Policy– Wearing the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School uniform helps students to take pride in their appearance and see themselves as an integral part of the school community. Students should wear the uniform proudly as they represent the school. Wearing the uniform promotes equality among all students.
Children who intentionallydefaceor damage theuniformface serious disciplinaryaction.
Students who fail to follow uniform policywill receive a disciplinaryaction.
The official uniform is one that is totallypurchased from a designated uniform store.
Girls and Boys:
JACKET/SWEATER–ONLYSOLID NAVYBLUEsweaters,jackets, orwindbreakers, theofficial school sweatshirt or official maroon athleticwindbreakerwith the awardedschool letter (gr. 6-8) can beworn to school. No logo other thanMost Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is allowed. Solid navy blue fleecejackets areallowed. NOBLUE JEAN OR DENIM JACKETS OFANYTYPE ARE ALLOWED.
SWEATSHIRTS– officialnavyblue sweatshirtwith emblem.
OVERCOATS– heavycoats worn to andfrom school and out on the playground maybeof anycolor. Thesecoats maynot beworn in the classroom. NOBLUEJEANORDENIM JACKETS OFANYTYPE ARE ALLOWED.An overcoat is definedas aheavyouterwearjacket or coatthat is heavilylined or padded.Those consideredlightweight must besolid navy blue even if itis onlyworn to and fromschool.
Students who have received aletter foracademics or athleticsmaypurchase anofficialmaroon windbreaker (not a heavyathletic jacket).This jacketmustincludethe “Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School” letter. All fifth grade students who areeligible to receivealetterwill receive it at the end oftheir fifth gradeyear. Theymaywear theletter windbreaker orsweaterbeginningintheirsixth gradeyear.
Bodypiercingis not allowed except forgirls wearingoneearringineachearlobe.
No tattoosareallowed.
Boys’ Uniforms:
SHIRT – official whiteflat knit shirt (pique knit is not acceptable) with school emblem must be worn andtucked in at all times with belt visible.
BELT – navyblue or blackbelt mustbe wornat all times andvisible.
PANTS - official navyblue uniform pants.
SHORTS– official navyblue shorts or the official navyblue pantsshortened with afinished hem to the knee. Shorts maybeworn anytime duringthe schoolyear.
SOCKS – Solid white/mid-calf crew socks or Monogrammed ankle socks are acceptable. 6th – 8th graders, only, have the privilege of wearing plain or monogrammed ankle socks.
SHOES – Traditionalathletic shoes with shoe laces or Velcroareallowed.Theseshoes areto besolid navy blue, white,black orgrayor anycombination ofthese colors. Silver accents are acceptable. Shoe lacesareto match the predominatecolor ofthe shoe and areto onlybesolid navy blue, black, white, orgray. No high tops, cleats,turf/deckshoes, sandals /mules, wheeled,lighted,characterlogo or patterned shoes are allowed.
HAIR –Hair must beofa conservative length andthickness in the front,back, top,andsidesat all times.Theappropriatelength of hair for boys should not touch theshirt collar.Hair shouldbeneatlycut over theears and when combed forwardmustnot touch eyebrows. No extreme hair styles are allowed,forexample:stripes, bowl cut, design ofanyshape, shaved sides,pointednecklines,dyed(colored), hi-lighted etc. Sincefadhairstyleschangerapidly,this policystatement includes fads of todayand ofthe future. The administration willdetermine the acceptabilityof anyquestionablehaircut. When a haircut noticeisgiven, students will have the remaining week days and the weekend to get a haircut, or thestudent mayface disciplinaryconsequences.
JEWELRY – Watches, one (1) religiousnecklace and one bracelet may be worn. No other jewelryis allowed.
UNDERSHIRTS/UNDERGARMENTS– onlyasolid white t-shirt/undergarmentmaybe worn under theofficial school shirt. There areto beno logosor print of anykind on the t-shirt/undergarments.
BLOUSE – plain white uniform blouses, with nopuffsleeves, laceor trim. Short-sleeve, jersey knit, banded shirts (pique knit is not acceptable) are also acceptable. Blouses do not have to be worn under jumpers.
JUMPER– gradesK-5 –officialschool jumperwith emblem may be worn. The finished hemmustbeto the knee.
SKIRTS/SKORTS–grades 6-8 – official school skirt/skort may be worn. Skorts must be the pleated style. The finished hemmustbeto the knee.
WALKING SHORTS – grades K-8 -officialschooluniformwalkingshorts ormaybe wornanytime duringtheyear.Thefinished hemmustbeto thetop ofthe knee.
SHORTS– Any style short mustbe worn under theuniform jumperor skirt. Theyareto be ofa length that is not visible, sittingor standing.
SOCKS – Solid white/mid-calf crew socks or MBS monogrammed ankle socks are acceptable. 6th – 8th graders, only, have the privilege of wearing plain or monogrammed ankle socks.
SHOES – Traditionalathletic shoes with shoe laces or Velcroareallowed.Theseshoes areto besolid navy blue, white,black orgrayor anycombination ofthese colors. Silver accents are acceptable. Shoe lacesareto match the predominatecolor ofthe shoe and areto onlybesolid navy blue, black, white, orgray. No high tops, cleats,turf/deckshoes, sandals /mules, wheeled,lighted,characterlogo or patterned shoes are allowed. Students in grades K - 2nd may wear traditional “saddle oxfords” and “Mary Janes” in black, white, gray, navy blue or any combination of these colors.
HAIR –Girls’ hairstylesshould be appropriatefor schoolat all times. Hairmaynotbe colored, dyed, orhi-lighted.Also, girls arenot allowed to havefadhairstyles. Sincefadhairstyleschangerapidly,this policystatement includes fads of todayand ofthe future. The administration willdetermine the acceptabilityof anyquestionablehaircut or hairstyle. Hair spraycansorpumps arenot allowedon schoolgroundsand/or school bus.Hair ribbons andaccessories must be navy blue, white, red, maroon,gray, black or a combination of these colors or theuniformplaid.
JEWELRY/ACCESSORIES– Wearing expensive jewelry to school is discouraged. Any jewelry worn to school should be limited to rings, watches, conservative earrings bracelets and simple religious necklaces. Girls may wear a matching pair of button-style earrings, one per ear lobe. Hoops or dangling earrings are not allowed.
OPTIONAL WINTER UNIFORM - Optional officialuniformpantsareallowed. No othernavy blue pants will beallowed forthis uniform. An official school blouse must beworn with these pants.Students maywear solid white turtleneck shirts under theblouse on cold days.
MAKE-UP – No make-up, fingernail polish, colored Chap Stick, lip-gloss,or fakenails of anykind will be allowed.
UNDERSHIRTS/UNDERGARMENTS– onlyasolid white t-shirt or white ornudeundergarments maybeworn under theofficial school shirt. Thereareto beno logosorprint of anykind on the t-shirt/undergarments.
P.E. Uniforms - Boys and Girls
Theofficial P. E. uniform must be purchased from the designated uniform outlets.Theuniform consists ofmaroongym shorts and agrayt-shirt with the officialschoolemblem.These areto beof sufficient sizeto be modest and allowfree movement.
Athletic shoesarerequired forP. E. class.
TheP. E. teacherwillnotifystudents when warm-ups maybe worn.
Girls must wearhair pulled backand awayfrom the face.
TheP.E. teacherwillreviewwith the studentsanyadditionalrulesandregulations forthe class.
All P.E. uniforms must be labeled with a laundry marking pen. The student’s name must be clearly written as specified by the P.E. teacher.