Cisco 1—Week 4
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What is meant by the term network and what are some more common networks we use in everyday life?
- What are communication protocols?
- How does communication occur across a local Ethernet Network?
- What are the main high-level components of an information network?
- When does a computer play the role of a client, server, or both on a network?
- How do you build a computer peer-to-peer network and verify it is functioning?
- How are networks graphically represented and what is the difference between logical and physical network topologies?
- What is the purpose of the access and distribution layers and what devices does each normally contain?
- How do hubs, switches, and routers function?
- What is ARP and how does it function?
S03. Standard 3:
A. Integrate conceptual knowledge of technology systems in determining practical applications for learning and technical problem-solving.
01. Examine current and past devices for storing data and predict potential devices for the future.
01. Explore state-of-the-art devices to store data that will be used for researching projects.
02. Analyze various types of connectivity, and list pros and cons of each.
02. Create a design for a basic network and list skills needed to manage networks.
02. Explore state-of-the-art devices to store data.
03. Describe strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems that occur during everyday use.
S04. Standard 4:
C. Identify communication needs, select appropriate communication tools and design collaborative interactive projects and activities to communicate with others, incorporating emerging technologies.
03. Research emerging communication technologies (e.g., wireless systems, open source software and systems, virtual reality).
S07. Standard 7:
A. Classify, demonstrate, examine, and appraise energy and power technologies.
06. Describe the differing power quality needs of end users (e.g., uninterruptability, backup generators, frequency and voltage stability).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Begin by discussing 3.3.7 and the types of devices at each hierarchical level
Access, Distribution and core
Section 3.4.1 will go into more details about each of the layers and what happens at each
Complete 3.4.2 Functions of Hubs together (be sure students understand how a hub works
Function of a switch—explain the difference between a Hub and a switch and how they process the data
Work on the questions in section 3.4.3 together to be sure they understand the difference
Discuss Broadcast domains
Work on Study guide through question 46
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Review from curriculum section 3.4.6 MAC and IP Addresses
Explain the concept of ARP, which is used to find MAC address when it knows the IP address
Complete section 3.4.7 on ARP
Section 3.5.1 Discuss Distribution Layer Device Functions
- Physical location
- Logical function
- Security requirements
- Application requirements
Section 3.5.2 Function of Routers
- How does a router process a Unicast message?
- How does a router process a Broadcast message?
Answer questions 47-49 on Study Guide
Complete lab 3.5.2 IP Addresses and Network Communication
Complete lab 3.5.2 as a PACKET TRACER (This will be the first time using this, so students will need lots of time to use)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
3.5.2 Functions of Routers
How does the router determine the path to send a message?
What does a router do with a frame?
Explain the function of a default gateway
Complete activity 3.5.3
Discuss Routing tables (3.5.4)
Complete activity 3.5.4 together
Complete 3.5.5 and 3.5.6
Complete questions 59-61 together
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Section 3.5.3 Default Gateways
- How does a router determine what path to send the message to get to the destination?
- What Tables are maintained by routers?
- What is a LAN?
- How do you add hosts to Local and Remote Networks?
Complete questions 50-61 in Study Guide
Friday, September 21, 2012
Section 3.6.1 Plan and Document an Ethernet Network
- What are the number and type of hosts to be connected to the network?
- What Applications will be used?
- What are the Sharing requirements?
- What are the Internet Connectivity requirements?
- What are the security and privacy considerations you must make?
- What amount of Reliability and uptime are you expecting?
- What requirements (in regard to wired or wireless)
Section 3.6.2 Prototyping a Network
- Discuss tools available for use, such as Packet Tracer
Section 3.6.3 Multi-function Devices
- Discuss home routers and access points
Section 3.6.4 Connecting the Linksys Router
- Discuss LED Status States and the meanings
- Show the router to class and discuss how it is used and what features are available
Section 3.6.5 Sharing Resources
Explain Simple File Sharing
Complete questions 62-67 in Study guide
Cisco 2—Week 4
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What type of switches are found in the enterprise Network?
- How does Spanning Tree Protocol prevent switching loops?
