21st May 2013
CALL TO ORDER / The monthly CIMAP meeting was held at 12:00 p.m. on May 21st, 2013 at KY Dam Village Resort in Gilbertsville, KY.MINUTES / A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes from the April 16th, 2013 meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT / Balance on hand at the end of last month’s meeting: $ 16,028.18
Interest received: $ 1.63
Deposit: $ 0.00
Withdrawals: $ 0.00
Total balance on hand for this month’s meeting is: $ 16,029.81
OLD BUSINESS / Discussion over Old Business:Jason Tucker will set up a date in May to finalize the CIMAP document reviews.
Dustin Davis is still working on the issue with the mayor and the CCFTC committee.
Dustin Davis and Rickie Bearden discussed using an outside vendor to participate in the CIMAP training in October. Dustin stated he would schedule a meeting to further discuss the topic.
Todd Henson stated Ashland will host the CIMAP drill tentatively in September / early October.
New Business:
Randy Johnson commented on the upcoming CIMAP Fire Training at Texas A&M. The upcoming dates are May 15, 16, & 17 and September 18, 19, & 20. If you would like to participate in the training, contact Randy or Todd for further information. or .
Melissa Combs stated the Jackson Purchase Annual Fire School was held this past weekend (April 12-14) and had 25 participants. Also, Marshall County has had some siren issues throughout the county that they are addressing.
Veronica Trimble will no longer be part of the CIMAP group. She is moving on to “greener pastures” to work at Honeywell in Metropolis. Her last day at Sekisui will be April 26th. We would like to thank Veronica for her contributions with CIMAP over the years.
PRESENT / The following members were represented at this meeting:
AES Environmental / APCI / Arkema / Ashland
Brenntag / Carbide Industries / DTE / Estron
Gerdau / Lubrizol / Sekisui / Wacker
Westlake Monomers / Westlake PVC / Guest: MCEMS
NEW BUSINESS / Discussion over Old Business:
Ron Jones discussed that he has been researching information on Trench Rescue training from Mississippi and Texas A&M. Ron would like to get as many member companies to participate in this training once he gets it set up to establish a CIMAP Trench Rescue response team. Melissa Combs stated that the Christian County FD is the closest Trench Rescue response team in the area.
Ron Jones stated that there has been no further development in resolving the appointment of Rickie Bearden to the CCFTC Committee. Todd stated that we need to continue to press to resolve this issue.
Rickie Bearden discussed using an outside vendor for CIMAP training in October and that he will tentatively set a meeting sometime mid-June with the committee to choose a vendor for the training.
Todd Henson stated they had 24 attendees at last week’s Texas A&M’s fire training school and it was another successful training event.
New Business:
Melissa Combs discussed the availability of Storm Spotter training:
For those who are interested in weather "spotter" training but have not yet completed it:
Spotter Training Aids section:
**** NEW **** Visit the METED website to take 2 online Skywarn classes. Once you have completed this training, contact or for instructions on making spotter reports.
Once you locate that paragraph select the METED website link and it will direct you to the Spotter training.
Melissa also stated that she is attempting to set up a project / training course on the psychological effects of 1st responders and how to deal with “bad situations”. This course is tentatively set for the first week of September.
MEMBERS / Inactive Members List (Members who have not attended 2 consecutive meetings)
NEXT MEETING / The next CIMAP meeting is scheduled for 12:00 PM Tuesday, June 18th 2013 at KY Dam Village Resort in Gilbertsville, KY.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Tucker
CIMAP Secretary
(270) 395-2593