Community Arts Program Grant Guidelines

Due May 5, 2017 at 5pm

The Community Arts Grant helps ensure diverse and accessible arts opportunities and experiences for Eugene’s small to mid-sized community arts organizations. Community Arts Program Grants provide funding to support strategic investment of organizational long-term vision and strategic goals.

The Community Arts Grant is funded by the City of Eugene Cultural Services Division and is administered by Lane Arts Council.For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018, final confirmation of these funds is contingent upon expected approval of the City’s budget in June 2017 by the Eugene City Council.

Lane Arts Council cultivates strong and creative arts communities throughout Lane County. Lane Arts Council is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, sex, sexual preference, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other classification by law.


The City of Eugene adopted the following goals and outcomes related to the arts:

Accessible and Thriving Culture and Recreation: A community where arts and outdoors are integral to our social and economic well-being and are available to all.

  • Accessible to all incomes
  • Preserve strength in arts and outdoors
  • Invest in arts and culture as an economic engine


Applicants are encouraged to consider the following goals when developing and describing proposed Community Arts Grants:

  • Enrich the lives of Eugene residents and visitors
  • Increase opportunities for residents to engage in the arts in its many forms
  • Encourage emerging artists and art forms
  • Preserve and commemorate local and multicultural traditions and histories
  • Represent the community in all of its diversity
  • Encourage partnerships among artists, performers, businesses, organizations, and agencies
  • Build existing and develop new audiences for arts and culture in Eugene
  • Provide comprehensive arts learning experiences for children, youth, and adults


The grant cycle for Program Grants includes the calendar year period between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.


An organization must fulfill all of the criteria below:

  1. The arts must be the central component of the organization’s mission
  2. Headquartered in Eugene
  3. Non-profit and have IRS 501(c)3 tax status
  4. In existence for a minimum of three years or be the result of merging organizations with at least a three-year history each
  5. Annual revenue of over $100,000 for the last two consecutive years
  6. Provide year-round programming
  7. Maintain continuous administration throughout the year

New applicants must contact Lane Arts Council by April 3, 2017 to confirm eligibility.


  1. Applicants that do not provide programming clearly accessible to the residents of Eugene
  2. Applicants scheduled to receive direct financial support or subsidy from the City of Eugene during July 1, 2017 -June 30, 2018. This does not include in-kind contributions.
  3. Organizations composed exclusively for re-granting
  4. Fiscal agents or umbrella organizations
  5. Applications that are incomplete or not finalized and submitted to Lane Arts Council by May 5, 2017 at 5pm.
  6. Applicants with incomplete or outstanding Community Arts Grant obligations


Organizations that apply for and receive Community Arts Program Grant funding are not eligible to apply for funding through any other Lane Arts Council or City of Eugene grant program except for the Community Arts Program Grant.


  1. New applicants must contact Lane Arts Council by April 3, 2017 to confirm eligibility.
  2. Complete the application including narrative, financials and supplemental materials following the instructions carefully and completely. Please double-check for accuracy, arithmetic errors and legibility.
  3. E-mail your application to Stacey Ray at y May 5, 2017 at 5pm.


All documentation listed below is required as part of this grant application.

  1. Organization’s current annual budget
  2. Organization’s most recent year-to-date financial statements, including profit & loss statement and balance sheet
  3. Last completed fiscal year’s financial statements, including profit & loss statement and balance sheet
  4. Explain any major budget fluctuations in revenue and/or expenses across all years as reflected in the chart above.
  5. If your organization’s unrestricted net assets are negative, explain your plan to reduce or eliminate the accumulated deficit.


All applicable documentation listed below is required as part of this grant application proposal.

  1. List of current board members, terms and officers, including professional affiliations
  2. Long-range or strategic plan, if one exists
  3. Current season brochures, programs, publicity materials and recent reviews


When crafting your responses to the narrative items, please keep the Program Goals and Review Criteria in mind. A panel will apply the following criteria in the review of applications:

  • Strategic impact funding will have on organization and its programs
  • Impact of programs on audience, participants or community
  • Innovation and creativity in programming and artist selection
  • Community involvement of the organization, as shown by representation and participation of diverse audiences.
  • Innovation in programming to reach new and diverse audiences
  • Strong partnerships in the community
  • Overall capacity and financial health of the organization


Community Arts Program Grant recipients will be required to submit a final report based on the end of their fiscal year in order to receive subsequent years of Community Arts Program Grant funding. This report will address actual financial information, audience demographics, and programmatic highlights, successes and challenges.

Please feel free to contact Lane Arts Council with further questions at 541-485-2278 or

Community Arts Program Grant Application

Name of Applicant Organization

Federal Tax ID


Phone No.
Contact Name
Contact Title
Contact E-mail
Contact Phone Number

Identify and list the number of those participating in and benefiting from your programs over the past year:

Artists (Paid):
Artists (Volunteer):
Audience (Paying):
Audience (Free):
Other (Describe and list numbers):

SIGNATURES / Statement of Non-Discrimination
By submitting this application, the applicant certifies that all information contained in this document is true and accurate, the applicant agrees to comply in every way with all applicable entity or individual receiving grant provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 42 USC Sec. 12101, et seq. and the applicant agrees not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, sex, marital status, political opinion, familial status, national origin, age, gender, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, military status, gender identity and source of income or disability status.
Executive Director Signature Date
E-mail Phone
Board President Signature Date
E-mail Phone

In no more than three pages, single-spaced, please describe how investment of a Community Arts Program Grant will support your organization’s strategic goals. You can include the following to support your narrative:

  • Mission and vision of your organization
  • Population your organization serves
  • Key arts needs in the community
  • Services your organization offers in response to those needs
  • Organization’s contributions to the arts environment, and to the broader community
  • Organization’s efforts to reach the broader community and/or targeted audiences with programs, including efforts to increase accessibility
  • Organization’s educational and/or outreach activities
  • Key strategies for resource development, partnership development and long-term sustained support for your organization