- What is a VLAN and what purpose does it serve?
- How is a VLAN configured on a Cisco switch?
- What is inter-VLAN routing and how is it configured?
- What is VLAN Trunking Protocol and how does it help maintain VLANs in an enterprise network?
S03. Standard 3:
A. Integrate conceptual knowledge of technology systems in determining practical applications for learning and technical problem-solving.
01. Examine current and past devices for storing data and predict potential devices for the future.
01. Explore state-of-the-art devices to store data that will be used for researching projects.
02. Analyze various types of connectivity, and list pros and cons of each.
02. Create a design for a basic network and list skills needed to manage networks.
02. Explore state-of-the-art devices to store data.
03. Describe strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems that occur during everyday use.
S04. Standard 4:
C. Identify communication needs, select appropriate communication tools and design collaborative interactive projects and activities to communicate with others, incorporating emerging technologies.
03. Research emerging communication technologies (e.g., wireless systems, open source software and systems, virtual reality).
S07. Standard 7:
A. Classify, demonstrate, examine, and appraise energy and power technologies.
06. Describe the differing power quality needs of end users (e.g., uninterruptability, backup generators, frequency and voltage stability).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Work on Study guide for chapter 3 through page 4 (section 3.1 in curriculum)
Watch power point through section 3.1
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Do lab 3.1.4 Applying Basic Switch Security (do this on Packet tracer)
Complete study guide through pg.7
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Do Lab3.2.3Building a switched network with redundant links (do this on Packet tracer)
Complete study guide through pg. 7 if not done)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Show power point through rest of chapter
This will review from lab yesterday and study guide
Complete lab 3.2.4 Verifying STP with Show commands (do this on Packet tracer)
This lab can use 3.2.3 from yesterday….no reconfiguring needed
Friday, September 21, 2012
Finish study guide through pg. 13
packet tracer lab Disabling Redundant Links
packet tracer lab Configuring a VTP domain
packet tracer lab3.5.2.3 Adding a Switch to a VTP Domain
packet tracer lab Configuring Wireless and Voice
packet tracer lab Planning and Building an Enterprise network
Web Design—Week 4
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Use tables to lay out your pages.
- Work with tables in Layout, Standard, and Expanded mode
- Import tabular data
- Select elements of a table and modify their properties
- Sort tables.
- Export a table.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Add user interactivity to your pages by using behaviors
- Create and work with rollovers
- Attach behaviors to objects
- Modify behaviors
- Understand events
- Add multiple behaviors to one user action
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
- Understand the purpose and uses of the Files panel
- Use the Files panel to perform site management functions
- Customize the Files panel
- Set up a connection to a remote site
- Copy files to and from a remote site
S03. Standard 3:
A. Identify, select and apply appropriate technology tools and resources to produce creative works and to construct technology-enhanced models. (09-12)
01. Utilize advanced word processing and desktop publishing features and programs. (10).
S04. Standard 4:
A. Apply appropriate communication design principles in published and presented projects.
01. Format text, select color, insert graphics and include multimedia components in student-created media/communication products.
02. Manipulate communication design elements (image, language, sound and motion) based on intent of the message (e.g., inform or persuade).
B. Create, publish and present information, utilizing formats appropriate to the content and audience.
02. Use technology to publish information in electronic form (e.g., Web, multimedia, digital video, electronic portfolio).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Last day
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Begin DW lesson 5 pg. 77-86
Creating rollover buttons
Defining a behavior
Inserting a rollover image
Adding rollovers to existing images
Understanding events
Swapping out two images on a rollover
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
DW lesson 6 pg. 87-97
Managing your site
Expanding the files panel
Adding a new file or folder to a site
Defining your home page
Viewing the site map vertically
Saving the site map as a graphic
Thursday, September 20, 2012
DW lesson 6 pg. 98-105
Modifying the title of a page on the site map
Opening and editing a file from the files panel
Moving a file on the files panel
Customizing the columns of the files panel
Connecting to a remote site
Selecting and uploading new files only
Friday, September 21, 2012
Discuss concepts learned in Dream Weaver
Create a web page on an Animal