
Schools Forum

Wednesday 14 January2015

Civic Centreat5.30pm


/ Mr Kevin Fennelly /

Governor Kingfisher School(Acting Chair)

Mrs Sue Crowson /

Headteacher Horton Mill Primary School

Mr John Meagher /

Headteacher Failsworth School

Mrs Julie Hollis /

Headteacher Bluecoat School

Ms Bev Harper /

Bluecoat School

Mr George Herbert /

Governor Oldham Academy North

Mr Graham Quinn /

Headteacher Newbridge

Councillor Brian Lord /

Governor Saddleworth

Mrs Bev Beaumont /

Oldham Sixth Form College

Mrs Lynda Thompson /

Headteacher PRU

Mr Iain Windeatt /

Trade Union Representative

Mr Jo Brownridge /

Oldham Academy North

Mr Greg Oates /

Headteacher Beever Primary School

Mrs Anne Ostmeier /

Headteacher St Anne’s RC Primary Greenacres

Also Present:

/ Ms Liz Caygill /

Finance Manager Commercial Services

Mr Steve Edwards /

Interim Assistant Executive Director Learning and Attainment

Ms Vicky Gibbons /

Senior Accountant Commercial Services

Mrs Wendy Lees /

Senior Accountant Commercial Services

Ms Anne Ryans


Interim Borough Treasurer

Mr Andy Collinge


School Performance Advisor

Ms Maggie Kufeldt


Executive Director Health and Wellbeing

Mrs Jean Coombs


Clerk to the Forum

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1.1Apologies for absence were received fromMr Dave Mycock, Mr Mike Aston, Councillor Amanda Chaddertonand Mr Matthew Milburn

1.2There were no declarations of personal interest.

