Christine E. Gudorf


Indiana University, BS 1971

Columbia University, M.A. 1976, M.Phil. 1977, Ph.D. 1979 (Religion).

Florida International University, PhD in Comparative Sociology, ABD.(was writing chapter two when I became chair in 2004--dropped then.)


Florida International University, Department of Religious Studies, Miami,

FL. Associate Professor, 1993-95, Professor 1995- , Chair 2004- 2010.

St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT, Visiting Professor, Graduate Ministry Program, Summer 2002.

Florida State University, London Program, Visiting Professor, Summer


Xavier University, Cincinnati, Assistant Professor, 1978-83; Associate

Professor, 1983-88; Professor, 1988-1993.

Gadjah Mada University, Graduate Program in Comparative Religion,

Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Spring 2002 and Summer 2003. (Fulbright

Senior Scholar, then Fulbright Serial Scholar).

University of Illinois Medical School at Urbana-Champaign, Visiting

Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology (Ethics), Summer 1999.

Maryknoll Institute, Summer Faculty, Course: Cross-Cultural Christian

Ethics for Missioners, Summer 1997.

Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA, Summer Faculty, July 1995.

Course: Sexuality and the Church.

Seattle University, Seattle, SUMORE Masters in Theology Program,

Visiting Faculty, Summers 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989. Course:

Christian Ethics.

Temple University, Visiting Professor, Department of Religion, Graduate

Seminar: GenderStudies in Religion. Spring 1989.

Seminario San Jose, Cajamarca, Peru, Visiting Professor, Spring 1988.

Course: La etica de Jesusy el mundo moderno.

Atheneum/Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the West, Cincinnati, Adjunct

Professor, 1979-1989, Courses: Christology; Liberation Theology;

1992 Course: Feminist Theology.


William Shannon Lecturer, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, April 2010.

Phyllis Trible Lecturer, Wake Forest University, March 2010.

President, Society of Christian Ethics, 2007-2008.

Member, National Council of Churches Human Genetics Committee, 2004-2007.

Lecture, National Bioethics Commission, Indonesia, June 2005.

Earl Lecturer, Pacific School of Religion at Berkeley, January 2005.

Fulbright Senior Scholar, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Spring 2002 and again Summer 2003.

Editorial Board, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1995- 2000, reappointed 2000-2003, 2003-2005.

Co-editor, The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2001-2006.

Editorial Board, Journal of Religious Ethics, July 2000-July 2005, July 2005-2010.

Elsie Fields Memorial Lecture, University of Illinois Medical School at Urbana-Champaign, June 17, 1999.

Bartlett Lecturer, Yale University School of Theology, March 31, 1995.

Gustavus Meyer 1995 Merit Award for Book on Human Rights in North America, for Body, Sex and Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sexual Ethics.

Midwest Book Achievement Awards 1995, Best Religious Book Category: Merit Award for Body, Sex and Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sexual Ethics.

Lecture, Polish Academy of Science, October 26, 1992, "Science and Dissent in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church."

Speaker, NGO Forum of United Nations’ International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, 1994 (for International Planned Parenthood, London).

International Research:

DateProject & Funder(s)

Spring/Summer 1982Church and Liberation Theology: Mexico and Peru (Xavier University Foundation)

Spring 1984 Peru, Colombia and Nicaragua: Base Communities (Xavier University Foundation)

Spring 1988Peru: Women and Development

(Xavier University Foundation; Roothbert Foundation)

May 1989;May/June 1990 Eastern Europe: The Church and the Collapse of Communism (Xavier University Foundation)

July/December 1992Poland: The Church and Sexuality; Germany:

Reunification and the Committee For Justice;

Women and Reproductive Health Trends in Europe(Ford Foundation; International Planned Parenthood; Catholics For A Free Choice; Xavier University)

August 1995Church and State in 1995 Peruvian Elections

(College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University)

May-June 1998Religion in Turkey: Christian and Muslim tensions with secularism (College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University)

July-August 1999Goddess Religion and Christianity (Italy): The Madrici of Capua (FIU Foundation)

June-August 2001Religion and Archeology in the UK— Megaliths/Barrow Graves (College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University)

January-June 2002Sexuality and Gender in Indonesia (Fulbright Senior Scholar Teaching/Research Award)

July 2003Fulbright Serial Scholar in Indonesia.

