Chimpanzee Class – Reception

Information for Term 2

Dear Parents and Carers

As you know we have been focusing on winter and exploring the changes in our local environment. You may have noticed the children’s cold colour snowflake collages displayed in classand the winter pictures that they have created on the computers. The children have also been counting winter objects and finding the corresponding number.

For the next two weeks we will be exploring Chinese New Year and Chinese culture. The children will be making their own dancing dragons, creating Chinese music and making and eating Chinese food. They will be applying their phonic knowledge as they read recipes and write messages for fortune cookies They will also develop their knowledge of money as they make their own ‘lucky’ red money envelopes.

As the children were so enthusiastic about dressing up as different people during our exciting writing day we are going to focus our learning on ‘People in our Community’ after half term. The children showed particular interest in the police and fire officers so we will hopefully arrange some visits. If you have a trade/job that you would like to come and chat to the children about or have a family member or friend who would be interested in coming to visit please let us know.

Our home reading books are changed every Wednesday when reading records have been signed. The books are phonics based and allow the children to apply the learning that they do in our daily phonics sessions. They also have top tips in the front and comprehension questions and activities in the back. We recommend that you listen to your child read daily for 5 minutes. Listening and supporting them as they read 2 or 3 pages is ample and we find that this is much more beneficial than sitting for half an hour once a week. It is clearly evident which children are reading regularly at home and those that sadly are not.

Chimpanzee words are also checked every Wednesday. We check through them in a random order. Many of the words need to be read on sight rather than blended, this can take time and again looking through them for a few minutes daily will really benefit your child. We also recommend that you check through the words your child has previously learnt so they don’t forget them

We will be adding a set of number cards11 to 20 in your child’s blue book bag this week. Please spend time helping your child to identify, name and order these numbers.

PE is every Friday and we ask that children with long hair have it tied back. Earrings should be ideally removed or covered with a plaster. Children are encouraged to dress and undress independently. Please persevere with encouraging and expecting your child to fasten their own coat and dress/undress independently at home as it helps them at school.

We expect the children to be responsible for their own belongings and they have their own trays to keep things in. Inevitably items do go missing but usually turn up, especially if they are named. If your child has something that goes missing you are always welcome to come in and have a look in our spare hatbox, on radiators (they put them there when they get wet) or in your child’s tray.

We are really pleased with the progress the children are making. If you ever want to speak to us about your child or ask for suggestions about how your can further support your child at home please catch us after school or come to a ‘Welcome Wednesday’ session. You are also able to use the opportunity to have a look at your child’s Learning journey.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Thompson (Class teacher)

Mrs McBride (Learning assistant)