[Type text][Type text]CRFC AGM 2016




Nigel Heslop the President called the meeting to order.

There were 42 members present.

Apologies for absence

Sally Tizzard, Bradley and Callum Edwards, Henry Fisher, Dave and Harry Strudwick, Cadell Rowe, Matthew Barkley, Anna Manners, Lena Parry, George and Rory Scott, Doug Mayger, Lawrence Perkins, Graham Dykes, Richard and Michelle Lamberth, Stewart Stevenson, Duncan Barratt, Mandy Heslop, Jane Cross

Appointment of tellers

Steve Edwards and Mark Lambert were appointed

1. To consider and approve (with or without amendment) the minutes of the previous AGM held on

Two appointments had been made since the last AGM, David Page as DoR and Neil Gadsby as Senior Chairman, with these inclusions the Minutes of the previous AGM were approved.

Approved by Tony Seers, Seconded by Peter Hague

To receive and approve reports from the Committee on the affairs of the Club since the last AGM

Chairman’s Report

Vince Kerr presented his report, including progress against plan, land update, West Surrey Rugby Academy, areas of focus 2016/17 and thank yous.

Progress Against Plan

Whole Club

·  Continue to improve coaching quality and numbers across the club – Plan in Place

·  Progress land acquisition activity – Achieved, but pace slower than hoped

·  Continue building war chest – Achieved

·  Increase external communications, particularly sponsor engagement – Work in Progress


·  Improve experience and opportunities for Girls – Plan in Place

·  Broaden Safeguarding knowledge – Achieved


·  Embrace Youth League changes – Achieved


·  Provide more opportunity for U13/U15s to play competitive rugby – Improving, but more to do

Key Focus Areas

·  ‘Celebrating’ Rugby World Cup

·  Preparation for 50th Anniversary

·  Young Ambassadors and Rugby Leadership Academy

o  Izzy Fisher & Ollie Wickes

o  Chris Dodd and Zarah Alam

·  Land Activity and future facilities requirements

·  Restructuring Club to meet new CASC rules

o  Getting CASC registration for ‘New Co’

o  Transferring land from ‘Old Co’ to ‘New Co’

o  Winding down ‘Old Co’

o  Creating trading company underneath ‘New Co’

·  Exploring deeper community links

o  Increasing Schools engagement

o  Exploring potential of a Rugby Academy

Land Update

·  ‘Heads of Terms’ were signed with our chosen development partner, we are now negotiating the contract

o  Very complex deal to ensure we get the ‘best value’ along the way

·  Identification of suitable sites

o  Significant investment made by development partner in identifying ‘long list’ of potential sites

o  Club team and developer have whittled these down to 4 potential sites, ranked in preference order

o  Developer now engaging with owners

·  We have met with SHBC Planners

o  Very positive engagement, understand our need to move

·  We continue to be engaged with Chobham Parish Council

o  We are working with the Parish Council on the development of the neighbourhood plan, they are supportive of the club’s relocation

·  Future Facilities Requirements exercise

o  Multiple workshops involving 35 club members from all sections held between Dec and Feb to capture our desired facilities

o  The output has been captured and is being fed into the contract

·  Next Steps

o  Finalise negotiation of the contract with the development partner

o  Identify 2 or 3 suitable relocation sites and secure an option to purchase

o  Gain the required planning permission on both the new site and our existing site and develop a relocation plan – all of which will be subject to CRFC membership approval

o  We will hold a Special General Meeting for all club members to discuss and approve (or not) any proposed relocation site and the terms of disposal for Fowlers Wells

o  There will be a detailed communications programme with the local community once a new site has been identified to work with them to ensure the outcome for Fowlers Wells has broad support within Chobham

·  Communication

o  The fact that Fowlers Wells is in the Draft SHBC SHLA is a matter of public record

o  Chobham PC are aware and supportive of the relocation, as are SHBC

West Surrey Rugby Academy

We have engaged with SCL to explore the setting up of a new Rugby Academy in Surrey Heath. We have been actively recruiting with the support of SCL, indications are good that we could launch this September.

Areas of Focus 2016/17

Whole Club

·  Support new Coaching Co-ordinator – Chris Dodd to maximise impact

·  Ensure successful launch of ‘West Surrey Rugby Academy’

·  Establish more links with local schools

·  Increase external communications

·  Continue to progress land acquisition activity

·  Continue building war chest


·  Improve coaching numbers and quality

·  Improve experience and opportunities for Girls


·  Improve coaching numbers and quality

·  Engage with Age Grade Review outcomes


·  Improve coaching breadth and depth across the senior section

·  Introduce team managers at 2nd XV and Devils levels

·  Re-invigorate Devils transition


·  Continue to find ways to provide more opportunity for U13s and U15s to play competitive rugby

Thank You

VK gave thanks to all the 200+ volunteers of the club who give their time and energy to help others enjoy rugby.