June 2010-Sept 2012 Pentecostalism in Indonesia

External Grants:

Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Institute, USC, June 2010-Sept2012: $261,000 to study Pentecostalism in Indonesia (with 2 Co-PIs).

Bureauof Education and Culture, U.S. State Department, August 2006- Dec. 2007: $170,000 to train 20 Indonesian students in religious pluralism and community development leadership in US June-July 2007.

Henry Luce Grant, with John Raines of Temple University, $220,000, three year grant to support graduate student exchange program between Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia and Temple University and Florida International University in the U.S. 2003-2006.

Fulbright Initiatives (for FIU-Indonesia Graduate Student Exchange) 2004- 2006. $17,000 for student exchanges between FIU and Gadjah Mada


US Peace Institute.2004-2006Research Grant with John Raines and Irwan Abdullah. Comparison of religious education in state, Muslim, Christian and Hindu secondary schools and correlations with attitudes towards other religions in Indonesia,. $50,000. (Declined award, due to new dept chair responsibilities.)

Seminars/ Lectures/ Consultant for:

AIDS and Reproductive Health Network (World Health Organization)

American Academy of Religion

American College of Nurse Midwives (Southern Ohio Chapter)

Archdiocese of Cincinnati (Family Life Office)

Atheneum of Ohio

Bard College

Brite Theological Seminary, Texas Christian University

Call to Action (national meetings)

Carroll College, Montana

Catholic Theological Society of America

Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.)

Catholics For a Free Choice (nat'l/intern'l meetings)

Center of Concern (Washington, D.C.)

Center for Development and Population Activities

Chlorine Chemistry Council

College Theology Society

Dartmouth College

Dignity (national meeting)

Diocese of Covington, Ky. (Catholic Social Services)

Engaged Encounter (Archdiocese of Miami)

ENWRAC (European Network for Women's Rights to Abortion and Contraception)

Family Planning and Development Association of Poland

FEMAP de Juarez, Mexico(Planned Parenthood affiliate)

Fordham University

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Kennedy Center for Bioethics, Georgetown University

Glenmary Fathers and Sisters

Holy Cross Health Systems

Iliff Seminary

Illinois Council of Churches

Institute For Secular Missionaries (Spain)

International Planned Parenthood Federation (Cairo ICPD NGO Forum))

International Sexological Association (Warsaw Congress)

Lutheran Synod of Southern Ohio

Kielce Institute of Higher Pedagogy ( Poland)

Maryknoll School of Theology , Maryknoll Mission Institute (NY)

Mennonite Health Association

Milliken University (IL)

Mohammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Mount St Agnes Theological Center for Women (DE)

National Conference of Christians and Jews

National Council of Churches, Human Genetics Committee

National Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

National Women's Studies Association

National Bioethics Commisssion, Indonesia

New Ways Ministries

Oxford University (Wyciff Hall)

Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley)

Park Ridge Center (Chicago)

Planned Parenthood (local U.S. chapters, and Polish national organization

Polish Academy of Science

Purdue University

Regis University, Denver

Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics

Santa Clara University

Satya Wacana (Christian) University, Salatiga, Indonesia

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (International Chapter)

Sisters of Charity of Mt. St. Joseph

Society of Christian Ethics

Spring Hill College (Alabama)

St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center

Temple University, Dept. of Religion

United Seminary of the Twin Cities

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Ciudad de Mexico)

University of Colorado

University of Illinois School of Medicine

University of Indonesia, Dept of Philosophy

University of New Mexico (Newman Center)

University of Notre Dame, Programs in Peace and Justice

University of Minnesota School of Medicine

University Rectors Conference (Poland)

Vanderbilt University

Villanova University, Theology Institute

Wake Forest University

Wesleyan College, (Macon, GA)

Weston Seminary (Boston)

Wittenburg University (OH)


Wroclaw University (Poland)

Xavier University (after leaving the faculty!)

Yale University, The Divinity School and School of Theology

Zielona Gora Institute for Higher Pedagogy (Poland)

and many local and regional churches, schools and religious groups.

Administrative Experience:

Academic Relations Committee, American Academy of Religion, 2013-2016.

