Circular Letter 10/02

National Programme of Training in *Learning Support for Teachers of First and Second Level Pupils *(formerly Remedial Education)

1. In the school year 2002/2003, training in Learning Support will be offered in the following centres:

Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines

Department of Education, National University of Ireland, Cork

Department of Education, national University of Ireland, Galway

Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick

St Patrick's College of Education, Drumcondra

St Angela's College of Education, Sligo

All of the above Courses are funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan.

2. Aim and Content

The aim of the Programme will be to provide substantial theoretical and practical training for teachers who hold posts sanctioned for Learning-Support teachers.

The content of the Courses has been agreed with the Department of Education and Science and will include theoretical and practical inputs on all aspects of provision for Learning Support.

Qualifications will be awarded by the Colleges involved to participants who successfully complete the programmes. Participants will be assessed on the basis of full attendance at the Course venue, completion of a number of written assignments, and supervision of their work as Learning Support teachers in schools. Further details will be made available to applicants by the individual Colleges.

3. Duration and Organisation

The Department of Education and Science funds all of the courses under the National Development Plan. Courses are of one year's duration, with the time divided between attendance at the relevant Course venue and teaching in participants' own schools. There are variations between the participating Colleges in terms of organisation and awards. All of the courses listed below provide recognised qualifications in this area.

(i) Primary:

Permanent teachers who are currently employed in sanctioned Learning-Support posts or who will be taking up such posts in September 2002.

Applications are also invited from qualified teachers who are employed as teachers for traveller children. (Resource Teachers for Travellers).

(ii) Second Level:

Permanent teachers who are assigned to Learning-Support work (with individuals, groups or classes of not more than 16 pupils) for a minimum of 10 hours per week. On an exceptional basis, applications may also be considered from teachers who do not hold permanent positions but who are assigned to Learning Support work (with individuals, groups or classes of not more than 16 pupils) for a minimum of 10 hours per week. At least four class periods should be allocated to teaching individuals or groups of not more than six pupils. Additional time should also be made available for consultation with parents/guardians or colleagues. Class teaching should not involve more than 16 pupils per class. Together with work in numeracy, assigned Learning Support hours must include at least 4 class periods per week of literacy work.

Applications are also invited from qualified teachers who are employed as teachers for traveller children and from designated resource teachers in respect of pupils with disabilities in post-primary schools.

(iii) Other Educational Services

Qualified teachers employed by VECs as literacy and/or numeracy tutors in Youthreach, community projects or in the prison service, and who are assigned to Learning Support work (with individuals, groups or classes of not more than 16 pupils) for a minimum of 10 hours per week. At least four class periods should be allocated to teaching individuals or groups of not more than six pupils. Additional time should also be made available for consultation with parents/guardians or colleagues. Class teaching should involve not more than 16 pupils per class. Together with work in numeracy, assigned Learning Support hours must include at least 4 class periods per week of literacy work.

5. Applications and Selection

School authorities/VECs are invited to nominate not more than ONE teacher per school/educational service, who meets the requirements explained in section 4 above.

It is particularly important that teachers participating in the Programme are given a work load which will permit them to benefit fully from the training being offered. Approximately 25-30 teachers will be accepted on each of these Courses. It is intended that, on those Courses which accept both primary and post-primary teachers, an equal number of places will be allocated to each group but the ratio may be modified in response to demand and local circumstances.

The selection of course participants from the eligible applicants will be a matter for the College authorities.



Application Form - Second Level

To be completed by Teachers in Post-Primary Schools or in other Educational Services, e.g. Interventions, Youthreach, Prison Service etc.

Please return the completed form to the COLLEGE of your choice by the 27th March, 2002
(the correct postal address for the College is attached)

1. Name of Applicant ______

2. Home Address ______


Home Phone No. ______Email Address ______

Date of Birth ______

3. School/Ed. Service Name, Roll No. and Address ______


Teacher No. ______Sch. Tel. No. ______

Fax No. ______Email ______

4. Qualifications (include details of College/s and Year/s) ______


5. Employment Status (please tick as appropriate)

Permanent Wholetime ___ Temporary Wholetime ___ EPT ___ Part-Time __

In the case of teachers not employed as above, please supply the appropriate additional information


6. No. of years teaching experience ___ No. of years in present School ___

7. a. Do you current hold a sanctioned Learning-Support Post: (Yes/No): ___

b. Will you hold a sanctioned Learning Support Post in the coming School year: (Yes/No): ______

If Yes, please state the following:

A To be completed by the Applicant

I have read the description of the programme of training as set out in the accompanying document and I agree to attend the Course in full and to fulfil the necessary conditions of such participation.

Signed: ______

Date: ______

B To be completed by the School Authorities

1 Has you school been allocated (an) extra teaching post/s for Learning Support?

YES: _____ No: _____ If "YES" how many? ______

If "YES" please specify the date of allocation and how the post/s is/are used.




2 Are there any teachers on your staff who have qualifications in Learning Support?

YES: _____ No: _____ If Yes how many? ______

How many of these are active in providing Learning Support: ______

3 Is there a designated Resource Teacher in your school for pupils with special needs?

Yes: _____ No: _____

If "Yes" please give details: ______



Addresses of Colleges offering the Learning Support Courses

1.Church of Ireland College of Education Phone: (01) 4970033

96 Upper Rathmines Road Fax: 01) 4971932

Dublin 6 email:

2. Department of Education Phone: (021) 4902465

National University of Ireland Fax: (021) 4270291

Cork email:

3.Department of Education Phone: (091) 750325

National University of Ireland Fax: (091) 750538

Galway email:

4.Mary Immaculate College of Education Phone: (061) 204925

In-Career Department Fax: (061) 313632

South Circular Road

Limerick email:

5. St Patrick's College of Education Phone: (01) 8842031

Special Education Department Fax: (01) 8842294


Dublin 9 email:

6. St Angela's College of Education Phone: (071) 46510

Learning Support Office Fax: (071) 46510

Lough Gill

Sligo email: