Circulation guidelines and procedures
NORLN member libraries lose thousands of dollars in materials each year because of incorrect patron information that results in returned overdue notices, disconnected telephone numbers, etc. Duplicate patron entries in the database also add to this problem.
In NORLNs first year of operation the missing and billed total for materials was over $132,000.
(report run by Tammy Richards September 12, 2006)
To protect the taxpayer investment in the member libraries and the integrity of the joint database, please adhere to the following guidelines by obtaining as much patron information as possible and following the procedures as stated for the sake of uniformity.
Confidentiality of Patron Records – The Northern Library Network and its member libraries recognize that its circulation and other records identifying the name and personal information of library patrons are confidential in nature. These records will not be made available to any person or agency of local, state, or Federal Government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to local, state, or Federal law relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures of legislative investigative power. (Based on WV Code Chapter
10 - Section 10-1-22 Confidential nature of certain library records)
******Library Staff members are reminded that patron records are confidential and to be used ONLY for necessary library business. *******
Circulation guidelines and procedures
Definition of Home LibraryPage 3
Issuing an Adult Patron CardPage 3
Before Adding a PatronPage 3
On-the-Fly Patron RecordsPage 3
Adding New PatronsPage 4,5,6
Linking PatronsPage 7
Fees/Replacement CardsPage 8
Replacement Card ProcedurePage 8
Expired CardsPage 8
BlocksPage 9
Checking Out ProcedurePage 10
Checking In Procedures (including procedure for other library’s materials)Page 11
Renewals and FinesPage 12
Renewal Procedures (including online renewals)Page 13
OverduesPage 13
Fines ProcedurePage 13
Claims ReturnProcedurePage 14
Lost Items ProcedurePage 14
Holds Page 15
Failure to Comply Statement and ProcedurePage 16
Circulation Guidelines & Procedures
A patron’s home library shall be the one where they register.
A patron’s home library is not to be changed unless the patron moves and shows identification to that effect.
The following is the minimum amount of information required for a library card in the NorLN system. The issuing library must inform the patron that some NorLN libraries require additional information be given before permitting the borrowing of their materials.
Patrons must be present to be registered for a Library Card; each patron is to have only one barcode number.
Two pieces of identification one preferably being a photo ID and at least one proof of current address must be presented
(i.e.) Driver’s License
Check book with current address
Current cancelled mail (i.e. Utility bill)
Children’s cards
- Age at which children are issued a library card is set by local library policy.
- Children’s Cards require the same information as adult cards.
***Check to be sure that the patron is not already in the system.
Click on the <Circulation Desk> icon on the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
In the data entry box with the cursor flashing, type n (for name) followed immediately by the patron’s last name with no space then (comma)(space) first name, using all caps (nDOE, JANE) add the middle initial if needed to verify a match. If they are not in the system proceed to add a new patron.
Patron on-the-fly records will only be entered when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
The patron’s name, barcode number, patron type, patron agency and home library must be entered from completed application form. The completed patron registration information must be entered as soon as possible.
Adding New Patrons
- Click on <New> icon on the top horizontal toolbar.
- Highlight correct template for your library in select template box Click <Select>
- “Edit Data” – Patron type prompt appears - (0= Adult) To get a table of patron types to drop down double click on the red 0, or with the 0 highlighted hit the <+=> key next to the backspace key. Again double click on the patron type needed. <Next>
- Expiration Date box appears. Type in the expiration date or use shortcut – type “t” for today’s date then backspace to change the 5 in 2005 to 6 for 2006. Hit <Next>.
- Birth date prompt – 8 Digit format MMDDYYYY – ex. 02-03-1999 [Tip - 20 automatically comes up in the prompt as the first two numbers in the year (02-03-20xx). Highlight the 2, type a 1 and the 9 will automatically come up with it, so a 1900 birth date can be put in.]