Co-Chair, Feminist Theory and Religious Reflection Group, American

Academy of Religion, 2009-2012.

President, Society of Christian Ethics, 2007-08; Vice-President 2006-07.

Vice-President, Council of Chairs, College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University, 2005-2006.

Chair, Department of Religious Studies, Florida International University 2004-2010.

Co-editor, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2001-2006.

Graduate Program Director, Department of Religious Studies, Florida International University, 2002-2004. Developed the MA, and later the PhD proposal and implementation plans.

Member, Faculty Senate, Florida International University, 2001-2002.

Member, FIU College of Arts and Sciences Library Committee, 1993-1999.

Member, Florida Foster Care Review Board, Miami-Dade County Juvenile Court, 1994-1998.

Member, Xavier University: Curriculum Board, 1979-1982; Budget Committee, 1988-90; Rank and Tenure Committee, 1991-94.

Director, Xavier University Peace Studies Program, 1987-90. Member Advisory Committee, 1985-87, 1991-93.

Director, Xavier University Women’s Studies Program,1990-1992.

Member Advisory Committee,1987-90.

St. Francis/St. George Hospital Ethics Committee, Cincinnati, 1984-1986.

Chair, Xavier University Faculty Governance, 1988-90. (Headed negotiation

of new master faculty contract).

Member, Board of Directors, Cincinnati Habitat For Humanity, 1986-1992.

First Vice-Pres., 1987-90; Chair, Family Selection and Nurturance Committee, 1987-92.

Chair, North Central Association Visiting Team for St. Ursula Academy,


Professional Memberships:

Member, American Academy of Religion since 1976. Program Committee: Ethics Section (1990s); Feminist Theory and Religious Experience Group, 2006-2009, Co-Chair 2009- 2012. Latest presentation, November 2012;Journal of the American Academy of Religion Editorial Board 1995-2005.

Member, Society of Christian Ethics, since 1977. Board of Directors, 1991-94. 21st CenturyCommittee 1999-2001. Executive Committee, 1991, 1993. Last paper presentation, January 2013. Co-editor, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2001-2006. Vice-President/President-Elect, 2006; President, 2007.

Member, Catholic Theological Society of America, since 1986. Last presentation June 2006. Host Committee 1999.

Advisory Board, Feminist Sexual Ethics Project, Brandeis University, 2004-2013.

Recent Lectures:

"Pentecostal Ethics in a Muslim Context," American Academy of

Religion, Ethics section, Chicago, November 2012.

"Comparison of Muslim and Pentecostal Ethics in Indonesia" Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, January 2013.

"Preliminary Findings: Pentecostalism in Indonesia--Survey Statistics." Conference on Pentecostalism in Indonesia, January 17-18, 2011, Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.

"Pentecostalism and the Law in Indonesia," Religion and Politics Section, American Academy of Religion meeting, Atlanta, October 31, 2010.

"On the Future of Religious Studies in State Universities," American Academy of Religion meeting, Atlanta, October 30, 2010.

"The Papal Gamble on Gender in the Developing World," Trent, Italy, Catholic Ethicists for a World Church, July 2010.

“The Intrinsic Value of Life, Technology and Healthcare,” William Shannon

Lecture, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, April 8.

“Feminism, the Body and Disability: In Sickness and Health,” Phyllis Trible

Lecture, Wake Forest University, March 2, 2010.

“Contrasting Feminist and Religious Approaches to Torture,” Society of

Christian Ethics panel paper, Jan 9, 2010, San Jose, CA.

“Muslim and Christian Approaches to Water Privatization,” Society of

Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 10, 2010.

“Water Privatization in Developing Nations,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Ethics Section, Montreal, Canada,

November 8, 2009.

“Analyzing the Papal Shift on Natural Death,” Ethics Section, American

Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 2008, Chicago.

“Heroes and Suicides,” Presidential Address, Society of Christian Ethics

Annual Meeting, Jan 5, 2008, Atlanta.

“Role of Religion in Science and Technology Research and Evaluation,”

Alauddin University, Makasar, Indonesia, Graduate School,

November 7, 2007.

“Assessing Sex Differences in Moral Behavior: The Demand for Cross-

Cultural Research,” Center for Religion and Cross-cultural Studies,

Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 5, 2007.

