Chapter 10
Heterotrophic, autotrophic, photoautotrophic, chemautotrophic, producer, consumer, decomposer (define and examples of organisms)
Chloroplast structure (thylakoid, stroma, grana)
State the general equation for photosynthesis
How is photosynthesis a redox reaction?
Explain the spectrum of light including the energyand wavelengths and colors.
What is absorbed and reflected by different colors of objects?
Explain/graph the absorption spectra of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids
Explain why plants are generally green.
Explain how the spectrophotometer works.
Explain why leaves turn color in the fall.
Explain Engelmann’s experiment and the action spectrum for photosynthesis
Explain how paper chromatography works.
Describe steps of light reaction including photosystemsI, II and E.T.C
Explain where steps of light and dark reaction occur in the chloroplast
Define carbon fixation
Explain Calvin cycle in detail
Why is the Calvin cycle called the dark reaction and must it be dark?
Describe cyclic photophosphorylation (compare with noncyclic)
Explain chemiosmosis in photosynthesis include locations in chloroplast
Explain the relationship between the light and dark reactions.
Identify parts and functions in leaf
Explain photorespiration, when it occurs and the problem it causes.
Define C3, C4, and CAM plants and give examples of each
Explain C4 photosynthesis
Explain CAM photosynthesis
List and describe 3 factors that influence rate of photosynthesis
Describe similarities between photosynthesis and aerobic cellular respiration
Chapter 11
Describe the 3 general distances of cells from each other, how they communicate in each and examples
Why is it believed that cell – cell communication evolved early?
List and describe 3 general steps of cell communication
Name the 3 major kinds of signal receptors in the cell membrane
List 4 possible cell responses to cell communication
Explain how G linked protein receptors work
Explain how tyrosine-kinase receptors work
What is a transcription factor?
What does it mean that signal molecules are specific?
Explain how ion channel receptors work
Describe 3 locations or signal receptors in the cell, the types of organic molecules they are made of and what their signal molecules are made of
Explain what a protein phosphorylation cascade is
How is signal transduction turned off?
What is signal amplification?
Name the 2 major 2nd messengers and describe features
Explain in detail how epinephrine works
Explain in detail how testosterone works (its pathway)
Where is Ca2+ stored in the cell?
What is Ca2+ used for in plants and animals?
Explain branching, crosstalk and the influence of the same signal molecule on different cells
What are scaffolding proteins used for?
Define apoptosis and explain how it occurs.
Give examples of uses of apoptosis.
Describe roles of Ced-9, 3, and 4