Fun Novice Show for all ages
Saturday 18th April 2015 at the Cotswold RDA Centre
Classes will be split if sufficient entries.
Dressage start time 9.30
Class 1 Pony club walk and trot dressage test 2013
Class 2 Prelim 7
Class 3 Family horse/pony.
Class 4 Veteran horse/pony 15 years or over
Class 5 Best handler (Horses/ponies to be led in snaffle bridles)
Class 6 Best rider
Class 7 Best Horse and Rider partnership
*** Please note in classes 3 – 7 you will not be required to canter. ***
Games will be after class 7. £1 a race
Classes will be split 14 years and under and over 14 years
Trot and walk race, Potato race, musical sacks, crossing the bridge
Entry fees:
Class 1 – 7 £6.00 per class. Entries close on Friday 10th April
Entries on the day classes 3 – 7 £7.00 per class
Times available from Wed 15th on Cotswold RDA website.
Rosettes will be awarded to sixth place
1. Cotswold RDA and Landowners do not accept any responsibility or Liability or accident, damage, injury
or illness to any persons, animal or property whatsoever arising from anything connected to the show.
2. All competitors must wear approved safety standard headgear.
3. Horses or ponies must not be left unattended tied to trailers or horseboxes at anytime.
4. Dogs must be kept on a lead and under control at all times.
5. Please make sure all droppings etc. are removed from around your vehicle before departing.
6. Cotswold RDA has strict policy of NO SMOKING in all areas of the school and outbuildings.
7. The judge’s decision is final.
8. Age as from 1st January of current year (pony club rules)
9. First aider on site.
10 Snaffle type bridles only.
In the event of bad weather conditions at the time of the show and or cancellation, please visit to check if the show is still on
NAME……………………………………………………………………… TOTAL £
TEL NO……………………………………………………………
SIGNED ………………………………………………. …………………..DATE…………………………