Rother League Round 2 / 1 10th june 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
2 17th june 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
3 24th june 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
4 1st July 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
Sea Swim 7th / 5 8th july 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
Test Set / presentation / 6 15th july 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
7 22nd July 12 / 2 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
8 29th july 12 / 2 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
9 5th Aug 12 / 2 / Endurance / 24000 metres / 35 to 40
10 12th aug 12 / 2 / Quality / 24000 metres / 40 to 45
11 19th aug 12 / 2 / Specific / 24000 metres / 45 to 50
TEST SET / 12 26th aug 12 / 2 / Endurance / 24000 metres / 35 to 40
13 2nd Sept 12 / 3 / Specific / 25000 metres / 45 to 50
County Relay Gala 9th / 14 9th Sept 12 / 3 / Quality / 20000 metres / 40 to 45
15 16th Sept 12 / 3 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
WSC Champs 29th / 16 23rd Sept 12 / 3 / Specific / 25000 metres / 45 to 50
Dev Chaser 30th
WSC Champs 6th Oct / 17 30th Sept 12 / 3 / Quality / 20000 metres / 40 to 45
NASL 13TH Round 1
TEST SET / 18 7th Oct 12 / 3 / Endurance / 20000 metres / 40 to 45
19 14th Oct 12 / 4 / Tapper / Specific / 15000 metres / 30 max
County Development 27th / 20 21st Oct 12 / 4 / Mixed / 10000 metres / 45 to 50
21 28th Oct 12 / 4 / Tapper / Specific / 10000 metres / 30 max
County Development 4th / 22 4th Nov 12 / 4 / Tapper / Specific / 10000 metres / 30 max
Start of Late Macro Cycle / 23 11th Nov 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
24 18th Nov 12 / 1 / Endurance / 31500 metres / 35 to 40
Chosen target as County Development for Tapper down.
Meterage is well short of the suggested 44,000 recommended for Age Groups swimmers per week and is adjusted depending on sessions available and reduced depending on work set.
I calculate at 3000 per hour on top 2 lanes 2500 on lane 3 and 4 ,2000 on 5 and 6.
Meso Cycles 1,2 and 3 will work from the 6 week planned cycle. 4 will be specific depending on swimmer requirements for County Development. Wednesday session will / may vary depending on attendance of swimmers.
H.V.Os are based on short sharp overloads over a 10 metre distance maximum. To be divided up equally where possible over the sessions in the week and can be included after warm up middle and towards the end of each session, in keeping with the 6 week plan.
Age groups are recommended to work 70% in zone 1 Aerobic , to include work set from A1, A2 and A3.which will form the basis of work in meso cycle 1 and 2 with test sets to monitor progress.
20% in zone 2, Anaerobic and zone 3 High performance Endurance.
10% Zone 4 Anaerobic race pace training and 5Sprint.
A1 LOW INTENSITY is work set between 200m and 1500m distance working off 200m PB pace divided by half and = +20 sec with rest periods between 5 to 20 seconds between repeats therefore if 200m is 2.40m then work on pace time of ½ time = 1.20 + 20sec = 1.40 / per 100m repeating on 5 to 20 second rest periods.
A2 AEROBIC MAINTENANCE is work set at 200m time divided by ½ + 15secs [ 20 secs breast stroke]. Distance repeating is 200m to 1500m. Rest interval is 10 to 20secs before repeats.
A3 AEROBIC DEVELOPMENT is work set at 200m time divided by ½ + 10 to 15 sec, distance is between 50m to 400m rest interval before repeats are 10 to 20 seconds.
Each training set is to include High Velocity Overloads [ HVOs ] this will vary as indicated per week and will be in the form of Starts, finishes Short relays.
In Meso Cycle 3, I Will introduce Specific and Quality work.
Specific work will start preparation for targeting competitions, County Development and County times. Work will include more IM swimming focusing on Turns and switch training and broken training on all strokes.
Quality work will be more completed work, no broken swims ,more IM work, Critical swims Zone 3 work.
Meso Cycle 4 will involve mixed and tapper work.
Mixed will bring in Endurance and Speed work together.
Tapper work is reduced volume by 50% of maximum weekly volume preparing the swimmer for the Macro Cycle target in this case the County Development Gala. The next cycle target will be Counties and Regional competitions in 2013.
As we approach the end of Meso Cycle 2 close to the end of August more information will become available covering meso cycle 3 and 4. For development please try and work towards the meterage required by attending the training sessions require
Six Week Training Plan.
The six week training plan which will be used as a guide is to improve the following;
- Develop and improve stroke technique on all four competitive strokes.
- Learn basic stroke drill progressions for all four competitive strokes. The swimmer in high end level will be introduced to more complex stroke drill progressions.
- Monitor training using test set swims.
- Practise IM swimming training sets.
- Learn and perfect starts, turns, and finishes on all four competitive strokes and IM Turns.
- Learn and perfect relay take overs.
- Independently monitor training by using the pace clock.
- Complete a well balanced training programme that includes varied pace swims, builds, negative splits swims, descending set work, basic swimming speeds, pacing and over distance swims.
- Learn the rules of the sport.
- Increase the distance covered in training sessions to improve endurance.
- Participate in club time trials and test sets,performing a variety of strokes and distances.
- Participate in local open meets, Club Galas, and Age groups.
- Learn the process of goal setting and working towards objectives.
- Learn to keep a logbook of training and competition results.
- Learn and practise basic stretching and basic body core strength exercises stroke specific. If not sure ask Head Coach for advice.
- Take responsibility for training equipment required at each training session including a drink bottle.
Monday / B/FLY Technique and drills
Starts / F/Crawl 100m repeats and builds
Back technique and drills / IM 50m/2L link set
Starts / Breast technique and drills
Relays / IM 200m repeats
Fly Drills and Technique
100m Repeats on F/C / All strokes starts, turns and finishes
Tuesday / Breaststroke technique and drills
Relays / F/Crawl 200m builds
B/FLY technique and drills / Back and Breast set
Turns / F/Crawl technique and drills
Sculling / F/Crawl 400m
Back Drills / IM Sets
Starts and Finishes
Thursday / F/Crawl technique and drills
Build Swims / F/C 400m repeats
Negative spilt training
Breast stroke technique, drills, and sprints / B/FLY and BACK Sets
Sculling / IM Technique and turns
B/FLY 25m/1L swims / 100m IM sets
Breaststroke drills / Timed Swims
All strokes
Friday / Backstroke technique and drills
Finishes / IM 100m repeats
Broken 100s F/C / Breaststroke and F/Crawl sets
Turns / Back technique and drills
Finishes / F/C 100m repeats and drills
Descending swims / All stroke turns
Sprint mix
Sunday / IM 100m Repeats and IM Turns
Relays and Finishes / 25m / 1L repeats all strokes
IM Turns
Sculling / All strokes
Coaches Choice and Relays / F/Crawl technique and drills
All stroke turns / 25m/ 1L repeats on all strokes
Sculling and starts / Timed swims Race night / Fun