Title (in 14 pt Times New Roman font)

AuthorA1, AuthorB1, AuthorC2, AuthorD3

1Organization 2, City, State, Country

2Organization 2, City, State, Country

3Organization 3, City, State, Country

(, , , )

ABSTRACT.The abstract should be brief – one paragraph between 150 to 200 words. It must clearly describe the most important contributions of the work. The abstract must be typeset in 9 pt Times New Roman font.

Keywords: Please list your keywords here. They should be separated by middots. For example: Temperature · Stones · Bricks

  1. SUBMISSION and Template details

Papers should be submitted all in .doc and .pdf formats following this template and must be submitted by 1 March 2017. Authors are encouraged to submit papers no longer than 6 pages.

All papers will be indexed in the most popular and scientifically strong databases, and the proceedings will be published with the ISBN number 978-2-9559100-0-9 by Springer.

Instructions are available on the conference website

Please submit your paper electronically via your proper account found at the CIGOS 2017 Conference website

If you have any problems posting your paper, please send an e-mail to

Technical issues concerning should also be e-mailed to the same address:

This template is provided as a pre-formatted Word file, but other word processing software can be used by following the style in this file.

  1. main text

The main text in the paper should be typeset in 10 pt Times New Roman font with single-line spacing. Text should be full justified.

Please kindly note that we prefer the use of American English.

Never underline any text. Use the small font (9 points) for tables (Table tags), figure captions (Figure caption tag) and the references (Reference text tag).

Never use letter spacing and never use more than one space after each other.

In the text, references must be listed in the order in which they are encountered. They must use the style [1], and must be placed before punctuation marks [2, 3], using square brackets.

Use SI units in the text. To avoid possible misreading, use the following notations for numbers:

  • Write 1.7 instead of 1,7
  • For numbers with four or more digits use commas, e.g. 17,000 instead of 17000.
  1. Major headings

Major headings should be typeset in 12 pt Times New Roman and be capitalized. Using this template file, major headings can be formatted with the Level1Heading style.


Sub-headings should be typeset in 11 pt Times New Roman italics, with the first letter of every important word capitalized. Sub-headings can be formatted using the Level2Heading style in this file.


All sections and sub-sections must be numbered in Arabic numerals.


You may list items in your paper using either bullets:

  • Item No. 1
  • Item No. 2

Or Roman numerals:

(i)Item No. 1

(ii)Item No. 2

(a)Lists within a list can be numbered with lowercase Roman letters

(b)Item No. 2

  1. PAGe numbering

There is no need to include page numbers or running heads; this will be done at our end.

  1. Equations

Equations displayed in your paper should be numbered sequentially, with an equation centered in the middle of a column, and its number set flush to the right edge of the column and enclosed in parentheses. Please do not include section counters in the numbering.


In the text of the paper, equations may be abbreviated in forms such as “Eq. (1).”

For simple equations in the text always use super-script and subscript (select Font in the Format menu). Do not use the equation editor between text on same line.

  1. Figures

Figures must be inserted as close as possible to their first reference. Figures must be numbered consecutively and must have descriptive titles placed just below them. Figure captions must be typeset in 9 pt Times New Roman.

Vector graphics (rather than rasterized images) should be used for diagrams and schemas whenever possible. Please check that the lines in line drawings are not interrupted and have a constant width.

The proceedings of CIGOS 2017 will be printed in black and white (half- tones). If you send colored figures that are to be printed in black and white, please make sure that they really are also legible in black and white (Fig. 1). Some colors show up very poorly when printed in black and white.

Fig. 1. Probability of failure of the sample wedge.

It is essential to note that large figures may straddle both columns.

  1. tables

In the text, tables must be inserted as close to the first point of reference as possible. Please leave some space above and below the table. Avoid abbreviations in column headings. Tables must be numbered sequentially in the text with Arabic numerals (Table 1).

Captions must be centered above tables. Tables and table captions must be typeset in 9 pt Times New Roman font. Large tables may straddle both columns.

Table 1. Sample tables with values

Setting / Cm / inches
Top / 1.2 / 0.47”
Bottom / 1.3 / 0.51”
Left / 1.15 / 0.45”
Right / 1.15 / 0.45”

For citations in the text, please use square brackets and consecutive numbers. We would write [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for consecutive numbers and [1], [3], [5] for non-consecutive numbers. The numbers in the bibliography section are without square brackets.

Please make sure that all your sources are correctly listed in the reference section. Do not include references to pieces of work that are not connected with your paper.


This should always be a run-in heading and not a section or subsection heading. It should not be assigned a number. The acknowledgements may include reference to grants or supports received in relation to the work presented in the paper.


References must be listed in the order in which they are encountered in the text of the paper. References must be typeset in 9 pt Times New Roman.

Examples of Reference Citations:

  1. Fryba L., Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads, 3rd edition, Telford, 1999.
  2. Fryba L., Dynamics of Railway bridges, Telford, 1996.
  3. Lin Y.H., “Vibration analysis of Timoshenko beams traversed by moving loads”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology 2 (4), pp. 25-35, 1994.
  4. Stancioiu D., Ouyang H., and Mottershead J.E., “Vibration of a continuous beam excited by a moving mass and experimental validation”, Journal of Physics, Conference series 181, 1999.
  5. Adetunde I.A., “Dynamical Behavior of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Traversed by Uniform Partially Distributed Moving Masses”, Reasearch Journal of Applied Sciences 2 (4), pp. 476-483, 2007.
  6. Lin Y.H. and Cho C.H., “Vibration suppression of beam structures traversed by multiple moving loads using a damped absorber”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology 1 (1), pp. 39-48, 1993.
  7. Timoshenko S., Young D.H., and Weaver W., Vibration problems in engineering, 4th edition, Wiley, 1974.


Publisher: Springer, ISBN: 978-2-9559100-0-9 / @ CIGOS Vietnam 2017