Christian Distress and Trauma Counselling

A Bible based course through correspondence in co-operation with the Centre for Contextual Ministry, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria and the Huguenot College

1. Important information

1.1 Objective of the Huguenot Bible Institute

The objective of the Huguenot Bible Institute is to offer training by means of a thorough, Bible-based and practical correspondence course to persons who seek to study the Biblical message in a profound and systematic way. The course will equip the student with an enriched knowledge of the Word of God, a more honed attitude of commitment to Christ and a practical expertise to serve the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.

1.2 How to contact us

1.2.1 Postal address: The Registrar

Huguenot Bible Institute

Private Bag X5



Tel: 021 864 8283 Fax: 086 532 1261 Email:

1.2.2 Visit our home page at

2. Course

The Huguenot Bible Institute offers a two-year course in Christian Distress and Trauma Counselling (Code: D2E).

The course is accredited by the Centre for Contextual Ministry, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria.

■ Scope and content

The well-known writer Maretha Maartens compiled the course. In a crime-, violence and AIDS-ridden country wracked by trauma, more and more believers acquire the need for training to provide supportive counselling to other believers in distress. The course is alligned with five technical manuals on counselling of which Ms Maartens is the editor. Specialists in various disciplines contributed to these books. Now she has converted some of this material into four semester modules. The course is designed for post-matric level and is suitably accessible.

Ø  First semester module

Study Guide 1: God’s Associate

The essence, approach and place of Christian counselling; The living and healing Word; God, faith and the human being in distress; Prayer; Hope: The one assurance that every situation offers; The counsellor; The advice-seeker; The counselling discourse: How does one do it?; The core questions of existence.

Ø  Second semester module

Study Guide 2: Conquerors with Scars

The foundation; Bitterness, guilt and forgiveness; Tension, anxiety and post-traumatic stress syndrome; Mood and personality disorders; Sexuality, sexual orientation; Sexual trauma: rape and sexual abuse.

Ø  Third semester module

Study Guide 3: Solely through Scripture

Suicide, death, grief; Parenthood and the child that goes off the rails; Unplanned teenage pregnancy; Chemical dependency: the drug crisis; Alcohol and other forms of dependency; Loss of a voice.

Ø  Fourth semester module

Study Guide 4: New Life Purpose

Loss of work, joblessness and financial crisis; Marriage and relationship crises, family violence;

Co-dependency; Divorce; AIDS; Rejection; Burnout.

3. Method of instruction

3.1 The instruction takes place by means of correspondence.

3.2 The normal duration of the course is two years.

3.3 The student receives one semester course (study guide) for each semester of the study.

3.4 During each semester the student is required to complete assignments and send these in. The student is provided with a list of assignments and appropriate return dates. Examinations not applicable.

4. Acknowledgement for completed studies

4.1 After successful completion of a course, the Huguenot Bible Institute provides candidates with the full results for all four semester courses and an ecclesiastical diploma.

4.2 The Centre for Contextual Ministries, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, issues a certificate to successful candidates.

4.3 It is important to note that the courses are primarily directed towards personal spiritual formation and community service rather than being a professional qualification.The courses could be complementary to a permanent profession, or even the introduction thereto. However, under all circumstances, all further study is subject to the rules of individual academic institutions and to what degree they will recognise the certificate referred to in 4.2 for any academic credits.

5. Applying for admission

Send in a completed application form, the required payment (or proof of payment) for the particular semester course and a certified copy of your school/post-school or tertiary qualification to the Huguenot Bible Institute (see 1.2 on pg 1 for the postal address, fax number, email address and bank details that you will need).

6. Tuition fees payable

6.1 The tuition fees (including registration, study material and course accreditation) comes to R1250.00 per semester course.

6.2 Students who at enrolment pay the full tuition fee for the first semester will be given R70.00 discount, and will only pay R1 180.00. Students who pay R500.00 at enrolment are required to pay the rest of the tuition fees within three months in instalments of R250.00. This applies to further semester courses as well.