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2.1RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
2.2There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Ms Gibbons presented an update on the deployment of the Dedicated Schools Grant for 2015-16
Main points referred to:
3.1There is no inflation increase in the school’s block (£217m), with the cash value per pupil reduced by £7.51 due to the changes in the carbon reduction commitment. The net impact of this is very small.
3.2The number of primary school pupils has increased by 526 and secondary has reduced by 90.
3.3The provisional early year’s pupil number is based on last year’s figure, and there is also pupil premium of £0.53 per hour per pupil for 3 and 4 year olds. This is approximately £300 per pupil. The funding for disadvantaged 2 year olds will be notified to the authority in June (£5.2m in 2014-15).
3.4In summary the change in the DSG is due to the increase in pupil number (£1.7m); early years pupil premium (£311k); transfer of non-recoupment (cost neutral); high needs block increase of £631k. The high needs block increase is due to the award of £293.5k in response to the request to fund increased places at Hollinwood and New Bridge which is a 7 month allocation and it is the highest award given; and additional funding from the balance of £228k from the Education Funding Agency.
3.5The local authority propose to retain £4.547m for central school services and these commitments have not increased from 2014-15.
3.6The de-delegated funding overview shows that as much funding as possible has been delegated to schools, but that the amount for de-delegated budgets if approved to be de delegated back to the local authority will be used to provide better value and pooled risk services. It is not proposed to ask schools to de delegate the contingency funding for 2015-2016 as it is felt there is sufficient funding to be carried forward.
3.7The growth funding based on planned phased growth in 2015-16 uses 2014-15 census numbers, with a contingency to meet the costs of actual children on roll. The estimate for 2015-16 is £453k, which is similar to the 2014-15 figures.
3.8The estimated underspend for 2014-15 has increased due to the early years pupil number being lower now than they were in January 2014.The underspend is proposed to be used to pay the additional costs of rates arising through revaluations.
3.9Ms Gibbons asked members to note that these figures do not include pupil premium money (except for the £311k for early years).
RESOLVED:(i)that members note the contents of the report;
(ii)that the amount of funding for central school services is approved;
(iii)that the deployment of the Dedicated School Grant 2015-16 is approved;
(iv)that representatives from each phase for maintained schools approved the de-delegation of school improvement and under performing schools, teacher union duties and insurance 2015-16;
(v)that the growth funding for 2015-16 is approved;
(vi)that the additional underspend in the DSG is carried forward to 2015-16 and earmarked for increase in rate charges is approved.
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Ms Caygill updated members on the review of the 2015-16 funding formula and introduced the consultation on the changes to the split site criteria for funding.
Main points referred to:
4.1Schools Forum and the Fair Funding Group have been working together on the formula review which must be compliant with the Schools Finance Regulations.
4.2Oldham did not receive any of the £390m funding from DfE to bring it in line with the minimum funding level as the authority’s Guaranteed Unit of funding is above the DfE minimum funding levels.
4.3The minimum funding level is based on up to seven factors:
4.3.1a per pupil amount
4.3.3looked after children
4.3.4low prior attainment
4.3.5English as an additional language
4.3.6a lump sum per school
4.3.7a sparsity sum – not applicable to Oldham.
4.4In the formula review it had been found that Oldham was not out of line compared with the statistical neighbours, but there had been a request from some secondary members to review the funding formula. There had also been a request from a primary school to review the SEN and deprivation.
4.5Schools Forum need to be consulted on any changes to the funding formula and the APT proforma detailing Oldham’s formula needs to be submitted by 21 January 2015.
4.6Compared with the statistical neighbours the basic pupil amount is higher and lower for KS 4, and the lump sum is lower in both sectors. There is a higher allocation based on deprivation in Oldham.
4.7Seven options had been discussed with secondary colleagues,at the Fair Funding Group 25th November 2014. There were no primary members present at this meeting. Agreed to concentrate on 4 options. Colleagues wanted to see the options before and after the MFG to see the implications year on year. The preference from secondary colleagues had been for option 7.
4.8Option 7 involved increasing the lump sum to the average of the statistical neighbours and reducing the EAL budget
4.9 Ms Caygill and other Officers had met with both primary and secondary colleagues last week to discuss the options, and to recommend either agreeing one option or doing nothing at this stage, but with a commitment to undertake to look at the formula for 2016-17.
4.10The majority of secondary schools wished to extend the consultation to 2015-16 and the primary consensus was not to change the formula immediately but to carry out an objective review of the funding formula.
4.11The proposed changes to the split site criteria would mean the allocation of a lump sum to more primary schools and an increase to the amount for a special school.
Mr Herbert thanked Ms Caygill for the report and agreed that more time was needed to agree a revised funding formula. He also agreed that there needed to be more Headteachers on the Fair Funding Group.
Councillor Lord said he was unhappy with the recommendation, but agreed that the funding should follow need, and he did not accept that the settlement for this year was fair. He reported that this decision would mean his school would struggle and be in danger of incurring a deficit budget due to matters outside the governors’ control. He also asked that this matter stays on the agenda to be changed next year. He asked that information is sent to Chairs as well as Headteachers.
ACTION:Ms Caygill to liaise with Business Support - Governors
Ms Caygill assured members that it would be on the agendas throughout the year and members would be kept updated on progress.
Mrs Hollis suggested that Ms Caygill wrote a project plan to define the way forward and timescales.
ACTION:Ms Caygill
Mr Edwards agreed with the points made and supported the development of a project plan. He suggested that the principles and definitions would be worked on to begin the project development. Definitions for “funding to follow need” and the “need” should include higher ability groups.
Mr Meagher pointed out that there was no vote taken at secondary heads, but that whatever decision is made there will be a significant impact on schools whatever way it is changed or not changed and that the local authority needs to consider how they will address needs.
RESOLVED:(i)that no changes to the funding formula are made for 2015- 16;
(ii)that the LA will commit to look at the funding formula for schools to start February 2015;
(iii)that a larger group of representatives attend the Fair Funding Group;
(iv)that the changes to the split site criteria are agreed.
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Mrs Lees updated the Schools Forum on the revisions, both directed and LA revisions, that were being consulted on and to be effective from January 2015.
The revisions included changes to the wording to include academies and changes determined by the local authority to the school cheque book scheme. There was an update on the list of recommended banks that schools could use with the Co-operative Bank removed. There are additional reasons for schools to use surpluses for and these purposes were approved at the previous meeting. Mrs Lees informed members that maintained schools will be consulted and it would be sent out by 6 February 2015.
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8.1The next meeting will be held on 20 May 2015 at 5.30pm.

8.2Suggested agenda items for the next meetings were listed.
(There being no further business, the members of the Schools Forum were thanked for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 6.20pm.)