Clubs Council
There will be a meeting of the Students’ Union Sports Zone on Tuesday3rd March 2015at 17:00 in the Lecture A4.
In order to ensure the meeting is kept to time please ensure all attached papers are read in advance.
1.1Members Present
Christopher Priddle Sports President (CP)
Paige Turner Communications Officer(PT)
1.2In Attendance
Fraser Hamilton Tennis (FH)
Nikki HowleTennis(NH)
Rhona SmithRowing(RS)
Eligh MtongaRowing (EM)
Lewis MachieRowing(LM)
Anthony HulattUltimate Frisbee(AH)
Katrina Ring Polo Club(KR)
Rachel McDonaldEquestrian (RM)
Amy TraversEquestrian(AT)
Lauren GeddesEquestrian & Polo(LG)
Jamie McAldineMen’s Football (JM)
Josh NondboMen’s Football(JN)
Fianna Ahlgren Sen-No-Kai Karate(FA)
Cara PottsDance (CP)
Kelly McDonachDance (KMcD)
Jess MorrisDance (JM)
Ben MaddySquash(BM)
Sean CooperSub-Aqua(SC)
Fraser McCelellandMen’s Hockey(FMcC)
Matthew BrewsMen’s Hockey(MB)
Daniel MacDonaldMen’s Hockey(DMac)
Callum WilliamsonMen’s Hockey(CW)
Colin Stein Men’s Hockey (CS)
David Evans Kayak(DE)
Robyn BlairLadies Hockey(RB)
Rachael FairleyLadies Hockey(RF)
Nicola BradleyLadies Basketball(NB)
Hannah ShanronLadies Gaelic Football (HS)
Kirsty JacksonWomen Lacrosse(KJ)
Sean Campbell Kayak(SCa)
Graeme EtheridgeCricket(GE)
1.4 Apologies
Jenny LesterHealth Promotions Officer(JD)
Paddy Wilson Participation & Engagement Officer (PW)
1.5Absent without Apologies
2.1No minutes to pass
5.1Judy Murray Tennis Roadshow 4th March
CP – The first date we have to note is that the Judy Murray Tennis Roadshow is coming to the Gannochy tomorrow. Fraser are you able to give us any more information on it?
FH – No, I think Scott knows more about it than me.
SC –Yeah Judy Murray is going around the country delivering coaching workshops to coaches as part of CPD. If you know anyone that is interested in taking part let them know that it starts between 8.30am and finishes at 10.30am.
5.2Tennis Club Matches tomorrow 4th March
CP –The next date to note we have is key matches tomorrow for the Tennis club. Fraser can you give us the low down on this.
FH – Yeah tomorrow we have some really important matches. It’s the last match for the girls who have had a great season, their match is 11:30am and not 10:30am. This match is almost a goodbye for the season and a well done as they have qualified for BUCS Premier North for the first time in 5 years. The Men’s team also have a relegation decider against St Andrews. The winner of the match will stay up and the loser will get relegated.
We are trying to get as many people as possible down to support the teams. Air3 Radio are also doing some commentary of the matches. There will be free Krispy Kreme doughnuts as well for anyone that comes down.
CP – Thanks Fraser that sounds great. Good to see Air3 Radio get involved in doing some commentary. They also got funding from the Stirling Fund to purchase a generator, which will help them do outdoor sport. So that is pretty cool.
5.3Curling event 4th March
CP – We also have a group of Masters students that are running a Curling event over the next few Wednesdays. If anyone or you know anyone that is interested in participating then speak to us and we can pass on Angus and Claire’s contact details.
5.4Sports Ball General Sale 10th March
CP – As you will all be aware general sale for Sports Ball tickets is Tuesday next week. We sold 217 tickets to 4th year and committee members. If any of your club members are interested in going I would recommend that they get down early.
5.5Rowing Varsity Match Versus Dundee 14th March
CP –Another club that has activity coming up is the Rowing club. Is anyone from the Rowing club here to speak about the event?
LM –Yeah, we are holding a Varisty match against Dundee on 14th March. It is the first time it has took place in 7 years. There will be free food served, so would be good to get as many people done as possible!
