March 17, 2012
PRESENT: Leo O’Neill, Del Orndorff, John Swenson, Mike Pazzanese, Dick Lennon. Carol Tonken, Fred Doane, Phil Sheehan
Also in attendance: Mary Currier, Administrative Assistant
ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Betty Butler, Bob Drohan, Mary Pepin, Vince Adamoyurka
Meeting commenced at 10:15 a.m.
Treasurer’s Report:
The February Treasurer’s Report was introduced for approval. Motion was made to accept the February Treasurer’s Report. Motion was seconded and passed.
Pictures were passed around showing all angles of the new docks. The old docks had to be replaced because they were a safety hazard. Leo will email all board members the exact price once he gets the cost of the skid tracks. The board approved the new dock system and will e-mail their approval when Leo gives them the total cost which will include removal of the old dock system. They should be in the water in mid May.
Polo style shirts and tee shirts:
The board approved the polo shirt and the tee shirts. The polo shirts will be ordered when we have 25 orders for them. The cost is Youth $25.00 and Adult $35.00-plus $3.00 additional for 2XL-3XL (they are White and have an embroidered logo)
The tee shirts will be medium blue with the silk screen logo. They will cost $10.00 for youth sizes and $15.00 for Adult plus and Additional $3.00 for 2XL-3XL. We will have a polo shirt on display on clean-up weekend and 20 tee shirts for sale in medium and large.
Veterans Memorial Park Ceremony:
The Administrative Assistant will e-mail all members of whom we have their address to invite them to the ceremony. We invite all association members but would especially like our veterans to come with their families.
The arbor that we planned to use at the Veterans Memorial Park entrance will have to wait until we can work on phase two due to financial restraints.
There was a lot of discussion on the condition of the roads. It would be a waste of money to use gravel at this point. It would be more cost effective to wait until the roads dry out and then have George put down some gravel and grade them. This approach is also being discussed with the town road agent, for his professional opinion.
John Swenson and Phil Sheehan will work on placing a web-site address sign somewhere near the entrance to the association.
The Administrative Assistant will type up a letter to all members with the website information and Phil Sheehan will put them in every members’ door.
The Board discussed the 4th. of July events and will put them on the website when finalized.
The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Saturday April 14th. at the home of Phil Sheehan beginning at 10:00 a.m. He lives at 220 Indian Trail
Meeting adjourned @ 11:25 a.m.
Respectively submitted,
Mary Currier
Administrative Assistant