Chronology: the Cold War Years

Chronology: the Cold War Years


November 1943 Teheran meeting between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt

July 1944Bretton Woods Conference: Creation of International Monetary Fund
and World Bank

August 1944Dumbarton Oaks Conference: Creation of United Nations

October 1944 Moscow meeting between Churchill and Stalin: Spheres of influence
plan for the Balkans

February 1945 Yalta Conference between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt

April 1945Roosevelt dies

May 1945Germany surrenders

April-June 1945 San Francisco Conference-U.N. Organization Charter

July 1945First test of A-bomb; Potsdam Conference: Truman, Churchill,
Attlee, Stalin

August 1945Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed by A-bombs; USSR enters war in Asia September 1945 Japan surrenders

March 1946Churchill's Iron Curtain speech; resumption of Greek civil war

March 1947Truman Doctrine announced

June 1947Marshall Plan announced

October 1947Creation of Cominform by Moscow

February 1948 Coup by Czech Communist Party

March 1948Partial blockade of Berlin begins

June 1948Berlin airlift begins; Yugoslavia ousted from Cominform

November 1948 Truman reelected president

April 1949North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington

May 1949End of the Berlin blockade

August 1949USSR explodes first A-bomb

September 1949 Federal Republic of Germany created

October 1949People's Republic of China proclaimed;
German People's Republic proclaimed

February 1950 Sino-Soviet pact signed in Moscow

April 1950NSC-68 drafted

June 1950Beginning of Korean War

November 1952 First U.S. H-bomb exploded; Eisenhower elected president;
Dulles becomes secretary of state

March 1953 Death of Stalin

June 1953 East Berlin uprising Armistice in Korea

July 1953 Armistice in Korea

August 1953First Soviet H-bomb test

September 1953 Khrushchev becomes first secretary of Soviet Communist Party

September 1954 Chinese bombardment of Quemoy and Matsu

May 1955West Germany admitted to NATO; Warsaw Pact signed;
Austrian State Treaty signed;Austria neutralized

February 1956 Khrushchev denounces Stalin at Twentieth Party Congress

June 1956 Poznan uprising in Poland

October 1956 Start of Hungarian uprising

November 1956USSR intervenes in Budapest

August 1957 Launching of first Soviet ICBM

October 1957 Sputnik satellite launched

February 1958 Launching of first U.S. satellite

August 1958China threatens Taiwan

January 1959 Victory of Fidel Castro in Cuba

September 1959 Khrushchev visits United States

February 1960 First French A-bomb test

May 1960American U-2 shot down over USSR; Paris summit fails

April 1961Failure of Bay of Pigs landing in Cuba

June 1961Khrushchev and Kennedy meet in Vienna

August 1961Building of the Berlin Wall

October 1961Incidents at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin; tensions increase

October 1962Cuban missile crisis

June 1963Kennedy visits Berlin, declares "Ich bin ein Berliner"
("I am a Berliner") as agesture of solidarity

October 1963Kennedy signs Limited Test Ban Treaty; USSR, United States and

UnitedKingdom outlaws tests in the atmosphere, underwater, and in space

November 1963 Kennedy assassinated; Johnson sworn into office

August 1964Tonkin Gulf Act passes Congress, escalating U.S. involvement in Vietnam October 1964 Khrushchev ousted, replaced by Brezhnev and Kosygin

November 1964 China detonates first atomic bomb

March 1966Anti-Vietnam War rallies held in United States and Europe

April 1966Beginning of Chinese Cultural Revolution

January 1967United States, USSR, and 60 other nations agree to
Outer Space Treaty limiting military uses of space

June 1967China explodes first H-bomb

January 1968Prague Spring reforms begin in Czechoslovakia

January 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam

July 1968Nuclear Arms Nonproliferation Treaty signed by United States,
USSR, and 58other countries

August 1968Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

November 1968 Nixon elected President

December 1968 U.S. forces reach peak of 535,000 in Vietnam

November 1969 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) begin between United States
and USSR

February 1970 Paris Peace Talks begin between United States and North Vietnam

April 1970U.S. troops invade Cambodia

April 1970Four U.S. college students killed by National Guardsmen at
Kent State University at antiwar rally

November 1971 People's Republic of China joins United Nations

February 1972 Nixon visits China

May 1972SALT I signed, freezing number of ICBMs and SLBMs in place
for 5 years

January 1973Paris Accords establish ceasefire and political settlement of Vietnam War

May 1973East and West Germany establish formal diplomatic relations

September 1973 Chilean socialist government of Salvador Allende overthrown
in U.S.-backedmilitary coup

October 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel and Arab states; United States and
USSR nearly drawn into conflict. Arab oil embargo against the United States thatlasts until March 1974.

August 1974Nixon resigns over Watergate; Gerald Ford sworn in as president

April 1975United States leaves Vietnam after fall of Saigon

July 1975U.S. and Soviet astronauts link up in space

July 1975United States and USSR sign Helsinki Accords, pledging

acceptance of European borders and protection for human rights

November 1976 Jimmy Carter elected president

January 1979United States and People's Republic of China establish
full diplomatic relations

June 1979SALT II agreement limiting long-range missiles and bombers
signed by Carterand Brezhnev

July 1979Sandinista forces overthrow Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua

December 1979 USSR invades Afghanistan; United States imposes sanctions
and intention toboycott Moscow Olympics

January 1980Carter Doctrine states that Persian Gulf is a vital U.S. interest

January 1981Lech Walesa leads Polish Solidarity union in illegal strike

January 1981Ronald Reagan inaugurated; U.S. hostages released from Iran

December 1981 Martial law imposed in Poland

May 1982Reagan outlines Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
to reduce ICBMsand number of strategic nuclear weapons on both sides

March 1983Reagan proposes Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), popularly
called "Star Wars," to develop missile defense technology

November 1983 United States begins deployment of INF Pershing II missiles
in West Germany

March 1985Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Soviet General Secretary

March 1985Nuclear and Space Talks (NST) open in Geneva, based on START model October 1986 At Reykjavik Summit Reagan refuses Gorbachev's proposal to make

significant arms reductions if United States gives up SDI

November 1986 Secret funding of Nicaraguan contras through arms sales to
Iran becomes public

December 1987 At Washington Summit Reagan and Gorbachev agree to
eliminate INF andwork toward completing a START agreement

April 1988USSR agrees to withdraw from Afghanistan by February 1989

June 1988Gorbachev tells Communist Party leaders that elements of communist
doctrine must change

August 1988Cuba withdraws troops from Angola

November 1988 George H.W. Bush elected president

June 1989Chinese Army assaults prodemocracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square
November 1989 Berlin Wall falls; thousands of East Germans cross to Western side

February 1990 Nicaraguan Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega defeated

May-June 1990 Washington Summit between Bush and Gorbachev

October 1990 Germany reunifies into one nation

November 1990 Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe cuts size of land armies December 1990 Lech Walesa elected president of Poland

July 1991Bush and Gorbachev sign START, pledge to destroy thousands
of nuclearweapons

August 1991Coup against Gorbachev fails, but power flows to Russian
President Boris Yeltsin

September 1991 All SAC bombers, tankers, and Minuteman II ICBMs taken off alert

December 1991Soviet Union dissolves; US recognizes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine.