the following prizes, to the gross thing of the fiscal deductions and/or of law:

1)attribution to the winner of the 1° prize of € 70.000;

2)attribution to the second classified of the 2° prize of € 30.000;