Syllabus - CNT9908 Cisco CCNA Bootcamp
Instructor: John Gonder, CCNP, CCNA, CCAI
Quickest contact will be by
Class email:
*NOTE: You must always include your class number in the subject line (as in 9911 or 9907) or your email will be filtered out*
Emails are generally answered within one business day.
Questions of interest to the class may be answered to the group.
LPC email:
Office hours: See online calendar at
Online office hours will be announced in class and on the online calendar
LPC phone: 925 424-1000
LandMail: Las Positas College, 3033 Collier Canyon Road, Livermore, CA 94551
Course Information:
CNT 9908 - CCNA Bootcamp Cert Prep Credits: 3.00 This course covers preparation for the CCNA - Cisco Networking Associate exam. All Cisco objectives are covered conceptually, in general and specifically as they relate to the exam. Effective troubleshooting and Cisco recommended methods and nomenclature are learned and practiced. Topics include: basic characteristics of ethernet networks, LANs and WANs, Cisco router and switch configuration and IOS, RIP, OSPF, IGRP and EIGRP routing protocols, PPP, ISDN and Frame Relay concepts and configuration, IP network addressing, Switching,
VLANS, VLSM, CIDR and network troubleshooting using Cisco methods and router and switch commands, and certification test methods, practice and preparation. Strongly recommended: CNT 60, CNT 61, CNT 62 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) or the equivalent industry experience.
Course content and expectations:
Required text: None required – text is online.
Recommended: CCNA Certification Library (latest) By Wendell Odom. Published by Cisco Press. LATEST edition
CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate, Deluxe Edition by Todd Lammle (LATEST )
This class requires regular weekly participation.
Class website: The class will utilize communication and collaboration as well as sharing of information, questions and answers as parts of the assignments. The class website will contain additional information and links and provide a single point of entry to all information and web locations.
Orientation: There will be an online orientation lecture. See the online
calendar at for scheduling. This online orientation will be archived, and available for viewing, and RE-viewing as you desire.
We will cover in excruciating detail all the parts of this syllabus, as well as demonstrate all the basics of how to access and participate in this course and discuss best practices for online classes.
Attendance is not mandatory, but HIGHLY recommended.
CCNA Bootcamp: Most bootcamps are a few days long and concentrate on telling you as many of the answers as they can, without teaching you anything. The semester-long CCNA Cisco Academy classes teach you many important hands on skills, and all the networking concepts, as well as the cert test info.
This class is intended to:
1 review the concepts and skills for the CCNA
a. NOT to teach you them. You either know them from previous class, study or working in the field - although you may be rusty, that's ok
2. give you lots of practice in the key skills that you need to take the test effectively and efficiently.
3 ignore all the best practice stuff, and concentrate on the "Cisco answer".
4 provide you with the tools to work on the things you need to polish, and review those things you don't remember well enough. This will be different for each person, so there are labs and lectures covering everything, and your assessment results should help guide you in where to concentrate your time.
5 let you take at least 2 different types of practice CCNA tests, which should prepare you for the experience, and validate your review and practice
Lectures: Presentations covering the concept modules will be a guide for our work each week and a beginning point for your notes and a useful review tool. Weekly presentations will use the CCCConfer system as well as being recorded in alternative podcast and Flash video formats. Students can participate in the recording of the lectures either in person or online, and/or view them asynchronously at or from the class website. This will be discussed in the orientation.
Online training and tech support for CCCConfer is available at
Readings: There is reading each week to accompany each module. You should have completed it in advance of the lecture so you will understand and can particpate in the discussion and complete your assignments each week.
Blackboard: The class also makes use of the Blackboard course management system. Access, posting, discussion forums and other features will be discussed and demonstrated during the orientation.
LPC Blackboard information and technical help is available at
Labs: The labs are intended as the crucible in which we forge our deeper understanding of the concepts we read in the curriculum. They are not a speed-through cookbook, but an opportunity to experiment and learn. Be prepared to put in the time to do things more than once. In particular – keep in mind the most useful skills are those of troubleshooting – in reality, the more mistakes you make, the better – because recovering from them teaches you what you really need to know.
Remember, “If you’re not making any mistakes, you’re not doing anything new!” (anon.) and “If I knew what I was looking for, it wouldn’t be called re-SEARCH” (Albert Einstein).
