R E G U L A R M E E T I N G SEPTEMBER 19, 2017

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass Christian, Mississippi met on the above date at the Municipal Court Bldg., 105 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian, Mississippi, at 6:00 p.m., same being the time and place for said meeting.

PRESENT: Mayor Chipper McDermott, Alderman Anthony Hall, Alderwoman Regina Charlot, Alderman Buddy Clarke, Alderman Victor Pickich, Alderman Kenny Torgeson, Asst. Police Chief Carbine, City Attorney Malcolm Jones and City Clerk Marian Gest.

There being a quorum present to transact the business of the City, the following proceedings were had and done.

Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, to open bids for Davis Avenue Municipal Parking Lot.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, to accept, tabulate and award bids for Davis Avenue Municipal Parking Lot at a later date.

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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, minutes of the August 31, 2017 Special Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting, as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, minutes of the September 5, 2017 Regular Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting, as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-2.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, minutes of the September 11, 2017 Special Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting, as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-3.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Charlot, the Board approved unanimously, proclamation recognizing “Jesmyn Ward Day” for her outstanding achievements, as requested by Wendy Allard, Head Librarian. A-4.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, proclamation recognizing October 2017 as Down Syndrome Awareness Month, as requested by Riley McIlwain, GCDSS President. A-5.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, discussing Dog Park at City owned property on Clarke Avenue, as requested by Mary Bourdin. A-6.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, ratifyingContract for Boat Slip Lease with the Miss. Department of Marine Resources for their vessel, the Conservationist, for a term beginning on October 1, 2017 for one-year term at the rate specified in the Contract, $1.00 for slip rental plus utilities. A-7.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, WPSCO Invoice #16204 in the amount of $874.00 for overtime repairs per paragraph 2.05and 2.09, not to exceed 10 hours (4 for weekends and 6 for weekdays) each week, in accordance with contract and charge to account 400-704-636, as recommended by WPSCO/Utility Manager. W-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, adjustment request from Lisa Herring in the amount of $533.16 in garbage collection charges from August 2014 thru August 2017. Customer lives in the County and garbage is paid with Harrison County millage and taxes. Recommendation is to approve this request. W-2.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board denied unanimously, ratifying accepting resignation from Thomas Faye, Beautification Labor, effective Friday, September 8, 2017 and ratify advertising for vacancy of position. B-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Dwight Gordon and Dia’Mond Woodman to a three-day MS Fire Investigators Association 2017 Fall Seminar in Vicksburg, MS, October 25 -27, 2017. Registration Chief Gordon -$175.00(member rate) and Lt. Woodman - $225.00(non-member rate). Cost of the room $207.00 (shared room), per diem will be $80.00 each and use of city vehicle, as requested by Fire Chief Gordon. CA-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Russell Holliman to a three-day American Public Works Association Conference in Biloxi, MS, October 18-20, 2017. Conference fee is $200.00 and the use of the city vehicle is required, as requested by Public Works Director Holliman. CA-2.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, request to transfer the following item from the Recreation Department (506) to the Beautification Department (502), as requested by Recreation Director Bentz.

·  Copy Machine Tag No.: 79A Asset #798

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following item located at the Harbor Department as surplus and disposal and remove from inventory. Items were sold at auction and/or duplicates items on the City inventory, as requested by Harbormaster Davis. CA-4.

·  1998 Horton Trailer Tag No.: 1139 Asset #524 Auction

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1413 Asset#113 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1870 Asset#1601 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1871 Asset#1602 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1872 Asset#1603 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1873 Asset#1604 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1874 Asset#1605 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1875 Asset#1606 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1876 Asset#1607 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1877 Asset#1608 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1878 Asset#1609 Duplicate

·  2-way Radio Tag No.:1879 Asset#1610 Duplicate

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, request to transfer the following item from the Police Department (200) to City Hall (1), as requested by Police Chief Hendricks. CA-5.

·  2008 Crown Victoria Tag No.:8 Asset:#0209

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, payment of the following Kevin Scott Fitzpatrick Architect August 2017 invoices totaling $495.00. CA-6.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following items listed below located at Recreation Department the as surplus to be disposed due to equipment upgrades, damaged equipment, duplicated items on inventory and/or items cannot be located, remove from inventory/fixed assets, as requested by Recreation Director Bentz. CA-7.

·  - Cell phone Asset#575 Tag#333 Upgraded

·  - 4-batting tee set Asset#806 Tag# NA broken

·  - 16 basketballs Asset#807 Tag# NA broken

·  - 24 footballs Asset# 808 Tag# NA broken

·  - 25 footballs Asset#809 Tag# NA broken

·  - 27 PC Yth Football Jerseys Asset# 1017 Tag#NA 2006 purchase

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following items listed below as surplus and remove from City inventory. Items have no value. Participants in the programs get to keep their jerseys as part of the registration fee which was already BOA approved, as requested by Bret Bentz, Recreation Director.

