City of Lewisburg

Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2015

Paul R. Cooley Council Chambers

942 Washington Street, West, Lewisburg

PRESENT: Commission Chair Mark Etten; Commission members Michael Adelman, Lydia Hicks, Jeff Vickers, Florian Schleiff, Jim Simpson, Mike Dotson; Zoning Officer Chuck Smith, Recording Officer Peggy Mackenzie

ABSENT: Commission members John Manchester, Dylan Boone; Zoning & Planning Clerk Cheryl Yates

VISITORS: Jim Morgan

CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Mark Etten called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Public Hearing: Jim Morgan, Minor Subdivision, 176 Oak Street,

Greenbrier County Deed Book 541 Page 559 & Greenbrier County Deed Book 541 Page 562

Zoning Officer Chuck Smith stated at the May 7, 2015 Planning Commission meeting, it was noted that property owner Jim Morgan was out of the country and notifications of his plans to add a bay onto his garage were not mailed out to his neighborhood adjoining property owners. In his absence, surveyor Harvey Neel sent out 10 notices to adjoiners on May 21, 2015, of which seven were returned with no issues presented. Smith said of the three remaining, he called one who said they'd received the notice and sent it back with their approval. He left a message to a second one, but has not heard back. And the third has recently passed away. Smith checked with the post office, whose proof of receipt to all 10 adjoiners confirmed that they were delivered. He stated it could be considered sufficient for the commission that Morgan's intent to notify his neighbors of his plans has been met.

Morgan is adding a bay to an existing garage, previously built two to three years ago, and is requesting approval to move his property line 14 feet from its original location so that garage addition will comply with the zoning variance.

A Public Hearing was called at 7:06 p.m. and hearing no responses, Commission Chair Etten closed the Public Hearing at 7:06 p.m. A motion to approve the variance as presented was made by Commission member Jeff Vickers and seconded by Commission member Jim Simpson. With seven (7) in favor, two (2) absent, and 0 opposed, the motion carried.

Review of the Comprehensive Plan

Zoning Officer Smith stated that all eight chapters of the Comprehensive Plan have been reviewed by the commission members and they have been instructed to sent any comments to the Planning & Zoning Clerk Cheryl Yates as soon as possible for the WVU Law Academy lawyers to finalize.

Commission member Florian Schleiff commented that the city's previous Comprehensive Plan, complied in 2004, has a lot of features and maps which he thought might have use in the new plan. He asked whether the WVU Law Academy had seen it. Zoning Officer Smith said he did not think it was

City of Lewisburg

Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2015

Page 2

too late to add more information to the plan. Commission member Simpson stated that by law the plan would have had to have been reviewed by the WVU Law Academy.

Commission member Schleiff then asked whether the new plan addressed property owner who are not hooked up to the sewage system, and if not, whether their sewage went into the cave system. Zoning Officer Smith said he would inquire with Building Inspector Ray Still about the code on septic systems within city limits, and also with the PSD on the regulations for sewage hookups. He said it may be a matter of enforcement rather than a comprehensive plan issue.

COMMUNICATIONS FROM MEMBERS: The next meeting is scheduled for July 2, 2015 with a deadline of June 12, 2015.


The minutes of May 7, 2015 were approved with changes in a motion by Commission member Vickers and seconded by Commission member Michael Adelman. With seven (7) in favor, two (2) absent, the motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. in a motion by Commission member Vickers and seconded by Commission member Mike Dotson.

Respectfully Submitted,

Peggy Mackenzie

Recording Officer