October 16th 2014
Dear Parents,
After careful consideration and trialling of a number of systems, St. Andrew’s has decided upon a new spelling programme, in line with the expectations from the new National Curriculum. Your child will be provided with a spelling activity for homework, to support their learning at home. Sometimes, this may include a spelling list.
Children will learn a specific sound, rule or spelling pattern in class, which will then be the focus of the spelling homework each week.
Assessment of understanding will be undertaken in a short task the following week, as part of the literacy lesson. This may be in the form of a standard spelling test or it may be checked within the child’s independent writing.
In addition, a termly assessment of SPaG (Spelling and Grammar) will be taken by all children in Years 2,3,4 and 5. Year 6 children will complete a SPaG assessment every half term, in the lead up to the SATS in May 2015. Year 1 children will begin their formal assessment of spelling in the Spring term.
As a result of governmental advice, the teaching of spelling patterns and rules will happen in relation to age-related expectations. This means that all children in the year group will be taught the same spelling rule or letter pattern. However, children will be supported or extended within class, so as to ensure the best possible learning. Many concepts in the new spelling curriculum have been moved into a different year group and some are repeated over year groups.
The teaching of spelling at our school will be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team; followed by a review in January 2015, when the new curriculum objectives have been in place for a term. All year groups from Y1-6 will be receiving spelling homework as from Friday 24th October.
Spelling lists and a list of helpful websites will be given out at the parent meetings in November.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Cath Mann
Together we love life, learning and God