Circular M 34/04

To: The Management Authorities of Second-level schools

Grants towards the purchase cost of test materials for use in Post-Primary schools with recognised guidance and/or remedial teachers.

1.Grants towards the purchase cost of test materials for use in second level schools with recognised guidance and/or remedial teachers are available in accordance with the terms of this Circular. The grants cover 75% of the cost of materials purchased by the school subject to the maximum amounts set out below. The scheme is restricted to the purchase of published tests and necessary carriage charges and duties associated with the purchase.

2.The following grants are available to schools in respect of the school year


* No. of Pupils
2003/2004 / Guidance Teachers
Only / Remedial Teacher
Only / Guidance and Remedial Teachers
Less than 300 / €76.18 / €25.39 / €101.57
300-450 / €101.58 / €31.74 / €133.32
450-600 / €126.97 / €38.09 / €165.06
More than 600 / €152.37 / €50.79 / €203.16

*Enrolment as at 30th September 2003

In view of the high initial cost incurred by schools establishing a guidance/remedial service, the amount of grant payable will be increased by €126.97 in the first year in which the grant is paid.

3.Schools wishing to apply for the grant should submit receipted invoices together with the application form duly completed to the address below to reach the Department no later than Friday 25th June 2004.

(Application form for 2003/04 is attached).

4.A list of tests in common usage in schools is attached. It is a condition of receipt of the grant that school authorities provide information concerning tests in use in their schools if requested to do so by the Department. Schools wishing to obtain a grant for tests other than those listed may be asked to provide additional information to the Department. Advice on test selection may be had from the psychologist assigned to the school by the National Educational Psychological Service.

Test users should take all reasonable precautions to safeguard test materials. In this regard, the use of locked desks or files should be considered a minimal requirement in maintaining test security.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that tests are not used inappropriately and that the various categories of test should be administered only by those who are appropriately qualified to do so. It is the responsibility of school management to ensure appropriate training and competence in those who use tests in the school.

Your attention is also drawn to the requirements of the Data Protection Act, 1998 and the Department’s Circular (Ref: Circular DPAEd 3/89: Data Protection Act 1998) in this regard.

5.Payment of the grants can only be made on foot of receipted invoices.

6.It is not possible to accumulate grants i.e. to add the amount claimed from one year to the next. The total grant available to any school in any year would be the same whether or not the previous year’s grant was fully claimed.

7.The payment of grants under the scheme is subject to funds being available. The

Minister may alter, modify, or withdraw the scheme at any time, either generally or in the case of a particular school.

8.All correspondence in connection with this scheme should be addressed to:

Department of Education & Science

Post-Primary Administration 4

Portlaoise Road


Co. Offaly

Envelopes should be marked “Test Grant Scheme”.

Matt Ryan

Principal Officer.

7 May 2004


NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of tests in use in schools, nor is

it intended to be a recommended list of tests:

General Ability

-Drumcondra Reasoning Test

-AH 2/3

-Cognitive Abilities Test

-NFER Verbal Reasoning Test 12/14

-NFER Non-Verbal Reasoning Test 12/13

-Standard Progressive Matrices

-Non Reading Intelligence Test

-Birbeck Ability Test

Reading & Spelling

-NFER Group Reading Test 9-14

-Cloze Reading Test

-Gap Reading Test

-Widespan Reading Test


-Neale Analysis of Reading Ability

-Dyslexia Screening Test

-Aston Index

-Parallel Spelling Test

-Graded Word Spelling Test

-Diagnostic Spelling Test

-British Spelling Scales

-Get Reading Right (Jackson)

-Young Group Reading Test

-Single Word Spelling Test


-Graded Arithmetic Test

-Drumcondra Attainment Tests

-Drumcondra Criterion Referenced Maths Test


-Profile of Mathemetical Skills

Tests used in Career Guidance

-Differential Aptitude Tests

-Career Interest Inventory

-Vocational Interest Inventory

-Study Habits Evaluation and Instruction Kit

-Occupational Interest Rating Scale

-Applied Knowledge Test

-Rothwell Miller Interest Blank

-Mooney PCL

-Porteous PCL

-Cattell’s HSPQ

Grants towards the purchase cost of test materials for use in Post-Primary Schools with recognised guidance and/or remedial teachers.


School Details

Roll No. / Name of School / School Address / Telephone No.

Details of Recognised Guidance Teacher(s)

Teacher’s Name / Qualifications Held / Where Obtained

Details of Recognised Remedial Teacher(s)

Teacher’s Name / Qualifications Held / Where Obtained
  • Number of pupils enrolled in the school on 30th September 2003: ______
  • Total cost of materials purchased: €______(paragraph 5 of circular M34/04)
  • First year of school’s application for grant? Yes No (tick as appropriate)

I have read the Department’s Circular (M34/04) concerning the test grants scheme and I accept the conditions laid down therein.

I certify the accuracy of the above information and I undertake, in consideration of the payment to me of the appropriate grant towards the expenditure shown above, that the material shall be used solely for the purposes described in the Circular (M34/04) governing the scheme. I further undertake, should any refund or other return of money be made to me in connection with the materials described an the attached invoices, to immediately refund to the Department of Education & Science the appropriate proportion of the grant paid in respect of those materials.

SIGNED: ______

(Management Authority / Principal Teacher)

DATE: ______