Circuit Training Unit


Circuit Training

Circuit Training is a type of training in which strength exercises are combined with aerobic exercises(combining the benefits of both a cardiovascular and a strength training workout).

Benefits of Circuit Training

1. Increase muscle tone, muscle mass, and muscle endurance.

2. Increase energy levels and helps maintain body composition. Muscle burns calories even after you finish the exercise. The more muscle, the more calories you burn.

3. Increases bone density, tendon and ligament thickness.

4. Builds self esteem and confidence.

5. Helps prevent injury and illness.

6. Reduces stress

7. Improves athletic performance.

8. Improves cardiovascular fitness level.

Circuit Training Vocabulary

1. Repetition (reps)- is the number of times you lift a weight without resting.

2. Set- is a group of repetitions, or how many times you come back to do that exercise.

3. Circuit- is a group of exercises in a row. In class it is finishing a column of 10 to 12 exercises.

4. Weight & Collar- is pounds that are used when lifting.Collars hold the weight on the bar.

5.Dumbbell- is a short bar that is held with one hand. It has weight on each end.

6. Barbell- is a longer bar that is held with both hands. It holds weights on each end.

7. Spotter- a person who helps a person lift weights for safety.


1. You must be able to do 10 repetitions when lifting weight, or the weight is too heavy.

2. Movements must be slow, smooth and under control.

3. Always check collars on the barbell to make sure they are tight.

4. You are required to have a spotter when using the bench press.

5. Never fool around in the workout area and workout in your own space.


1. Crunches

- develop the stomach(abdominal muscles)

- equipment needed (mat or floor)

- squeeze the abdominals and lift chin to the ceiling

2. Push Ups

- develop the chest(pectoral muscles)

- equipment needed (none)

- 90 degree angle with arms on the down

3. Jumping Jacks

- Jumping jacks is a sample ofcardiovascular exercise

- equipment needed (none)

- make sure you have enough space for safety

4. Jump Rope

- Jump roping is a sample of cardiovascular exercise

- equipment needed (jump rope)

- make sure you have enough space for safety

5. Jogging

- Jogging is a cardiovascular exercise

- equipment needed (none)

- run on the perimeter of the gym

6. Lunges

- develop the front thigh (quadriceps muscle)

- equipment needed (only use dumbbells in class)

- step forward to form 90 degrees with front leg

7. Wall Sit

-develop the front thigh (quadriceps muscles)

- equipment needed (wall or bleachers)

- form 90 degrees with both legs and hold

8. Squats

- develop the quadriceps, hamstringsgluteus maximus

- equipment needed (only dumbbells in class)

- make sure you always keep your back straight

9. Leg Extension

- develop the front thigh (quadriceps muscle)

- equipment (leg machine)

- make sure you do not lock out your knees

10. Leg Curl

- develop the back thigh (hamstring muscle)

- equipment (leg machine)

- bring heels almost to your butt

11. Toe Raises

- develop the calf(gastrocnemius muscle)

- equipment (we use dumbbells or no weights in class)

- lift heels off the floor

12.Bench Press

- develop the chest (pectoral muscle)

- equipment (chest bench or flat bench / dumbbell or barbell)

- spotter is required and collars must be tightened

13. Dumbbell Fly

- develop the inner chest(pectoral muscle)

- equipment (flat bench and dumbbells)

- never lower the weights below your body

14. Shoulder Press

- develop the shoulder(deltoid muscle)

- equipment (in class we will use dumbbells)

- push weights toward the ceiling

15. Shoulder Raise

- develop the shoulder(deltoidmuscle)

- equipment (in class we will use dumbbells)

- back raise, front raise & side raise

16. Shoulder Shrug

- develop the lower neck(trapezius muscle)

- equipment (can use dumbbells or barbell)

- arms hang straight down during this exercise

17. Bent Row

- develop the back (latissimusdorsi muscle) (dumbbell or barbell)

- equipment (can use flat bench or just bent at the hips, standing)

- arms start in hang position then pullweight up to side of your waist

18. Bicep Curl

- develop upper front of the arm(bicep muscle)

- equipment (can use the dumbbell or barbell /sit or stand)

- keep elbows pinned at side during this movement

19. Hand Grips

- develop the lower arm (forearm muscle)

- equipment (two handgrips)

- squeeze the hands as far as you can each time

20. Tricep Extension

- develop upper back of the arm(tricep muscle)

- equipment (use flat bench or over head when standing)

- when using the flat bench, keep elbow pinned at side

21. Ab Wheel

- develop the stomach (abdominal muscle)

- equipment (ab wheel and mat under you is optional)

- roll out as far as you can for each rep without

your stomach touching the floor

22. Knee Ups

- develop the stomach (abdominal muscle)

- equipment (chair, flat bench or leg lift machine)

- bring knees up to chest on movement

23. Forearm Blaster

- develop the lower part of the arm(forearm muscle)

- equipment (forearm blaster with light weight)

- roll the weight up and them roll it down


- develop the upper back of the arm(tricep muscle)

- equipment (flat bench or chair)

- lower your bottom almost to the floor

25. Pull Ups / Pull Up Hang

- develop the back(latissimus dorsi muscle)

- equipment (pull up bar)

- hang with chip even with bar with palms out

26. Step Ups

- develop the upper back of the leg(hamstring muscle)

- equipment (a folding mat unopened or a bench/ you

may hold dumbbells during this exercise)

- step up to a standing position on elevated surface, and then

step down, and then do the other leg (alternate legs)

27. Upright Row

- develop the bottom of the neck(trapezius muscle)

- equipment (barbell or two dumbbells)

- bring hands under the chin and extend elbows out


Front of the human body Back of the human body