“Managerialism in Catholic and Protestant Churches of the Americas,” at

Society for the Study of Christian Ethics, Oxford University.

September 2007.

“On Alternative Ethical Models as Complements: Examining New Brain

Research,”Yale Divinity School lecture, Feb 5, 2007.

“Empathy: Necessary But Not Sufficient for Christian Ethics.”

Presidential Address to Pacific Section, Society of Christian Ethics, Santa

Clara University, SantaClara, CA. February 23, 2007.

“Transgendered Personsand Moral Theology,”New Ways Ministry

Conference, Minneapolis, March 17, 2007.

“Desirein Feminism and the Construction of Agency: Mahmoud's Politics

of Piety and Female Pentecostals in Latin America,” American Academy

of Religion, Feminist Theory Section, November2006, Washington, DC.

American Academy of Religion, Ethics Section panel, “Theories of

Violence Against Women in World Religions,” November 2006,

Washington, DC.

“Evaluating the Role of Scientific and Social-Scientific

Research in Moral Theology.” Catholic Ethicists for the World Church Conference, Padua, Italy June 2006.

Catholic Theological Society of America annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 9, 2006, “Response to Stanley Hauerwas on the Role of the

Secular Sciences in Theology.”

Santa Clara University, May 8, 2006, “Method in Blending Religious,

Scientific and Social Scientific Knowledges.”

Northwestern University, Department of Religion, “Excess Access:

Universal Education and Modern Media as Obstacles to Catholic

Theological Development,” Chicago, Nov 4, 2005.

Templeton Conference: “Religion, Technology and Bioethics.” Gave three

lectures (on Sources of Authority in Bioethics, Ethics of Stem Cell

Research, and Withdrawal of Hydration and Nutrition) paired with

Ibrahim Moosa, Muslim scholar in bioethics from Duke University.

June 8-12, 2005 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

National Bioethics Commission of Indonesia, “What Roles Religion Can

Play in Bioethics,” in Jakarta, June 16, 2005.

Department of Philosophy, University of Indonesia, “Bioethics in the

Third Word: Contemporary Issues,” Jakarta, June 17, 2005.

Center for Religion and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University,

“Gender in Religious Studies,” Yogyakarta, Indonesia, June 14,


Faculty and Graduate Students in Sciences and Humanities, State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, June 13, 2005: “Issues in

Science,Technology and Ethics.”



Comparative Religious Ethics Everyday Decisions for Everyday Life. (Fortress, January 2013.)

Boundaries: Cases in Environmental Ethics, co-authored with James

Huchingson. Georgetown University Press, 2003. (Japanese edition, August 2008; 2nd English edition, April 2010.)

Ethicsin World Religions: A Cross-Cultural Casebook(Orbis, April 1999),

Co-edited with Regina Wolfe.

Body, Sex and Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sexual Ethics(Pilgrim


Victimization: Examining Christian Complicity (Trinity Press International, 1992).

Christian Ethics: A Case Method Approach(Orbis, 1989; 2nd Ed. 1994; 3rd Ed. 2005;) co-author withR. Stivers and R. and A. Evans.4th

Ed. 2011, co-author with L. Stivers and J. Martin-Schram.

Women's Consciousness, Women's Conscience: A Reader in Feminist Ethics(Winston Seabury, 1985; pbk, Harper and Row, 1987), co- editor with B. Andolsen and M. Pellauer.

Catholic Social Teaching on Liberation Themes (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America,1980).

Journal Articles:

"Feminist Treatments of Sacrifice.” In Consilium. Forthcoming 2013/4.

"New Evaluations of Capital Punishment: Indictment of the Criminal

Justice System,”Dialog. May 2012.

"Religion, Law and Pentecostalism in Indonesia," Pneuma 34. 1( 2012):


"Feminist Approaches toTorture," Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (2011):


"Christian and Muslim Approaches to Water Privatization,” in Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics30(2010)2.

“Heroes, Suicides, and Moral Discernment,” in Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29.1 (2009):87-108.

“Managerialism in Catholic and Pentecostal Churches in the Americas,” Studies in Christian Ethics 21.1 (April 2008): 45-60.

“Plenary Response to Stanley Hauerwas on Secular Knowledges,” in

Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America

2006, ed. Jonathan Tan.