- At the PC Code 1 prompt select gender M or F, then click <Next>
Prompts are now at the left top of screen - no more boxes
7. Unique ID prompt - This is to be a 10 digit number composed of the last four digits of the patron’s social security number followed by their six digit birth date (MMDDYY) with no spaces, hyphens or slashes – example – Patron with the last 4 digits of social security number being 7571 and a birth date of April 30, 1958 would have a unique ID of 7571043058
***The Unique ID will not be a ten digit number only when a patron refuses to give the last four digits of their social security number - then four zs (either in caps ZZZZ or lower case zzzz) will be used instead. This would make the above patrons Unique ID zzzz043058
- Patron Bar Code – scan card or type in number
- Name prompt (prompts are now at the left top of screen)- Full name including middle name. In ALL CAPS Last name (comma)(space)first name (space) middle name - example SMITH, JOHN RAY
For names with suffixes two name fields are needed –
name field 1 – last name(space) suffix (comma), first name (space)middle name – example SMITH JR, JOHN RAY – this name field is used on notices
In order to add a second name field – Complete all template prompts. After the last prompt (initials) is complete, place the cursor after the patron’s name in the first name field Hit <CTRL> and <I> at the same time. Type in the name again using the following format – last name(comma), first name(space)middle name(space)suffix in the prompt box at left top of screen – example SMITH, JOHN RAY JR – this name field is used for indexing and searching. Multiple name fields may also be used for hyphenated names to save duplications
- Mailing Address prompt - In All CAPS with no punctuation (except – in extended zip codes)- Enter mailing address first line, city, state(two spaces)zip second line – example -
POBOX 22 (Mailing)
BUCKHANNONWV(two spaces)26201
- Physical address prompt. First line physical address, second line city, state(two spaces)zip – example -
10 HILL DRIVE (Physical)
BUCKHANNONWV(two spaces)26201
- Home Telephone prompt – Enter home phone number in the following format 304-123-4567. If no phone number is available enter 000-000-0000.
- Cell Telephone prompt - If a cell phone number is available use above format to enter here.
- Driver’s License prompt – two letter postal code for the issuing state(space) number – example – WV C123456 (A state photo ID may be used in place of a driver’s license) For those libraries that use law enforcement or other agencies to collect their materials, enter the full social security number or a passport number here for those patrons not having a drivers license or state ID for tracking purposes.
- Email address prompt - An e-mail address here will send overdue and all notices to the patron’s e-mail account unless another notice preference has been indicated. A paper notice will not be sent to their address. Be aware that e-mail addresses are often case sensitive and enter accordingly. If the patron has e-mail but would like to receive overdue notices in print form see the procedure in #20. This can not be done until all the prompts have been answered unless a prompt has been placed in the library’s template to indicate notice preference.
Again, since many e-mail addresses are case sensitive check with the patron before entering in all caps.
- Contact name prompt - for a relative not living in the same household, a neighbor, or the place of employment using same name format above.
- Contact address prompt for the address of contact name with street address, city, state and zip on one line. – example –
10 HILL DRIVE(space)BUCKHANNON(space)WV(two spaces)26201
- Contact Telephone prompt for the contact name with the phone number in same phone format above.
- Initials – The registering staff person must put their initials (3) in this field preceded by the library’s two digit code. Example – UCABC
- If the patron does not wish to have overdue notices sent via e-mail (as previously mentioned in #15) but would like to receive other library notices (events, etc.) by e-mail, please choose <Print> in the notice preference box. The Notice Preference box is the bottom box in the right section of the patron record. Double click on the Notice Preference box then selecting <Print> from the drop down box (or phone if that is a choice at your library). This can’t be done until all the prompt box information has been completed unless a prompt has been added to your template previously in creating a patron record. Initials are the last prompt. Illustration below.
Once the print or phone box has been selected <Print> or <Phone> will appear in the pink area of the Notice Preference box in the record.
Have the patron sign their wallet card and be sure to point out to the patron that they are being given two cards – one sized for a key ring and a regular size wallet card then show how they separate.
To link children and parent/guardian together.
***You can link child(ren) to only one Parent/Guardian.
Click on the Circulation Desk icon on the navigation bar.
