September 9 , 2013

City Council**City Hall**7:00 p.m.

Adopted Meeting Minutes


Mayor Nissen opened the hearing at 6:30 pm

Council Present: Darrell Nissen, Brent M. Pavelko, Darrel Hage, Bruce Bakalyar, Andrea Monson

Present: Jim Koep-Superintendent, Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Cheryl Ulfert-Finance

Others Present – Marilyn Bauer, Sue Jansma, Dan Hodnefield, Loren Ulbricht, Marti Ulbricht, Char Christians, Kim Rients, Jerry Daberkow, Kenny Ray Johnson

Clerk Rasche read the notice of hearing. After the reading of the notice, Mayor Nissen opened the floor for public input.

Dan Hodnefield – Questioned the assessment of sidewalk to his property located on Main Street. The sidewalk was not assessed to the property owners, curb, gutter and 30% of the street was assessed. Main Street, street assessment was based on the width of a normal, Lakefield residential street.

Sue Jansma – inquired about the cost of Milwaukee Street

Loren Ulbricht—concerned about the height of the mailbox, after replacement.

Kim Rients – Water drainage issue. Kim has been working with Jackson County and the contractor to correct the situation.

Motion to close the hearing at 6:50 pm made by Bakalyar/Hage, all yes, motion carried.

City Council Meeting Opened at 7:00 pm by Mayor Nissen

Council Present: Darrell Nissen, Brent M. Pavelko, Darrel Hage, Bruce Bakalyar, Andrea Monson

Council Absent:

Others Present: Jim Koep-Superintendent, Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Cheryl Ulferts-Finance, Laura DeKok-Media, Andrew Konechne-Police Chief

Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of August19, 2013 council meeting and of budget workshop on September 4, 2013, made by Pavelko/Hage, all yes, and motion carried.

Accounts payable –Motion to approve accounts payable, as presented in the amount of $101,816.53 made by Hage/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.






1.  Assessment Role Resolution No. 13-13 – Motion to approve Resolution 13-13 made by Bakalyar/Monson. Voice vote all yes, carried.

2.  Preliminary Budget Resolution No. 13-12 – Preliminary levy is for a 5% increase. Motion to approve Resolution 13-12 made by Monson/Pavelko, voice vote, all yes, motion carried.

3.  Call for Preliminary Report for 2014 Street Project in West Lakefield – Streets included in the report include 3rd Ave W and 4th Ave W from Hwy 86 to 3rd St. W and 5th Ave W from 1st St. W to 3rd St. W. Motion to call for the preliminary report made by Bakalyar/Hage, all yes, motion carried.

4.  Call for Plans and Specs and Call for Bids for North City Park Shelter – Motion to call for Plans and Specs made by Hage/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried. Motion to hold the bid opening at 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 3, 2013, contingent on plans and specs being properly prepared made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

5.  The Shed Chill ‘n Grille request for an outdoor beer garden event – Motion to approve the permit for September 15, 2013, with the fee of the canceled Race Cars and Ribeyes events being applied to this event made by Bakalyar. Motion died for the lack of a second. Motion to approve the special event permit, contingent on the $50 fee being paid, made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.

6.  Authorize hiring Bernard Loosbrock -- Motion to approve hiring Mr. Loosbrock pending his psychological testing at a rate of $12.30 per hour made by Hage/Monson, all yes, motion carried.

7.  Approve new tires for 2013 squad –Two price quotes were received, one from Bannister Repair for $616.78, the other from Hage Oil for $648.16. Motion to approve the purchase of tires for the squad at $616.78 from Bannister Repair made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.



1.  Sanitary Sewer Connections – Jackson County Soil and Water has inquired about a house outside of the city limits ability to connect to the city sanitary sewer, if their septic needs to be upgraded. Sanitary sewer service is stubbed to the property. What policy does the council wish to set for connection to city sewer? More information will be brought to the council concerning costs to annexation of a single property and connection fees. No action was taken.


1.  Park Shelter informational picnic – Bricks are being sold to be engraved with names of donators, a signing of a board that will be used as a part of the structure to be found if the structure is taken down will be at the pinic. Many ideas of fundraising are being generated by Larry Lavin.

2.  Department Head Report

3.  Police Department Report


1.  Next council meeting Monday, September 23, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

2.  Council will go into closed session with city attorney to discuss personnel issues. No action is expected to occur after the closed session.

Motion to go to closed session at 8:35 pm made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.

Present at closed session: Pat Costello—City Attorney, Kelly Rasche – Clerk, Darrell Nissen, Darrel Hage, Bruce Bakalyar, Andrea Monson, Brent Pavelko

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 pm made by Hage/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.



Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Darrell Nissen, Mayor