CIPE Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Application

Thank you for your interest in serving on the CIPE Student Advisory Committee. Student interests are critical drivers of CIPE programming and the Student Advisory Committee will be an important source of input and guidance about the interests of our student body. CIPE aims to strike a balance between creating established programming and ensuring there is space for student-generated ideas to flourish in the field of international programming, leadership and citizenship programming, and career services. The role of the Student Advisory Committee will be to give voice to the incredibly wide-ranging interests of our student body, to help reflect student priorities to the Centre, to serve as ambassadors for CIPE in partner engagement and outreach, and to support CIPE programs as needed (presence at CIPE events, introducing speakers, serving as emcees).

We also hope that serving on the Student Advisory Committee will give students a broad familiarity with the field of experience-based learning and will provide a meaningful opportunity to develop important leadership skills as strategic thinking, decision-making, facilitation, presentations skills and organizational experience.

Working with such a pioneering, talented and enthusiastic group of students is the best part of working at Yale-NUS. It’s why we’re all here. Thanks for considering serving on the CIPE Student Advisory Committee. We look forward to reading your application!

Background on CIPE:

Yale-NUS has established an innovative Centre for International and Professional Experience to create a portfolio of global opportunities that will enhance our students’ academic learning, broaden their perspectives and hone the skills and character they need to succeed as students today and leaders tomorrow.

The Centre integrates traditionally separate and often siloed components of experience-based learning (such as study abroad, summer sessions, internships, career services, leadership and service programming, research attachments) under one roof. This allows for a student-centered and holistic approach to the personal, professional and intellectual development of our students.

The Centre will have a team of dedicated advisors who will work with every Yale-NUS student to craft an individualized portfolio of learning opportunities. CIPE advisors will provide support for navigating the available opportunities, help identify areas for improvement and connect students with the best matches for maximizing their growth. The Centre will also offer guidance in how to choose the right opportunity and preparation to help launch each student in his or her new milieu.

CIPE Student Advisory Committee--Application


Each applicant is asked to submit short answers (max. 500 words for the entire response) to the question below and email your answers to by Saturday, September 9, 2017 at 5 pm. In the subject line of your email please write: “SAC Application: Your Name”.

1.  What motivations or interests lead you to want to join the CIPE Student Advisory Committee?

2.  If selected, how do you plan to help other students benefit from all the experiential learning opportunities available at Yale-NUS College? Please provide specific examples.