/ Indiana GIS Response Corps Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2012
10:00am – 11:30am


Judy DeLury

Christina McCullough

Becky McKinley

John Milburn

David Nail

Diane Osborne

Jim Sparks

Bob Wilkinson

Phil Worrall

Call to Order and Introductions:

The meeting was called to order by Christina McCullough.

Approval of Agenda:

The meeting agenda was approved with no modifications.

Approval of Previous Meetings Minutes:

The meeting minutes were approved with no modifications.

News and Announcements:

-DHS S&T NE Pilot Kickoff

The committee requested information concerning vUSA accounts. Christina will contact the vUSA team and provide the necessary documents to the committee.

-Lawrence Livermore is hosting HSIP data via a web service and Google formats. Can be used by State and local agencies. You will need to sign up for an HSIN account to use this data source. Phil will provide more information to the committee.

-Christina provided links to the USGS Topo Maps to Chris Severns and the National Guard. Dave Nail (USGS) was very helpful for recommending additional sources for the GeoPDFs through the IndianaMap.

-John Milburn spoke to Gibson County about their GIS efforts for the tornado. He found out that not a lot of in house data was created in the county. WTH was creating the data for damage assessment.

-Bob Wilkinson FEMA

  • Worked with the storm path from Roger Koelpin (IDHS)
  • Damage assessment
  • Relief efforts
  • Henryville – damage assessment/future projects – huge flood plain goes through the county. Building a planning tool for rebuilding the city. Still needs accurate assessment for building types; shed vs. house. Bob would like to have a building layer to help him with his project. If you can provide Bob with some assistance concerning these data layers, please email him at . He could use LiDAR data with building outlines to edit the attributes.
  • Bob will check HAZUS data to see if this data source helps.

-AAR information - Assessor data does not tie to parcel data. Massaging the data was too difficult to work with based on time frame allotted.

-Dave Nail and Brenda Jones (USGS) helped Roger Koelpin with Eagle Vision imagery.

-Becky McKinley mentioned that vendors could be a great resource to provide data for these events. At a minimum, bringing the vendors into the communication loop prior to the event could simplify administration requirements.

-39 DN has been heavily involved with supporting the tornados.

Unfinished Business

Information Sharing

The committee will support information sharing efforts between the City of Westfield and HancockCounty. The project includes several simultaneous efforts. The first part includes providing technical assistance which would enable role based authentication which resides in a database (SQL) on their DMZ server to the City of Westfield. The second part of the project includes providing technical assistance to HancockCounty to build an operational viewer. The operational viewer will be able to view City of Westfield data in a secure manner. The third part includes the evaluation and completion of the SOP documentation the committee has completed already. The project’s goal for completion will ensure secure information sharing across the two communities. If the project is a success, the committee can assist additional counties with similar capabilities.

Leane Kmetz is the contact for the City of Westfield and John Milburn is the contact for HancockCounty.


Leanne requires a secure connection to her services from an unsecure application. The IGIC GIS Response Corps site will test this capability.

John Milburn is working with the Flex 101 – Building a Common Operating Picture using the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 2.4 documentation to build a viewer for his agency.


  • Successfully installed the viewer
  • Configured the look and feel of the viewer to represent Hancock County
  • Configured the Search Widget to pull data from his server.

New Business

No new business was discussed during this conference call.

Special Presentations

There were no special presentations scheduled for this meeting.


Data collection questions – No new information has been contributed for these items.

  • UIRC rates and boundaries
  • Data may exist but the attributes may not be robust as needed
  • Community Right to Know Hazardous sites
  • Data is supplied in a table with Lat/Longs
  • Ian will supply the data to Phil. Phil will contact the IndianaMap for publishing.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT – IGIC Conference/IGNITE

Session. Specific times are not known at this time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT