April 6, 2009

City Council President, Jason Bishop, called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM with the following members present: Mark Beitelspacher, Vicki Hoerner, Reinhold Eisenbeisz, Dale Bieber, Tim Thomas, and for a portion of the meeting Rick Boschee. Also present: Acting Finance Officer Cheryl Dewald and Rodney Schlecht, and for a portion of the meeting Jeff Poppen, Jon Kosiak, Tara Beitelspacher, and Hope Larson.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Bieber, to approve the agenda. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hoerner, seconded by Thomas, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 2, 2009, and the special meeting on March 16, 2009. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Receipts for the month of March: Cortrust Bank, Interest, $1,019.74; First State Bank, Interest, $592.47; Midcontinent Communications, Franchise Fee, $222.86; State of SD, Sales Tax, $12,142.67; Edmunds County, Taxes, $2,776.86, State Shared Revenue, County Shared Revenue, $1,182.31; Black Hat Saloon, Lease, $900.00; Rubble Site Fees/Tax, $831.92; Misc (land payments/library donation), $4,262; Penalties and Interest, $5.10; Pet Licenses, $15.00; Water/Sys Maint/Late Fees/ Reconnects/Meter Deposit, $6,066.67; Sewer/Late Fees, $5,192.35; Nursing Home, $92,444.90; and Hospital, $213,302.19.

The following claims were presented:


Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic Wages 146,317.26

Mayor/Council Wages 2303.00

City Financial Administration Wages 1217.00

Library Wages 877.70

Streets Department Wages 1053.40

Water/Sewer Department Wages 2240.40

IRS/CorTrust Bank, N.A. Payroll Taxes 33,967.67

Aberdeen Finance Corp Employee Payroll Deductions 185.06

Aflac Employee Payroll Deductions 1197.56

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc Employee Payroll Deductions 745.00

Bowdle Healthcare Foundation Employee Payroll Deductions 563.96

Conseco Health Insurance Employee Payroll Deductions 110.36

Delta Dental Employee Payroll Deductions 2489.66

DSS/Division of Child Support Employee Payroll Deductions 294.46

Nationwide Retirement Solutions Employee Payroll Deductions 23.52

Secure Benefits Systems Employee Payroll Deductions 492.50

United Accounts Employee Payroll Deductions 284.43

VSP Employee Payroll Deductions 152.58

Wellmark Health Plans Employee Payroll Deductions 26349.07

ARC City-Supplies 1329.39

Bowdle Best Foods City-Supplies 75.25

Bowdle Building and Hardware City-Supplies 75.17

Brown & Saenger City-Election Supplies 48.29

Clark Engineering Co. City-Professional Fees 3000.00

Community Transit City-Subsidy 150.00

Dakota Supply City-Supplies 198.72

Dewald, Cheryl City-Zoning Meeting 50.00

Evergreen City-Supplies 6.20

FEM City- Airport Utilities 36.00

G & O Electric City-Supplies/Labor 541.41

Geier, Joe City-Zoning Meeting 50.00

Gibson Publishing City-Publishing 395.81

Haberer’s Implement City-Supplies/Equipment 12137.91

Hoffman, Maurice City-Zoning Meeting 50.00

Interstate Office Products City-Supplies 32.14

KMLO-FM City-BEDC 150.00

Kurle, Alvin City-Zoning Meeting 50.00

Menards City-Supplies 78.24

April 2009 Meeting (continued)