6.3 The Governing Body reserves the right to adapt above-mentioned fees without prior notice.

7. Registration

7.1 Students may register at any time during the year.

7.2 Registration is a one-off event at the beginning of the course when the completed application form plus the requisite money is received from the student. It is not necessary to register again for further semester modules of the same course.

8. Study progress

8.1 A student may choose to switch to a slower pace. This means a full year gets devoted to a semester course.

8.2 A student may also choose to complete the whole course within one year. The requisite tuition fees must be paid for each semester course.

8.3 In the case of either option, notice must be given to the Institute.

8.4 A student may at any given time decide to switch back to the normal pace. Again, the Institute must be notified.

8.5 If a student who is enrolled for one or more semester course fails to pass at least one semester course at the end of the calender year, the tuition fees for that semester course is payable again on reregistration.

8.6 When an assignment has not been completed successfully and as a result must be repeated, the student is required to pay an additional amount.

8.7 Once a student is enrolled, he/she is responsible for settling the full amount payable for that particular semester course.

8.8 If a student should fail to pay the requisite monies on the dates prescribed, the continued posting of study material and marking of assignments may be refused.

9. Pass mark

9.1 The percentage mark a student achieves for a given semester module/course is calculated as the average mark for the assigments as a whole.

9.2 A pass mark of 50% per semester course is the requirement.

9.3 A student passes a semester course with distinction if a mark of at least 75% is achieved.

9.4 A student passes the entire course with honours if an average mark of 75% is achieved in all the semester courses.

10. Credits

Students obtain and retain credits for each semester course passed. The credits for every separate semester course passed remain valid until recognition for the completed studies is awarded.

11. Governance of the Bible Institute

11.1 The Huguenot Bible Institute is a division of Bible Media and a training institution of the Dutch Reformed Church. The courses are accessible for persons of any denominational background.

11.2 The Huguenot Bible Institute is governed by a board of directors representing Bible Media, the Faculty of Theology of the University of Pretoria and Huguenot College.

11.3 Course material is compiled by experts in their field and overseen by theologians and education specialists. In this way reliability and effectiveness of course content and course presentation are ensured.

12. A cordial welcome!

We look forward to welcoming you as a student. It is our fervent prayer that this training will endow you with spiritual growth, enrich your knowledge of the Bible and equip you for fertile service in the Lord’s kingdom.

(See application form on following two pages)

Huguenot Bible Institute


1. Please complete this form in print.

2. Send in the form, the requisite payment (or proof of payment) and a certified copy of your school or post-school qualification certificates to the Huguenot Bible Institute.

Postal address: Private Bag X5, Wellington 7654. Fax: 086 532 1261. Email:

3. Enrolment can be done at any time of the year.


Tuition fees can be settled in one of the following ways:

1.  CHEQUE. Enclose a crossed cheque – made out to Huguenot Bible Institute.

2. DIRECT BANK TRANSFER. Pay the requisite amount at any bank or by internet bank transfer to Huguenot Bible Institute, Absa Wellington, branch code 334510, account number 430 400 770 as the beneficiary. Fill in your initials and surname as REFERENCE. POST or FAX or EMAIL the payment slip along with the application form to Huguenot Bible Institute.

PLEASE NOTE: Acknowledgement of receipt of the requisite payment accompanies the admission letter from the Institute.


Application for admission as student


TITLE:______FULL NAMES: ______

SURNAME: ______




TELEPHONE: ______FAX:______

(During office hours)







CODE:______NAME OF COURSE:______


______IN WHICH YEAR:______

POST-SCHOOL/TERTIARY TRAINING COMPLETED (State name of degree, diploma, name of institution and the year the qualification was obtained, if applicable.)





I hereby declare that I accept the Regulations of the Institute (as described in the Prospectus) and regard myself as subject.

Find enclosed R______as full/partial settling of the requisite monies and a certified copy of my school/ post-school qualification certificate.
