COMITE D'ETUDESMachines tournantes
STUDY COMMITTEERotating machines
Chairman: / Your Ref:Gert Coetzee
Eskom MWP Park C2V30
PO Box 1091, Johannesburg, 2000 / Our Ref:
Republic of South Africa.
Tel: + 27 11 800 5335 / Secretary:
Fax: +27 11 800 5140 / Reinhard Joho / Date:
email: / / September 19, 2018
Working group SCA1.02.3 Generator Fire Protection
Subject: Request of your participation in a collaborative task with the aim of finding out the present status of the Generator Fire Protection world wide, in this case with focus on insurance aspects.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allow us to approach you in the name of CIGRÉ – Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques (International Council on Large Electric Systems). Cigré is one of the leading worldwide Organizations on Electric Power Systems, covering their technical, economic, environmental, organizational and regulatory aspects.It is a permanent, non-governmental and non-profit International Association, based in France. CIGRE was founded in 1921, nowadays present world wide in more than 80 countries this shows the possibilities of gathering interesting results for the task we are about to invite you to join.
More specifically, issues related to planning and operation of power systems, as well as design, construction, maintenance and disposal of High Volltage equipment and plants are at the core of CIGRE's mission. Problems related to protection of power systems (here including the Generator Fire Protection), telecontrol, telecommunication equipment and information systems are also part of CIGRE's area of concern. More data can be seen visiting the Site:
The present approach is being made to invite you to participate in a task concerning the present evaluation of the Generator Fire Protection in several of its aspects. For this purpose Cigré prepared a Questionnaire that is sent to our national members and that is being sent enclosed in digital media.
Please note that a chapter was specifically dedicated to your branch and that received the title: 3) Questionnaire with focus on Insurance Companies, Reinsurance Companies or Insurance Brokers. This was made in recognition to the great importance of these companies in the application of fire protection schemes to Generator Fire Protection in Hydro Powerplants – that in their turn are Cigré’s concern. Up to now in the former issues the experience updates did survey the “inside” of our clientele, but now we deem to be utmost important to hear your opinion.
Please note that we tried our best to suit the questions made to your reality, but we are open to your critics and suggestions for improvements that we will for sure consider in our further work. For now we would be most grateful to get your answers and comments for the enclosed questionnaire’s section 3. Should you have any request of explanation on the present questions please feel free to get in touch with Mr. Alexander Gromow, Convener of the W.G. A1.02-03, e-mail: .
As you will see the questionnaire is divided in 6 sections and covers the players involved with Generator Fire Protection in several aspects and under different points of view. After receiving the answers from you and the national members of Cigré they will be evaluated and we expect that the results will allow the issue of recommendations on the subject. You, as an active participant of this task, will receive the results of this experience update and we hope that these results will be of interest of all involved parties.
The most important challenge we will face is to get a consistent number of answers in order to offer a solid base for the survey’s results and to validate the recommendations. This may be possible with the help of all interested involved partners and will depend upon the depth of the involvement from the particular participants that will be reached in this case. We encourage you right now to take part in this crusade!
The other challenge will be the levelling of the answers considering the knowledge basis of the participants and the proper understanding of the questions. This is a specific subject and everyone involved shall feel free to ask for any additional data and explanations. For the later aspect we repeat the of offer full support from the Convener Mr. Gromow, who can be reached through the e-mail: . The receipt of questions will be welcome and may be part of the future conclusions of the work.
This type of work is an excellent example of a collective task, thus it depends of the group to succeed. This applies to the present questionnaire fulfilment phase. Here goes again our invitation to you and to your fellow members to join us in this particular work in order to allow it to result in consistent recommendations.
Allow us to set the timing for this phase. Thus we expect to get the comments of your area until October, the 12nd2007 the latest. But the sooner we get your answer the better
Please send the fulfilled questionnaire back to the CIGRÉ’s National Representative whose name and address is stated below, with copy to Mr. Gromow in the e-mail address: . In order to give you an overview of the work involved in the present Experience Update please refer to the below stated Working Plan.
[revision AUG 07,2007] / Action by: CIGRÉ’S A1 Regular Member / Action by: CIGRÉ’s Members / Action by: Insurance and Reinsurance Companies / Action by: Consulting Companies
/ 1) Sign the letter P1 with your contact data
2) Send the letter (x) and the Questionnaire to the regular Cigré’s members of your jurisdiction area
(x) – if you will deem it to be interesting in order to reach a better penetration of this work among your clientele please feel free to translate the letter to your national Language and send it to the members of your area / 1) Please send ASAP the available Insurance and Consulting Companies’ contacts and addresses to the Regular Member in order to support him with the distribution of the questionnaire to these groups.
2) Fulfill the Questionnaire choosing the section that most fits to your expertise, add your name to the file’s name and send it to the CIGRÉ’s Regular Member who sent the letter to you with copy to Mr. Gromow ()
/ 1) Sign the letter P2 with your contact data
2) Please search for addresses of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies by yourself and send the letter P2.
3) The other chance to send these letters will be as soon as the CIGRÉ’s members of your jurisdiction area will provide their contacts and addresses to you. / 1) Please pay attention to the enclosed letter with the pertinent invitation and explanations.
2) Fulfill the Questionnaire’s item 3, that refers to your expertise, add your name to the file’s name and send it to the CIGRÉ’s Regular Member who sent the letter to you with copy to Mr. Gromow ()
/ 1) Sign the letter P3 with your contact data
2) Please search for addresses of Consulting Companies by yourself and send the letter P3.
3) The other chance to send these letters will be as soon as the CIGRÉ’s members of your jurisdiction area will provide their contacts and addresses to you. / 1) Please pay attention to the enclosed letter with the pertinent invitation and explanations.
2) Fulfill the Questionnaire’s item 6, that refers to your expertise, add your name to the file’s name and send it to the CIGRÉ’s Regular Member who sent the letter to you with copy to Mr. Gromow ()
Should you have any question related to the Questionnaire itself please contact Alexander Gromow at the e-mail: or the cellular phone ++55 11 9659-0846 Skype: agromo
You can also download a simplified flux-diagram in PDF of the present task from the address: .
As a final word we thank for your attention, we encourage you to be part of this team and to answer the section 3 of this questionnaire; and we remain
Best regards