Children’s Christmas Resources 2016
Week Four – God the Giver of Life
Children’s Message – God the Giver of Life
For this message you will need:
ô 2 Gift boxes – in the first box place a toy catalogue and inside the other box place the printed out word ‘Jesus’ and printed words ‘Eternal Life’ (SEE ATTACHED).
Choose a child before the service/session and explain what the story is about so they have the heads up. Explain that you are going to ask for a volunteer but they need to put their hand up so they can be chosen. Tell the child what is in each box but not to say the correct object when asked. Encourage them to guess other objects that will be wrong. Go through it quickly with them.
Ask for a volunteer to come up (obviously choose the pre organised one).
Show the child the first gift box (with the toy catalogue inside it) and make a huge fuss about what could be inside the gift box. Explain that it could be something that is really exciting. Ask the child to hold the box and give it a shake and try and guess what is inside the box.
Ask the child to open the box and show everyone what is inside it.
‘Wow, a toy catalogue. Imagine if you received this as a gift and you got to choose one thing from the catalogue that you could keep. How exciting that would be.’
Ask the child to quickly flip through the catalogue and pick something out that they would choose.
Next, give the child the second box. Again make a fuss about what could be inside this gift and ask the child to hold and shake it.
Tell the child that they can either have this gift or they can swap it for the other gift box here. BUT they cannot open the second gift until they have made the decision.
(The child will choose the second box.)
Ask the child to open the box and show everyone what is inside it.
‘Wow, the words ‘Jesus’ and ‘Eternal Life’. What a strange gift to have inside the gift box. Is that a bit of a letdown for you? I mean you could have had anything from the toy catalogue but now you are just stuck with the words ‘Jesus’ and Eternal Life.’ How disappointing for you’?
Ask the child to just shrug their shoulders and give the child a chocolate bar or similar for being a good sport as they return to their seat.
Ø ‘ I wonder if you had the choice between a gift that you REALLY REALLY wanted or the gift of Jesus and eternal life which would you choose.’
‘You see God is the Giver of Life and when He sent Jesus to earth in the form of a human baby He wasn’t just sending a cute little baby; He was giving us the person Jesus who gives us the opportunity to have ‘eternal life.’ We have the opportunity to not only live on earth with God beside us but to live in Heaven with God for eternity. That’s a very long time.’
‘It says in the Bible in John 3:16, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. God gave his Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.’ (ICB)
‘God gives us so much. He gives us creation and all the beautiful things we see around us – animals, the ocean etc., but the best gift God gives us is Jesus and through Jesus, God gives us forgiveness and eternal life.’
‘The greatest gift anyone can receive is not a toy, not a box of chocolates, not some Pandora, not the latest wiz bang tool from Bunnings, it is the gift of forgiveness from our wrong doings and the chance to live our life walking beside God and being his friend no matter where we are or what we do. God loves us so much and wants us all to receive this free gift that is offered to EVERYONE.’
‘What will you do with God’s gift to you this Christmas?’
Children’s Activity:
For this activity you will need:
ô Paper
ô Card stock
ô Textas
ô Wrapping Paper
ô Gift tag
ô Sticky tape
Give each child paper and textas and ask them to write or draw their Christmas list.
As they are doing this discuss some of the things on their lists.
Discuss with the children the things that God has given us (creation etc.).
Discuss that God is the Giver of life and that He gives all of us the opportunity to receive this gift. It is free and offered to everyone. He gives us the opportunity to be his friend and to walk alongside him through our life. God is waiting and is ready to give us this gift. It is the greatest gift He offers us.
Provide opportunity for any child that may wish to ask Jesus to be their friend and pray with them.
Next, ask the kids to write one thing that they could give Jesus this year for His birthday. It could be something like – promising to be kinder to their sister or brother, promising not to do something such as lying or stealing any more. It could be something that they will do for someone else such as raising money to help people in the community that need food or clothing. It could be to obey their parents and not complain when asked to do a job around the house. It could be that they wish to ask Jesus to be their friend and to walk alongside them in their life. Explain that all these actions are gifts that Jesus would love for his birthday.
Write the gift down on a piece of card and wrap in wrapping paper. Place a gift card on it and take home and place under the Christmas tree for Jesus on Christmas Day. Explain that they can choose a family member to open the gift up on Christmas Day and remind you what you have promised to give Jesus this Christmas.
Finish by praying together thanking God for the gift of Jesus and Eternal Life.
Home and Beyond:
Print out the following ‘Home and Beyond’ activity for each child to take home and do with their family.
Home and Beyond:
Place your birthday gift to Jesus on your tree at home and open it on Christmas Day. Afterwards place the gift in your bedroom as a reminder of your promise to Jesus.
Arrange to have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day. With your family, light the candles and sing happy birthday to Jesus. Enjoy eating the cake!
Home and Beyond:
Place your birthday gift to Jesus on your tree at home and open it on Christmas Day. Afterwards place the gift in your bedroom as a reminder of your promise to Jesus.
Arrange to have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day. With your family, light the candles and sing happy birthday to Jesus. Enjoy eating the cake!
Home and Beyond:
Place your birthday gift to Jesus on your tree at home and open it on Christmas Day. Afterwards place the gift in your bedroom as a reminder of your promise to Jesus.
Arrange to have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day. With your family, light the candles and sing happy birthday to Jesus. Enjoy eating the cake!
Territorial Mission Resources Department Australian Southern Territory © 2016
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