6Elections & Resignations
7.1Sport President
CP –Moving on to my report.As you all will be aware that we recently held a President meeting regarding Equality and Diversity. It was a meeting I didn’t want to have but was absolutely needed. You all may remember back at the start of the year all clubs received a letter from John Gardner and since then several incidents have occurred, which has resulted in the University call in to question all Presidents and committee members. We must make sure we are doing the right things in our clubs to make sure these incidents don’t happen again.
Going forward if you have any questions or doubts about socials or anything the please let us know and just ask. The University is watching so make sure there is nothing that can be brought against your club. It is also worth reviewing your social media pages as well socials and initiations. Have a good think about it before you do anything. At stage we could open it up to the floor to see if anyone has any particular thoughts on Equality and Diversity.
JMc - I think there is going to be some kind of Equality and Diversity training to be delivered. Though I think socials have their place within the Sports Union.
FMc – I think we need to be careful with the themes and they should maybe be ok’d by the Spots Union.
SC – Yeah you’re absolutely right we do need to be very careful themes of these socials. As Chris has mentioned if you are any doubt then just ask us beforehand.
CP – Moving on Paige will now give us a brief report on what she’s been up to
7.2Participation and Engagement Officer
PT –I have just really been helping out with bits and bobs that are on-going. The biggest thing coming up is Sports ball and we have started to look for raffle prizes. We have a letter that we are going to hand into businesses in the town. If anyone has any links with companies that will be able to offer us prizes then please let us know.
8.1 Misconduct Issues
CP – Think we’ve already discussed this topic but again I would just like to reinforce that we are being watched and try making sure nothing else happens
8.2 Sports Ball Charities and Raffle Prizes
CP – Paige mentionedit butin the process of planning the Sports Ball. Tickets for 4th year and Committee members sold well today and the remaining tickets will be sold next Tuesday the 10th. As Paige said we are trying to get prizes in for the charity raffle so anybody knows anyone that can donate prizes then please let us know. The charities that have been discussed are Connors Journey and a Cancer charity that is close to Pete Bilsbrough. We will further update you all when we have more information.
8.3 Kukri Kit
CP – The next topic discussion is Kukri. Our sponsorship with them runs out this year and we want to get your feedback on what we should do. This will be something that Jess will decide on when she comes into the position. So has anyone got any thoughts? The Hockey clubs have ordered kit recently what is your thoughts?
RB –The kit we order was fine there was no issue with it. However we have had issues with Squirrel sports as there isn’t any Women’s Hockey hoodies on the website.
CP – I’ll chase that up for you
CW – Our kit order was also fine and was all correct, though it still takes ages to arrive.
8.4 Impact Report – Clubs Achievements
CP - The Impact Report is a publication that the Students Union produces each year. It basically showcases all the activity that goes on the in the Union. It is an opportunity for all the Sports Clubs to shout about their success. If any individuals or teams as a whole have had any successes this year then get in touch and we will look to feature it in the report.
8.5 Healthy Body Healthy Mind – Smoking Survey
CP – As I have mentioned in previous meetings this year within the Healthy Body Healthy Mind award there is an emphasis on smoking. As part of No Smoking Day next week we have a survey going, where we are looking to find out how many students smoking and some other information. We shall send it around and it would be good if you could share it on your club pages.
31st March 2015
CP –We have had a student ask us about starting an archery club so anyone knows people that would be keen to get involvedlet us know.
GE –I tried to set something up last year but there were challenges with kit and equipment. It was also difficult to get a link with the community club.
CP – Really, oh right I will pass on your details to him and you can have a chat and maybe help each other.
Robin would you like to talk about Women’s Hockey quiz night?
RB –Yeah, tomorrow we are having a Pub Quiz in the Corn Exchange to raise money for the club and we will also make a donation to Connors Journey. Everyone is welcome so get yourself down there!
CP – Thanks Robin. Anything from anyone else?
CW – Is there going to be a disclaimer for Sports Ball?
CP – Yes, there will be a disclaimer for all Presidents of clubs that are attending Sports ball. This will cover any damage to the buses or people being sick.