CIS101 Resume Assignment

A resume is a document that you submit to potential employers. It is a summary of your achievements and qualifications. Since most job searches are performed over the internet, resumes are often presented in electronic format.

For this assignment you will create an online resume using your knowledge of HTML. You will use HTML-Kit to create the HTML file for your resume. Once you develop your resume, you will upload the HTML file and any required images it to your personal Web space.

This assignment is due in class week 09 of the semester. On that date you must hand in the following to your instructor:

  • HTML file and all image files uploaded to your personal Web space
  • hard copy of your resume
  • hard copy of html code for your resume

Required sections

  1. Contact information, including name address, phone, and a working e-mail link
  2. Your online resume should include a digital picture of yourself. You will need to obtain a digital picture, saved in either .gif or.jpeg format. See your instructor for assistance in obtaining a digital picture of yourself.
  3. Job objective – describes the type of job you are looking for
  4. Education
  5. Employment history
  6. Other optional sections include awards, personal interests, hobbies, volunteer activities, or other information related to your background.


Your online resume should contain the following formatting requirements:

  • horizontal rules and images that separate sections within your resume
  • a background image for your document (see HTML Project Two)
  • headings of different sizes, with left or center alignment
  • paragraph <p> and line separators <br> to split up your text
  • bold, italics, and color font
  • bulleted lists, for example to list your responsibilities in a job description
  • optional: the use of tables to structure the layout of your resume (see HTML Project Three)


  • set the title of your html file to ‘My Online Resume’
  • At the top of your resume you will include a picture of yourself, along with your contact information: name, address, phone number and e-mail address as a mailto link.
  • Format this information into a one-row, two-column table at the top of your page (for help with tables see html project three). You will need a digital picture, stored in either .gif or .jpeg format.
  • Include the required resume sections as outlined above

Images and Links

  • Find an image of Pace University on Google or another search engine and wrap the text in your Education section around it (see HTML Project Two)
  • Using the photo of Pace, add an image link to Pace University's Web site
  • In addition add a text link to Pace University's Web site
  • Set link targets to the sections of your resume (see HTML Project Two).
  • Create a Menu Bar with links to the targets in an appropriate spot near the top of your resume page (see HTML Project Three).

How to create an effective resume

A resume is an essential document for finding employment. It is a summary of your accomplishments, achievements, and experience. It also gives potential employers a sense of who you are and what skills and talents you possess.

Because of the impact of the internet on employment and job searches, more and more resumes are being published in electronic format. This assignment will result in an electronic version of your resume.

Before you start coding your resume, you need to plan and structure what you are going to include. Resumes contain contact information, a description of what type of job you are looking for, a summary of your work and education experience, and other relevant information like personal interests or volunteer activities. Look at examples of resumes, and use them as a model for your own online resume. Make a list of your work experience, along with information about your educational background and achievements.

Here are some additional resume tips from

5 Key Concepts for Powerful, Effective Resumes

  1. Your resume is YOUR marketing tool, not a personnel document.
  2. It is about YOU the job hunter, not just about the jobs you've held.
  3. It focuses on your future, not your past.
  4. It emphasizes your accomplishments, not your past job duties or job descriptions.
  5. It documents skills you enjoy using, not skills you used just because you had to.

10 Steps in Creating a Good Resume

  1. Choose a target job (also called a "job objective"). An actual job title works best.
  2. Find out what skills, knowledge, and experience are needed to do that target job.
  3. Make a list of your 2, 3, or 4 strongest skills or abilities or knowledge that make you a good candidate for the target job.
  4. For each key skill, think of several accomplishments from your past work history that illustrate that skill.
  5. Describe each accomplishment in a simple, powerful, action statement that emphasizes the results that benefited your employer.
  6. Make a list of the primary jobs you've held, in chronological order. Include any unpaid work that fills a gap or that shows you have the skills for the job.
  7. Make a list of your training and education that's related to the new job you want.
  8. Choose a resume format that fits your situation--either chronological or functional. [Functional works best if you're changing fields; chronological works well if you're moving up in the same field.]
  9. Arrange your action statements according to the format you choose.
  10. Summarize your key points at the top of your resume.

Grading rubric for resume project

Resume / Format / Web Space
Excellent (A or A-) / The resume is highly professional and portrays the applicant in the best light possible. The resume contains a complete and thorough account of your qualifications, talents, and biographical information. / Contains all the required HTML elements.
Format and layout of images and text is logical and elegant / HTML file and all required images are uploaded to Web space by the due date. Resume displays correctly with all images and links workings. Hard copy of resume and HTML are turned in on time and presented in a professional manner (i.e. stapled or bound and organized with a cover and table of contents).
Good (B- to B+) / The resume provides a good summary of your achievements and qualifications, but they are not described in any great depth. / Contains most of the required elements, including a digital picture and a linked picture of Pace University.
Format of information is organized and structured. / Required files are loaded to Web space. Most images and links work properly.
Required hard copies are turned in on time.
Poor (C or below) / The resume is incomplete, missing sections or descriptions of education or employment history. / Does not contain most of the required format elements. / Resume is not uploaded properly to Web space. Required hard copies are missing or turned in late.