City of Nicoma Park
Special Meeting
November 1, 2016
6:00 p.m.
The City Council of Nicoma Park met in the Conference Room at 2221 Nichols Dr., Nicoma Park, OK.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mark Cochell at 6:00 p.m.
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Councilmembers present
Jim Pumphrey – Ward 1
June Wiegert – Ward 2 (arrived at 6:17 p.m.)
Bobby Kolar – Ward 3
Steve West – Ward 4 (arrived at 6:12 p.m.)
Dixie Vickers – Ward 5
Brian Foughty – Ward 6/Vice Mayor
Mark Cochell – Mayor
Councilmembers absent
Others present
Beverly McManus – City Clerk
Robert Thompson – City Attorney
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2. Discussion only was held on the following items:
Public Hearing on Municipal Issues
The Mayor discussed the progress of the sewer project. He expects all the line to be in the ground within the next 2 weeks. The line on Anderson will need to sit for 30 days before it can be tested. Everyone, with the exception of those on Anderson south of Eastwood and those on NE 10th, can now be hooked up. There is a construction meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
The Mayor has received a bid to clean up the dilapidated structures on Myers Terrace and on NE 23rd Street. The bid is for $8,000. He asked the City Attorney if we proceeded, is there a way to collect the funds sooner when a lien is filed. The City Attorney said we could ask to foreclose on the lien and through this process we could receive the funds soon and could asked to be reimbursed for the attorney and court costs.
The Library representative is wanting to meet with the Mayor to discuss the repair of their north parking lot.
The Mayor had a meeting with the Masonic Lodge and a storm shelter representative. They storm shelter company is going to donate two shelters for the Lodge to use in a raffle to help purchase playground equipment for the park. The Kiwanis are also hosting a spaghetti dinner and will match up to $5,000 to go towards the park.
The Mayor reported three lift stations have been taken off line and the NE 23 Street pump has been moved to the NE 17th Lift Station. We are working with Veolia Water to get the NE 17th Lift Station repaired and updated so it will be in great working condition. It will be the only lift station needed once the sewer project is complete.
Dustin Bean had asked the Mayor if we could have curbside pickup monthly. The answer was no. The contract is for quarterly.
The Mayor discussed a letter he received from a lady asking to be able to house 20 pigs on her property due to a disability. It was determined by the City Attorney this did not meet the legal requirements and denying the request did not violate the Fair Housing Act.
Councilmember Pumphrey discussed the 9-1-1 changes with the State taking over the system. Nothing has been done at this time.
Councilmember West asked is something could be done with the debris being left at the Methodist Church property on Westminster. He was told this is a code violation and to call our code enforcement to help with the problem.
Councilmember Vickers stated she had talked with Carol Long and it appeared that they have starting cleaning up at the Cook property on Westminster.
Verna Kolar serves on the Choctaw Area Chamber of Commerce and asked for input from the Council for her to mention at the meetings.
3. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Approved by City Council on December 6, 2016.
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