Church of the Holy Family
The Episcopal Church in Mills River
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 17, 2014
Please observe silence after the Altar Candles are lit
A bell rings three times; the people stand.
Hymn #542 “Christ is the World’s True Light”
Salutation and Collect for Purity Book of Common Prayer pg. 355
Hymn #460: “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!” vs. 1-3
Collect of the Day BCP pg. 232
Genesis 45:1-15
Hymn 538 “God of Mercy”
Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32
Hymn # 470 “There’s a Wideness”
The Holy Gospel: Matthew 15:10-28
The Sermon Mr. Paul Karlsson, M.Div.
Nicene Creed BCP pg.358
The Catechism: The Creeds BCP pg. 851
Prayers of the People Form VI BCP pg. 392
Confession and Absolution BCP pg. 393
The Peace
Hymn #577 “Here in Christ We Gather” vs. 1
Offertory Instrumental
The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer C BCP pg. 369
Hymn #S127 “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” Sanctus
The Lord’s Prayer (contemporary)
Communion of the People
Healing Prayer is available at the right rear of the church
WLP 773 “Heal Me Hands of Jesus” Insert
Post Communion Prayer BCP pg. 365
The Blessing
Hymn #533 “How Wondrous and Great”
The Dismissal
Hospitality and Fellowship
The Flowers are given to the Glory of God
And in Memory of James A. Seacord
By Susan Seacord
We give thanks for those who serve God and us today.
Altar Server Linda B Chalicist Diane C/Mary Fr B
Altar Guild Linda B/Louise R Listener Leslie S
OT Reader Dick S Intercessor Leslie S
NT Reader Linda Sue B Ushers Ann O/ Liz Sm
Prayer Team TBA Counters Cissy F/Liz S
This week at Holy Family XAug. 18 through Aug. 24X
Next Sunday 10:00 am Holy Eucharist
Announcements and Events
After the Nicene Creed each Sunday we’re reviewing The Catechism, the “Outline of the Faith” of the Episcopal Church. Please let the Rector know if you have any questions.
Lunch Servers at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission on Thursday, August 21st are Sue Seacord and Janet Norman.
Church of the Advocate fundraiser dinner: September 4, 5:30 to 7:30
Holy Family drawing for free tickets. Carrabba's has generously offered a meal as a gift and expression of their support and care for thepoor and homeless. Your donations (suggested minimum of $25) will go toward these efforts.. Outreach is providing 4 tickets to the dinner which we will draw on August 24th. To make this more fun, please everyone put your name in the box on the info table. help There is also a sign up sheet if you would like us to call in reservations for you, or you can call the Church of the Advocate at 828-243-3932 to make your own reservations.
Holy Family fills 72 BakPaks each month for Children at Mills River School who are at risk of insufficient nutrition over the weekend. The BakPak ministry will be collecting a different snack each week to make it easy for anyone who would like to help Outreach with this important endeavor. Please feel free to contact Cissy Ford at 243-6658 or . The snack forAug. 24th is fruit cups. Thank you!
Holy Family is involved in the "Feed the Kids Program" which is a community effort to provide a meal at the Boys and Girls Club of Hendersonville every Friday night of the year. There are opportunities to shop, prepare food, cook, deliver or serve. Our team serves about every 6 or 7 weeks, but you do not have to volunteer every time, you can fit times into your schedule. This involves about 3 or 4 hours service every 6 weeks. For more information please see Teresa Kelly, or call her at 828-891-7095.
Hunger Walk: You are invited to join Teresa Kelly in raising money for the Hunger Coalition by walking with me on Sat. Sept. 13. If you cannot walk with me please sponsor me by making a donation of cash or a check made out to HENDERSON COUNTY HUNGER COALITION. For more info on walking contact Teresa Kelly at or 891-7095. Thank you for caring.
Looking ahead: The Men’s Retreat is planned for Saturday, September 27. And our annual “Holy Smokes” Barbeque and auction will take place on Friday, October 17.
Yes, you can Adopt a Goat! In September we will host 20 local goats who will be eating the weeds along the Sweetwater Branch South of our facility. $60 sponsors one goat for a month. Note “goats” on your gift to Holy Family to underwrite a billy or nanny.
The people of Holy Family, Ministers
The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor, Bishop
The Rev. Robert Lundquist, Rector
The Church of the Holy Family is a parish of the
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western North Carolina
419 Turnpike Road, Mills River, NC 28759
(828) 891-9375 Website:
Liz Spahr [‘14] Senior Warden, Jay Callan [‘16] Junior Warden
Cissy Ford [‘15],
Jim Neal [‘14], Stan Pacana [‘16],
Dick Smith [‘14], Leslie Stott [‘16]
Ellery Aldrich, Office Minister Terri Karlsson, Music Minister
Molly Pace, President Daughters of the King Martha Callan, Treasurer
Louise Rooney, Altar Guild Coordinator Michele Burnette, Outreach Chair
Mary Frances Burkett, LEM Coordinator