Montana-Dakota Utilities City-Utilities 2219.12

North Central Farmers Elevator City-Supplies 4050.48

Petty Cash City-Supplies/Postage 15.69

Quaschnick Soft Water City- Water Softener Lease 12.50

SD Dept of Revenue City-Water Testing 12.00

SDML Workers’ Comp City-Worker’s Comp 51.00

SD Municipal League City-Travel/Conference 70.00

SD Dept of Revenue City-Sales Tax 27.72

Tubby’s City-Supplies 118.88

US Postmaster City-Postage/Box Rent 180.00

WEB City- Purchased Water 4567.20

Abler, Shari Transcriptions 1256.42

Adelsman PBBS Maintenance 498.67

Avera St. Luke’s Miscellaneous 18297.73

Bartlett, Jackie ER- Physician Coverage 1984.00

Beckman Coulter Capital Lease Payable/Admin Int 836.15

Beckman Coulter Inc Lab Supplies 267.71

Bowdle Best Foods Dietary Food 322.94

Bowdle Building and Hardware Maint-Supplies 88.77

Cam-Wal Electric Home Health MN ST Messenger 198.00

Cardinal Health Medical ER/Med Surg Supplies 1891.90

Cardinal Health RX Pharmacy-Drugs 4147.19

Division of Criminal Investigation Admin-Recruiting 20.00

City of Bowdle Utilities 897.75

Dakota Imagin, Prof Employee Relations 204.20

Dakota Truck Underwriter Insurance 10183.00

DDS/Division of Child Support NH Employee Payments 147.83

DMS Imaging, Inc. Radiology Professional Fees 3163.86

Ecolab Dietary Equip Rental 69.95

Fauth, Milna Home Health Mileage 16.00

Federal Express Admin Postage 50.28

First Choice of Midwest SVC Agreements 37.18

Gibson Publishing Admin-Adv 5.70

Grainger Maint-Minor Equip/Supplies 366.95

Healthland Admin SVC Agreements 179.19

Hosmer, City of Utilities/Rent 3.00

Hoven Media Admin Adv 36.00

IBM Corp Admin-Equip Lease 2875.67

Jacobs, Karen Home Health Mileage 97.39

Kaiser, Melanie Mileage 120.68

Kaiser, Nancy HC Education 62.16

Kiesz, Linda HC Travel 24.42

Kreisers, Inc Med Surg Supplies 2780.38

Logterman, W Consultant Fees 90.00

Lumnitz, Janice BC Wages 1444.50

Manifest Funding Services Admin-Equip Lease 2642.53

Medical Waste Transport Maint 144.65

Midland Press Admin-Adv 83.42

Midstates Printing Radiology Supply 244.99

Mobile PC Medic Admin-Svc Agreements 179.90

Mobridge Tribune Advertising 60.00

Montana-Dakota Utilities Utilities – NH/Hosp 11596.52

Nehlich, Darin RC Garbage/Snow 240.00

Network Services Co NH/Housekeeping/Admin Supplies 1926.58

Northern X-Ray Co Radiology 326.94

Northwest Blade Recruiting 30.00

Office Equipment Admin-Service Agreement/Supplies 1901.88

Olympus America Corp Med Surg Equip/Supplies 109.44

Petty Cash General Supply 83.96

Praxair Oxygen-Supplies 1239.82

April 2009 Meeting (continued)

Reuer Sanitation Garbage 505.00

Roscoe Best Foods Dietary Food 6.22

Roscoe Municipal Waterworks RC Utilities 40.00

Schlecht, Lora Ambulance Education 15.00

SD Dept of Revenue Lab Professional Fees 20.00

Siemens Healthcare Lab-Supplies 2460.75

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Lab Equip Rental 1791.36

Siouxland Staffing ER/BC Purchased Coverage 557.50

State Street Rx Pharmacy Drugs 15.00

Transmed, Inc. Radiology Prof Fees 3233.00

Tri State Water BC/Cardiology Supplies 18.00

Tubbys Kwik Stop Auto Exp 182.88

Turner Drug Nursing Supplies/Pharmacy Consultant 3760.94

United Blood Services Lab-Blood 1010.00

US Bank COP Lease Payment 1649.28

US Endoscopy Central Supply 349.25

US Foodservice NH- Dietary 5350.46

Valley Telecommunication Utilities 102.45

Visa Employee Relations 63.87

Washenberger, Wayne ER Coverage 3044.40

Wellmark, Inc. Health Insurance 250.00

Winmar Diagnostics Sleep Studies 3500.00

Zimmer, Mary Med Surg Travel 82.88

Motion by Hoerner, seconded by Thomas, to approve the payment of claims. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

The council was presented with a list of overtime worked by healthcare center employees.

Mayor Boschee entered the meeting at this time.