·  2016 Basketball Jerseys (60 Jerseys)

·  2016 Soccer Uniforms (30 Uniforms)

·  2017 Flag Football T-Shirts (53 T-Shirts)

·  2017 Baseball Uniforms (47 Uniforms)

·  2017 Tennis Shirts (20 T-Shirts)

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following items listed below located at the Fire Department as surplus and disposal and remove from inventory. Items are upgraded, damaged, duplicates and/or unable to locate, as requested by Police Chief Hendricks. CA-9.

·  Asset 627 Tag# 463 Vostro 220 Slim Tower Serial#2JRP9K1 Upgrade

·  Asset 629 Tag# 406 Refrigerator Serial# LD786633 Disposed

·  Asset 630 Tag# 630 Washing Machine Serial# CS3501820 Disposed

·  Asset 632 Tag# 431 Vacuum Cleaner Serial# 0635400834 Broken

·  Asset 633 Tag# 457 Vacuum Cleaner Serial# 0634600499 Broken

·  Asset 647 Tag# ___ Mold Tear Air Scrubber Removed from service

·  Asset 1030-1040 Twin Peerless Mattress Set Upgraded

·  Asset 1041 Tag# 051 TV Stand Removed from service

·  Asset 1045 Tag# 464 Vostro 220 Slim Tower Serial# 4JRP9K1 Removed from service

·  Asset 1054 Tag# 564 42” Shop Fan Serial# 003709 Removed from service

·  Asset 1059 Tag# 1809 RCA 32” TV Removed from service

·  Asset 1070-1076 Tag# 1814-1820 Leather Furniture Damaged

·  Asset 1079 Tag# 1823 Executive Highback Chair Disposed

·  Asset 1404 Tag# 160194 Bolt Cutters Damaged and Disposed

·  Asset 1405 Tag# 160195 Bolt Cutters Worn out and Disposed

·  Asset 1416 Tag# ___ ID Card System Printer Serial# 11437 Damaged

·  Asset 1423 Tag# 16000000003 Calculator Damaged

·  Asset 1524 Tag# ___ 37” LG TV Damaged

·  Asset 1538 Tag# 160283 Suction Unit Premium Serial# 91120401 Out dated

·  Asset #1064 Weedeater Push Mower Tag #488 Broken

·  Asset# 635 Ice Machine Tag#422 Broken

* * *

Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following items listed below located at the Police Department as surplus and disposal and remove from inventory. Items are upgraded, damaged, duplicates and/or unable to locate, as requested by Police Chief Hendricks. CA-10.

·  Page 089 Tag 952 Asset 991

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 090 Tag 951 Asset 992

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 090 Tag 949 Asset 993

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 090 Tag 950 Asset 994

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 091 Tag 948 Asset 995

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 091 Tag 947 Asset 996

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 091 Tag 946 Asset 997

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 092 Tag 945 Asset 998

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 092 Tag 944 Asset 999

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 097 Tag 1 Asset 1014

Charger Ma/Com NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Page 107Tag 3461 Asset 1291

In Car Video System SN FBE306823 Cannot Locate

·  Page 108 Tag 3462 Asset 1292

In Car Video System SN FBE306822 Cannot Locate

·  Page 109 Tag 3466 Asset 1296

In Car Video System SN FBE306818 Cannot Locate

·  Page 109 Tag 3467 Asset 1297

In Car Video System SN FBE306817 Cannot Locate

·  Page 113 Tag 3477 Asset 1307

HP Photosmart M415 Digital Camera SN CN5AE16M7C Cannot Locate

·  Page 140 Tag 28 Asset 951

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Could Not Locate Last Year

·  Page 143 Tag 894 Asset 984

Bulletproof Vest NO SERIAL NUMBER Cannot Locate

·  Tag 3507 Asset 1340

·  Printer S/N LPQY062205 Damaged

·  Iphone 6S Tag No.: 3577 Asset #1586 Broken

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, receiving monthly Budget Report for August 2017 from City Clerk, as requested by Marian Gest, City Clerk. CA-11.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, Claims Docket in the amount of $118,246.02. CD-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, to go into closed session to discuss Police Department personnel issue, as per Police Chief Hendricks. ES-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, to go into Executive Session to discuss Police Department personnel issue, as per Police Chief Hendricks. ES-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderwoman Charlot, the Board approved unanimously, to come out of executive session.

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, to follow the recommendation of Police Chief Hendricks to demote SSgt. Estes to Patrolman effective immediately.

·  Alderman Clarke: Aye

·  Alderwoman Charlot: Aye

·  Alderman Torgeson: Aye

·  Alderman Hall: Aye

·  Alderman Pickich: Aye

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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, motion to recess at 7:44 p.m. until the September 19, 2017 Regular Mayor and BOA meeting.

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Mayor Date


City Clerk Date