·Scan Parent/Guardian’s library card
Parent/Guardian’s Record Screen opens
·Click on <Linked Patron>s tab
·Click on <Link> tab
The Index drop down box opens
·Select Name
·Enter Child’s Name
Parent/Guardian and Child’s names are now linked to Parent/Guardian Patron Record Screen
·The Linked Patrons tab shows number of linked patrons
Family members are not the only patrons that can be linked following the same process above of opening the first patron record then selecting the <Linked Patron> tab, <Link> tab, and searching for the name of the patron to be linked. Patrons can be linked for any reason. Some suggestions for linking are students in a class to their teacher and other like groups. Remember though that a patron can only be an active link once, meaning they must be removed from one group in order to be placed in another; therefore, leaving a child linked to a parent/guardian might be preferable to linking to a teacher. (Teachers change every year, meaning updates will have to be done.) Again, patrons can be linked for any reason seen fit by the library staff.
There will be a $3.00 fee for a replacement card. Remind them that they were given two cards – one sized for a key chain and a regular size wallet card.
Lost bar code numbers will remain on the patron record, do not delete.
1) Edit / Insert the new bar code number, scan the new card
2) At the end of the lost bar code number put (lost card)
ex. 12340000000012(lost card)
3) Insert a Note on the record 2nd card and date (or whatever number it is ifmore than 2nd) and SAVE -- Remember when you edit a record; add your 2 letter library code and your initials. (comma, space, 2 letter library code and your initials)
4) Click on Fine tab, Add Charge, click on predefined and click on $3.00 replacement card. The $3.00 charge will appear on the fine record. Click on collect money, OK (this will keep a record under Fines Paid)
When a lost card number is scanned a warning pop up box will appear. Click YES, this will let you know who this card belongs to. At this point the lost card should be shredded.
Note: The new bar code number should be above the old number on the patron record once you have saved. The new number needs to be above the lost number so it will show in the window of the record.
Approved -- Circ committee 6/27/2006
Patron cards will expire annually. When a patron attempts to use an expired card, the visited library is responsible for updating the essential information and renewing the patron’s card at that time. If a major change is made to the patron record when renewing, such as new address, phone, contact person and info, make changes and add your 2 letter library code and initials, unless your initials are the last to appear on the record.
Reminder - Patrons are always required to present their library card to check out materials. The replacement library card fee is predefined under the <Fines> tab, see Fine procedure for more detail.
Patron blocks MUST be selected for having given bad checks, returning materials damaged, being turned over to a collection agency for billed fees, not having an address (or the address given is incorrect), not having a phone (or the phone number given is incorrect), having given incorrect contact information, having too many overdues, and having abused ILL priviledges from the drop down box in the patron record. The drop down box shown below is accessed by double clicking <Manual Block> (directly above the box) from the middle section of boxes in the patron record (under birth date). A note may be needed in the patron record to briefly explain the block more fully with the date, the 2 digit library code and your initials.
Any patron record can be blocked for any other reason felt necessary with an explanation, selecting the <See Supervisor> box to block and adding a message in the patron record as to the reason for blocking. Include your 2digit library code and your initials with the date at the end of the explanation message.
Again, any time a block is placed, a note may be needed in the patron record to briefly explain the block more fully with the date, the 2digit library code and your initials.
Reminder - Patrons are always required to present their library card to check out materials.
At the Circulation desk screen, click on first tab <check out>
Scan or Type in Patron Barcode – Make sure this is the correct record for the patron.
CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATE !!!, this is especially important if renewing by phone, as it will only renew to the expiration date if about to expire and not for the expected renewal period.
Scan or Type in each item barcode number – Watch the screen to be sure the item is correctly checked out and that the item is your library’s item because some libraries have duplicate bar codes.
*************************VERY IMPORTANT***************************
Once you have scanned the items or typed in the item number for all items, be sure to hit the<Close> icon at the top right of the horizontal toolbar (looks like a folder). This action moves the list of items from the temporary Check Out File to the permanent Checked Out Items list.
If you do not close you are risking adding another patron’s items to the wrong patron’s check out file.
If a recent patron decides to check out more items after you have closed their account, their card can be rescanned or you can click <File>, <Recent Patrons> and choose their name from the displayed list.
If using a receipt printer, you must close so a slip can be printed.
AGAIN !!!!! Remember to always close the patron screen Immediately after check out or viewing a patron record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!