Rodney Schlecht informed the council that he had contacted Clark Engineering about the water drainage problem at the Frickson residence. Clark’s will stop and survey the situation at $100 an hour.

Schlecht will contact WEB to see if the WEB water tank needs cleaning.

Schlecht presented quotes for a new steamer to clean culverts/washing equipment. The matter was tabled. He was also directed to get quotes for adding more overhead lights in the City Shop.

Poppen presented the council with the following:

1)  March Financial Statements

2)  Finance charges will now be added to past-due accounts.

3)  Poppen informed the council that the auditors had come and that the audit went well and is nearly complete.

4)  Poppen presented the council with updated information on the 501(c)3 non-profit status. Poppen recommended that the facility transfer to the 501(c)3.

Motion by Bishop, seconded by Thomas, to move forward with the conversion to the 501C3, effective in January of 2010. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Kosiak thanked all for their thoughts and concerns during his recent surgery. Informed the council of his meetings with aides from Senator Thurn, Senator Johnson, and Representative Herseth-Sandlin’s offices. Kosiak said the nursing home did well with the State Board of Health Survey and had purchased a new ice machine to meet their specifications. He informed the council that the Nursing Home still has a Five-Star rating.

Motion by Bishop, seconded by Beitelspacher, to approve the following new hires: Jan Schock – 1st Responder, PT, $10.10-PILB; Juanita Huffman, FT Dietary Cook, $8.57, Dietary Aide, $8.19. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Kosiak presented the council with April resignations.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Bieber, to enter into executive session at 8:28 pm.

April 2009 Meeting (continued)

Mayor Boschee declared executive session ended at 9:08 pm.

Motion by Bishop, seconded by Hoerner, to pay $3000 for the coaches of the summer youth program. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Bishop, seconded by Thomas, to grant an easement with WEB Water. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Bieber, to let chip-seal bids. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Eisenbeisz, that all loaded trucks are only allowed on designated truck routes. A fine of $200 will be imposed. Additional signage will be added. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor Boschee presented updated information about the consolidated water facilities program and about the survey that needs to be completed. Council members will be conducting the survey.

Mayor Boschee appointed the following City Election Board Members: Precinct Superintendent – Cindy Lowens, Precinct Deputies – Arvis Jacobs and Betty Geier. Alternates: Phillip Peterman, Eileen Job and Florence Gramm. Motion by Bishop, seconded by Bieber, to ratify the appointments. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Thomas, to pay City Election Board Member a flat rate of $100.00 each. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Beitelspacher, seconded by Bieber, to declare the 1947 fire truck as surplus. The appraisal committee will present figures at the next meeting.

Councilman Bishop presented information about updates to the park, sidewalks, and lighting on Main Street. He also will get quotes for possible updates and improvements to the city liquor store in conjunction with the new no-smoking law that takes effective July 1, 2009.

Councilman Bishop discussed the need for summer help. It was decided that Rodney will hire on a help-needed basis. He will also check fire hydrants that need to be raised higher because of winter snow coverage.

F/O presented the council with the monthly receipts for March and the Statements of Account for February.

F/O presented the council with the city balance sheet and profit/loss statement.

F/O presented the council with the water usage and loss report.

F/O presented the rubble site hours. Schlecht will determine when it is dry enough for the rubble site to be opened.

F/O discussed the problem of water leaks in two homes and added expenses because of not being able to read meter for three months. Motion by Bishop, seconded by Eisenbeisz, that the Council will forgive half of the added water bill expense. All present voted yes. Motion carried.

F/O reminded the Council of the District 7 Municipal League Meeting on April 15, in Mobridge. It was decided to set a special meeting for April 15, at 5:15 pm for official canvass of the city election.

The next regular council meeting will be held Monday, May 4, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

Other business before the Board was to have Clark Engineering add a sewer line on to the present water plan to include a sewer line north on 4th Ave. to Depot Street.

Motion by Bishop, seconded by Hoerner, to adjourn at 11:15 pm. All present voted yes. Motion carried.


Rick Boschee

Mayor Date

Attest: ______

Cheryl Dewald

Acting Finance Officer – City of Bowdle