Since this is an online course, each module will have labs that can be done at home, through simulation software, or remotely accessing equipment. Drop-in lab time for face to face work on labs will be discussed in the orientation.
Quizes/ Projects: The deliverables for this course are quiz results from the Certification Prep software. You will be required to assess your weak points, which you can then concentrate on. Doing the assessment is the requirement. The score is not relevant. if you do all the assessments, you have completed the work, from the LPC point of view. This should leave you free to concentrate on improving your scores on those things you need the most work on. This will be discussed in more detail in the orientation. The final will be taking a complete practice CCNA test with the cert prep software. The score is not relevant, but completing a practice is what is required.
Discussion Forum Posts on Blackboard: You are expected to participate in all online discussion activities. When directed, you are expected to post your own lab reports and respond to one (or more) students in each class forum and maintain your group role accordingly.
Discussion Rubric: Points will be given for (respectfully):
Offering up ideas or resources and inviting a critique of them
Asking challenging questions
Articulating, explaining and supporting positions on ideas
Exploring and supporting topics by adding explanations and examples
Reflecting on and re-evaluating personal opinions
Offering a critique, challenging, discussing and expanding ideas of others
Negotiating interpretations, definitions, and meanings
Summarizing previous contributions and asking the next question
Proposing actions based on ideas that have been developed
Utilizing literary terms
No points will be given for:
“yeah, me too!”
or copying and pasting searches instead of doing original writing
Cisco Module and final online quizes completion = 70% or better
Module quizes may be taken more than once.
LPC points for work ( estimated ):
6 Assessment quizes @ 20 points = 120 points
final assessment @ 50 points = 20 points
Total Possible = 140 points
** Total number of labs and modules may vary due to scheduling
Best Practices for Online Students: If you have never taken an online course, or just want to be thorough – go to on the
college website for a complete FAQ about online classes, how they work, how to succeed, and other good information.
Work must be turned in on time. Late work, except by prior arrangement, is not accepted.
Keep in touch. Participation is part of your grade, and this is how we enrich our learning experience. We represent a wide variety of knowledge and backgrounds. Since we’re not all in the same room for an online course it requires a little effort to converse and react – but that’s what makes it a complete class experience. Your first week tasks will include a “tech check” to make sure everything is working. If you need drivers or plug-ins or to talk to the support folks
then make sure to get it done now.
Have a plan. A quiet, undisturbed place to work is good. A regular time / day to come online is helpful – just like you’d be showing up to a face-2-face class on a schedule. Don’t let yourself get behind and caught at the last minute with work to do.
Attendance/ Participation: Some module tasks require some group work, and regular interaction is a part of the class. This is a 3 unit class, so expect to spend an appropriate time reading and working through presentations and assigned readings each week. Expect another 1 to 2 hours to complete the tasks each week that depend on the readings and presentations. Non-participation/attendance for one week or more, without prior agreement, may be cause to be dropped from the course.
Since this is, by definition, is partly an asynchronous experience, you are free to access and work at your own schedule. Since there are tasks due each week, you will have to be online at least once a week to keep up.
You can generally expect an email response from the instructor within 24 hours, during weekdays, except for holidays. Questions of interest to the whole class may be answered in a general email to the group.
Behavior: Students are expected to follow the regulations and guidelines published by the college. We are adults and should treat each other as we would like to be treated. We are all here to learn from each other and to help each other learn. You are expected to have read the online student code of conduct at
and abide by the general rules of behavior as noted there. Rudeness, profanity, flaming, discrimination, harassment, plagiarism or other bad behavior are not helpful to learning and will not be tolerated. It’s a good idea to review some general rules of Netiquette:
Important Information: Important dates to know, including last day to add, drop, drop with a W, college calendar are on the College website, and included in your student information. Please see me if you have any questions. It is your responsibility to register or drop in accordance with the college requirements.
LPC Academic Calendar:
College Services: Resources and assistance are readily available to everyone; including financial aid, counseling, re-entry student assistance and reading and writing labs and tutoring. Details are available on the website Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like more information about any student services.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the LPC Student Disability Resource Center; (2) bring a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the first week of class. For more information about services available to LPC students with disabilities, see the College website This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative formats upon request.
Summer Office Hours: Posted on the iCal – typically Wednesday, 3-4PM, room 805
SYLLABUS CHANGE POLICY: This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice.