The Foreshadowings of our Lord


(A companion volume to“ The Messiah : Sermons on Our Lord’s

Names, Titles and Attributes” ; uniform with“Sermons
on Our Lord’s Parables,” “ Sermons on Our Lord’s
Miracles,” and“ The Most Holy Place.”)





Paternoster Buildings, E C.





When “The Messiah: Sermons on Our Lord’s Names, Titles and Attributes” was issued, a promise was given of a companion compilation to be entitled “Christ in the Old Testament.”Here it is; the sixth volume of a series which includes sermons on the Parables, the Miracles, the Canticles, and the Titles of Christ.

To the two disciples on the moonlit road, the Master, beginning at Moses and all the prophets, expounded the things concerning Himself. He is everywhere in Scripture ; patriarchs and kings are types of Him who is the Ancient of Days and the Prince of Peace : the law was but a shadow of good things to come, and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Old Testament was Christ’s Bible, and it is a Bible full of Christ. He is as surely in it as in the New Testament, albeit the revelation is not as vivid nor as full. Of course, when Spurgeon preached, he poured the content of the New Testament revelation into the mould of the Old Testament type and prophecy; expounding, in the blaze of gospel light, that which was hidden from the prophets when they enquired and searched diligently what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ and of the glory that should follow : interpreting, perhaps, more than the prophet or lawgiver understood, but not more than the Spirit intended and revealed.

There are sixty discourses within these covers. They fall naturally into three groups—Historical, Ceremonial and Prophetical—each merging into the other. Twenty sermons are given under each heading; this number might have been easily doubled; on many of the subjects Mr. Spurgeon has preached several times, and sermons on other topics were available; but enough has been chosen to set forth the fair and glorious image of Him who is fairer than the children of men, who fulfils all the law and the prophets, who is the theme of Scripture as He is the joy of heaven.

May the glory of Christ in the Old Testament lead some to receive Christ into the heart as the hope of glory, and lend a new value to that Scripture which, though unsparingly assailed, is ever its own best witness!



No. / Title. / Text. / Page.
Adam and Christ.
Honey from a Lion / Romans v. 15. / 11
Abel and Christ.
The Blood of Abel and the Blood of Jesus / Gen. iv. 10., and
Hebrews xii.24. / 23
Noah and Christ.
Shut In or Shut Out / Genesis vii. 16. / 35
Abraham and Christ.
The Gospel of Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac / Romans viii. 32. / 47
Abraham and Christ.
Jehovah-Jireh / Genesis xxii. 14. / 57
Melchizedek and Christ.
First King of Righteousness, and After That King of Peace / Hebrews vii. 2. / 69
Melchizedek and Christ.
Jesus Meeting His Warriors / Gen. xiv. 18-20. / 81
Joseph and Christ.
Jesus and His Brethren / Gen. xlv. 1-5. / 93
Moses and Christ.
The Prophet Like Unto Moses / Deut. xviii. 15-19. / 103
Moses and Christ.
The Mediator — The Interpreter / Exod. xx. 18-20. / 115
Aaron and Christ.
The High Priest Standing Between the Dead and the Living / Num. xvi. 47, 48. / 127
Joshua and Christ.
Joshua’s Vision / Joshua v. 13-15. / 135
The Ark of God and Christ.
Dagon’s Ups and Downs / 1 Samuel v. 2-4. / 147
Jonathan and Christ.
The Love of Jonathan, and the Love of Jesus / 2 Samuel i. 26. / 159
David and Christ.
Recruits for King Jesus / 1 Chron. xii. 16-18. / 169
David and Christ.
Loyal to the Core / 2 Samuel xv. 21. / 181
David and Christ.
David’s Spoil / 1 Samuel xxx. 20. / 189
David and Christ.
The Threshing-floor of Ornan / 1 Chron. xxi. 28.
1 Chron. xxii. 1. / 201
Solomon and Christ.
A Greater Than Solomon / Luke xi. 31. / 213
Solomon and Christ.
The Dromedaries / 1 Kings iv. 20-28. / 225


No. / Title. / Text. / Page.
The Passover / Exodus xii. 1, 2. / 239
The Passover / Exodus xii. 21-27. / 251
The Brazen Serpent / Num. xxi. 9. / 263
The Tabernacle / John i. 14 & [[17 > Jn. 1:17]]. / 275
The Silver Sockets / Ex. xxx. 11-16
Ex. xxxviii. 26, 27 / 287
The Altar / Matt. xxiii. 19. / 299
The Ark of His Covenant / Revelation xi. 19. / 311
The Veil / Matt. xxvii. 50, 51
Heb. x. 19. 20. / 323
The Consecration of Priests / [[Exodus xxix. i. > Exodus 29:1]] / 335
The Sin Offering / Leviticus iv. 3. / 347
The Sin-Offering / Leviticus iv. 27-31. / 359
Putting the Hand Upon the Head of the Sacrifice / Leviticus i. 4, 5. / 371
Slaying the Sacrifice / Leviticus i. 5. / 383
The Sprinkling of the Blood of the Sacrifice / Leviticus iv. 6, 7. / 395
Eating the Sacrifice / Exodus xxix. 33. / 407
The Lamb of God in Scripture / John i. 35, 36. / 417
The Annual Atonement / Leviticus xvi. 30. / 427
The Red Heifer / Hebrews ix. 13, 14. / 439
The Blood of Sprinkling / Hebrews xii. 24, 25. / 451
The Year of Jubilee / Isaiah lxi. 2. / 463


No. / Title. / Text. / Page.
Footsteps of Mercy / Job xxxiii. 23, 24. / 477
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth / Job xix. 25-27. / 489
“Lo! I Come” : Exposition / Psalm xl. 6-8. / 501
“Lo! I Come” : Application / Psalm xl. 7. / 513
Brought Up from the Horrible Pit / Psalm xl. 1-3. / 525
Our Lord’s Triumphant Ascension / Psalm lxviii. 18. / 537
Christ’s Universal Kingdom / Psalm ii. 8, 9. / 549
Christ’s Work No Failure / Isaiah xlii. 4. / 561
The Shame and Spitting / Isaiah l. 6. / 573
The Sure Triumph of the Crucified One / Isaiah lii. 13-15. / 585
A Simple Remedy / Isaiah liii. 5. / 597
Individual Sin Laid on Jesus / Isaiah liii. 6. / 609
The Sheep Before the Shearers / Isaiah liii. 7. / 621
Our Expectation / Isaiah liii. 10. / 633
Jesus Interceding for Transgressors / Isaiah liii. 12. / 643
Who Is This? / Isaiah lxii. 11, 12.
Isaiah lxiii. 1. / 655
Messiah’s Glorious Work / Daniel ix. 24. / 667
The King-Priest / Zechariah vi. 13. / 679
The Lowly King / Zechariah ix. 9. / 691
How Hearts are Softened / Zechariah xii. 10, 11. / 703