City of Lyons

Phone:(503)859-2167449 5th Street

Fax:(503)859-5167Lyons, Oregon 97358


April 28th, 2015

Council Present: Mayor Dan Burroughs, Mark Orr, Lloyd Valentine, Troy Donohue

Council Absent:

Others Present: Kristin Rea, Ken Cartwright, Brenda Harris, Richard Berkey, Pamela Brown, Mr. Brown, Pam Philippi, Jessica Ritchie, Tori Hansen, Candi Hampton, Stan Franklin, Barbara Orr, Micki Valentine, & Karlton Bruns

Open @ 7:30 by Mayor Dan Burroughs

Conflict of Interest – none

Consent Agenda

Bill Pay – Code Publishing , motion detector repair, copying costs, shredder, PERS explanation, unemployment funds, grant expense,

Resolution 507 & 508 Transfers to Library & Cemetery

Minutes not available – they are on the website. Not voting on tonight

Lloyd motion to accept the consent agenda as is –Troyseconds – motion passes with all in favor.

Resolution 506 for Law Enforcement Annual Contract – $11,576, 11 hours/month

Mark motions to approve – Troy seconds – motion passes with all in favor.

Budget Committee – application received from Pamela Brown for budget committee. Mark motions to appoint to budget committee, and planning commission – Lloyd seconds – motion carried with all in favor. Budget Officer – Mark motions to appoint Kristin as budget officer – Troy seconds – motion carried with all in favor.

Vacant Council Seat – one application from Karlton Bruns

Tabled to next meeting to allow more time for more applicants.

Fishing Derby – Linn County Sheriff’s at 13th StPark, OR Dept of Fish & Wildlife will place 5,000 fish in it at no charge. Troy motions to accept – Lloyd seconds – motion carried with all in favor.

City-wide Clean Up–Mayor Burroughs will be there with backhoe, Lloyd will be available after 12 o’clock, Troy can do the first part. Date is May 16th, free except for a small charge for tires, refrigerators, and computers.

Liaison Report

Officer Greg Klein explains report – enhanced patrol includes security checks. Eleven hours. Summertime will give more time to 13th Street towards John Neal Park, dayshift down by the school. Calls for servicesare included in basic service not part of contract services. Traffic concerns are main concern. Sheriff can put it on focus patrol. No camping allowed along the river so they monitorfor transients. Discussed Neighborhood Watch, had a good turnout – meetings are quarterly. Asked about summer events, none planned. Officer Steve Church is in charge of the fishing derby, in June.Sheriff’s office can help with traffic control.

Staff Report

Kristin Rea reports on the job advertisements. Two applications received so far, the 13th is the last day to receive applications. Cemetery project update. Grant paperwork submitted for both the cemetery and TMDL. Pay range for Recorder position discussed, previously agreed $18-21 per hour – Kristin will update. Experience and education discussed. It was noted that the videographer was not present for two meetings. Mark motions $18-21 pay depending on experience, degree preferred, and 30 days in Statesman Journal–Troy Donohue seconds – motion passes.

Library Report

Brenda Harris reports on the lights not working right. Donohue hasn’t received information on the lights or anything else. As pro-tem he would like the info. He is not able to fill in if the Mayor is not available. Lights discussed.

Mark asks about a letter directed to him and asks about whether it’s a public document. If it’s City business it’s a public record. Point of order.

Brenda continues with her report, checkouts, new patrons, and participation program. Circulation program updated and training is done. Blue Cloud allows the library to store information offline – safer way. She is currently working on the summer reading program.

Commissioner/Liaison Reports

Mayor Burroughs doesn’t have anything for transportation or building.

Mark is working with Neighborhood Watch. Update for police already provided.

Lloyd – cemetery tree that fell is cleaned up. Mr. Branch will take care of remaining pile. The signs won’t peel off. Richard cleaned up the pruning piles. Cemetery looks good. Discussed headstone casing that is cracked – need to repair. Street sign at Front & 226 has been run over by a truck and laying flat. It’s back up but pole needs replaced.

Donohue is still working on locating a handrail for the library. Parks –reviewing budget to obtain bark for middle section of FreresPark. John Neal is open.

Next meeting – 26th of May

Agenda requests – Mark asks if we can hire a temporary. Also asks for employee issuebe put on agenda.

Other Comments – Tori Hansen would like to address council. Mayor Burroughs denied – will put on future agenda.

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:08 pm