“Religions on Women’s Role in the Family,” in Islam and Law, Fall, 2004.

“Response to Mary Hobgood’s “The Solidarity and Accountability of

Academic Feminists and Church Activists to World-Majority

Women,” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 20.2(Fall 2004):


“Corpo, self e identidade sexual: reflexões baseadas nas evidências

atuais,” REVER (Revista de Estudos da Religião) 2005.3: 118-155

(ISSN 16671222).

“Who Assigns Sex? The Catholic Church and Sexual Ethics Here and Now,” inRELIEF (Journal of the Center for Religion and Cross-Cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) Spring 2004.

“Resymbolizing Life: Religion on Population and Development,” Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society,Fall 2001.

“Not Only Poverty: The Richness of Religious Healing in Latin America,” Second Opinion, July 2001: 5-32.

"The Erosion of Sexual Dimorphism: Challenge to Religions and Religious Ethics," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 69.4 (Fall 2001): 863-891.

“Increasing Human Prospects for Reproductive Coercion,” in Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Spring 2000.

"Probing the Politics of Difference: What’s Wrong with an All-Male Priesthood?" Journal of Religious Ethics, Vol. 27.3 (1999): 377- 406.

“Life without Anchors: Sex, Exchange and Human Rights in a Postmodern

World,” Journal of Religious Ethics 26.2 (1998): 295-304.

“Cross Cultural Ethical Perspectives on New Reproductive Technologies,”

Evangelishe Akademie Loccum 58: October 1998, Neue Technologien der Reproduktionsmedizin aus interkultureller Sicht: 103-108.

"Gender and Culture in the Globalization of Bioethics," St. Louis University Public Law Review XV.2 ( May 1996): 331-352. Reprinted in The International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law 2002.

"Finding the Sources of Hope: Women and Development," Theology and Public PolicyVIII.2(1996): 30-41.

"Women and Catholic Church Politics in Eastern Europe," Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 1995: 2, 101-116.

"Women, Religion and Population Ethics," Second Opinion, 20 (January 1995).3: 59-71.

"Issues of Race in Feminist Ethics: A Review Essay," Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 9:1-2, Spring/Fall 1993, 239-245.

"Dysfunkcja seksualna a tradycja moralna," (Sexual Dysfunction and Catholic Moral Tradition)Sekuologie: Polskie Towarzstwo Seksuologiczne(Warsaw, Journal of the Polish Sexological Association), 1993:1, 5-11.

"O interpretowaniu winyi leku po aborcji," (Guilt and Post-Abortion Trauma ) Sekuologie: Polskie Towarzstwo Seksuologiczne (Sexology:Journal of the Polish Sexological Association), 1993: 2, 13-20.

"The Magisterium and the Bible: North American Experience," Concilium 1:1991, 79-90.

"Woman as Other: The Papacy on Women,"Social Compass(Louvain) 36:3 (1989), 295-310.

"Sexual Ignorance in the Age of Information," Second Opinion10, Spring 1989.

"Presumption and Humility,"The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 1989: 267-268.

"Sexuality and Spirituality in the Christian Family," Second Opinion11 ( Summer 1989): 10-35.

"Identity and Relationships," (review article) Cross Currents XXXIX:4 (Summer 1989): 213-217.

"Providence, Nature and History: A Response to Charles Curran," Catholic Theological Societyof America Proceedings 1989: 65-69.

"The Ethics of Teaching Ethics: A Roundtable Discussion,"The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 1989: 233-254.

"Women's Choice for Motherhood: A Cross Cultural Approach," Concilium4 (1989): 55-63.

"Recent Works on Christian Sexual Ethics," Religious Studies Review 14:2, April 1988, 125-127.

"Liberation Theology's Use of Scripture: A Reply to Its First World Critics," Interpretation 41:1, January 1987, 5-18.

"Additional Resources for Experiential Teaching," The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, 1987: 222-223.

"The Power to Create: Sacraments and Mens' Need to Birth, " Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society14:2, Fall 1987, 296- 309.

"How Will I Recognize My Conscience When I Find It?" Philosophy/TheologyI: I, Fall 1986, 64-83.

"To Make A Seamless Garment, Use A Single Piece of Cloth," Cross Currents XXXIV:4 (1984) 473-491.