Mini Clubman - Kam O’Brien

Junior Clubman - Michelle Lamberth

Senior Clubman - Josh Devitt

Overall Clubman - Neil Whittington

Our Sponsors: Macquarie Bank, Altius Group, Thames Honda, Supermassive Games,The Brickmakers Arms, Allen’s Hire, West End Garage and those who contributed in advertising.

The Management Committee and various Sub-Committees.

People standing down:

Treasurer – Helen Strudwick

Question and Answers

There were none

The acceptance of the Financial Report was proposed by the Management Committee and unanimously carried.

Hon Secretary’s Report

Mark Fisher presented his report.

Senior report

David Page and Neil Gadsby

Mini Chairman’s Report

Ian Woodley presented his report.

Junior Chairman’s Report

Sean Wickes presented his report.

Girls Chair Report

Jo Fisher presented her report

Communications Report

Tracey Fitzpatrick presented her report

The acceptance of the Committee Reports was proposed by the Management Committee and unanimously carried.

3. To elect the Officers and approve the members of the Committee for the next year

The following were elected as a single block, there being no other nominations.

Nominations for Committee positions 2016-17 Season

Role / Nominee / Proposer / Seconder / Present Incumbent
President / Nigel Heslop / Dick Fuller / Keith Rowe / Nigel Heslop
Chairman / Vince Kerr / Doug Mayger / (Illegible) / Vince Kerr
Hon Secretary / Mark Fisher / Alex Perkins / Richard Lamberth / Mark Fisher
Treasurer / Cherry Whittington / Mike Gannon / Jonathan Beavis / Helen Strudwick
Director of
Performance Rugby / David Page / Catrina Campbell / (Illegible) / David Page
Chair of Senior
Rugby / Neil Gadsby / John O’Brien / Jonathan Beavis / Neil Gadsby
Chair of Women’s
Rugby / Jo Fisher / Sherrie Mayger / Matthew King / Jo Fisher
Chair of Junior
Rugby / Sean Wickes / Teresa Riley / Catrina Campbell / Sean Wickes
Chair of Mini
Rugby / Ian Woodley / Carol Wickes / (Illegible) / Ian Woodley
Manager / Mike Vandenberg / Richard Lamberth / Dave Buchan / Mike Vandenberg
Manager / Tracey Fitzpatrick / (Illegible) / Jonathan Beavis / Tracey Fitzpatrick
Social Secretary / Geraint Parry / Carol Wickes / Mark Tizzard / Geraint Parry
Facilities Manager / Mike Riley / Mike Orefice / Jonathan Beavis / Mike Riley

The list was proposed en bloc by the Management Committee. It was carried unanimously.

4 To elect Vice Presidents and Honorary Members

The following were put forward by the Committee and accepted by the meeting

Vice Presidents

Helen Strudwick

Pete Samuels

Proposed by the Management Committee and passed unanimously.

5 To set membership subscriptions for the next year

The Management Committee propose a 0% increase in membership subscriptions for the coming season

6. To appoint new accountants for the coming year

Our operational environment is becoming very much more complex, consenquently the Management Committee believe that a larger firm with the ability to provide specialist advice is required.

We are extremely grateful to Peter Fry for his many years of service to the club and we part on good terms.

The Management Committee proposed Roffe Swayne, Godalming as the Club Accountants for 2016/17.

·  Questions:

·  Chris Whiting: Will we need an audit and have we negotiated a fixed fee? Yes and yes, the cost will be more because there will be more work involved.

·  Nigel Guy: Was the Accountancy contract put out to tender? Yes, two accountants were asked to quote for the work, Roffe Swayne were preferred.

The motion to appoint Roffe Swayne as accounts was carried unanimously

7. Motion for Consideration

Motion – The Club extends its no smoking policy in the Clubhouse to include e-cigarettes and vaping machines.

Proposed by Sean Wickes, Seconded by the Management Committee

After some discussion the motion was carried unanimously.

8. To hear any other relevant matter for the consideration of the Committee during the ensuing year but on which no voting shall be allowed

No other relevant matters raised

The meeting closed at 10.00pm

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