Outline an implementation plan for the building up of BI and EDM capabilities in your chosen organisation.

Chosen organization is Foodland supermarket South Australia

This should include:

  • Outline of which user groups will be given access to BI and DM and why (eg: all staff, senior management)
  • Outline of BI and DM tools, technologies to be deployed (eg: dashboards, scheduled reports, mobile self-service BI, predictive analytics for power users)
  • Outline of internal and external data to be used in BI and DM, based on the business opportunities and threats (can be described as 'Finance', HR')
  • High level system architecture diagram illustrating the above components (see'Sample Architecture Diagram'as an example)
  • Training and system support options, including whether to use internal or external staff or both
  • High level budget, using'BI EDM Assignment 3 BI Implementation Calculator'template provided


  • See 'The BI Lifecycle' lecture for more detail of the steps.
  • Architectural Diagram - you DON'T have to describe specific EDW or ETL architectures - the diagram only needs to be high level so you can see all the parts together, but importantly it has to be specific to your chosen organisation. Feel free to make suggestions about using cloud based systems if you're confident.
  • Tools and Technologies - You DON'T need to name specific products from vendors unless you feel confident to do so. The tools you recommend will be based on your users and what type of data they need. For instance not all staff necessarily needs interactive dashboards - mobile sales staff may just need quick and simple access to data. Take into account whether your recommended users are mobile or don't work in an office
  • Training and system support - you have the option of providing this internally or externally (an outside company) or a mixture. Externally costs more but set up is usually quicker and they usually have a greater set of skills. You will base your recommendations on how much time and money your selected organisation has. For instance if the threats are a long way off, then you have the time to train up internal staff. Does the selected organisation have a healthy profit? Consider what might be the current technical and data skill level of the intended BI users - will they need lots of training? You can also recommend both options - for instance start with external companies for training and support the move into this being done internally.
  • Budget: Your recommendations should taken into account the relative cost of your implementation plan at a high level only (eg: if your organisation only has $1m annual profit then a $10m solution is likely not to be feasible).