Category: / Contemporary
Created by: / Leith Valley
Number of speaking parts: / 2
Duration: / Medium
Includes: / Carols

Teddy Bear’s Christmas

Children’s Carol Service 02

Story Teller:Welcome to everyone. Especially the children.

Do you like picnics?

Well today I want you to come to a special picnic!!!

Koala Ken:Can I come?! Can I come!!?

ST:Surprised – Who are you?

KK:Intro. Self. Heard about the Teddy Bears service and decided to come along since ‘I’m a Bear and my name is Koala Ken!’

ST:Well I guess you can come to the picnic too KK but you have to realise one thing.

KKWhat’s that Bill?

ST: This is a picnic that happened 2000 years ago in a little town called Bethlehem.

KK: Behtlehem! Where’s Bethlehem?

ST:It’s a little town in a country far away from here Ken. We could sing a little song about it. Would you like to do that?

KK:OK – so long as we get something eat afterwards Bill – I’m getting hungry!

ST:We’ll see Ken. Here’s the song…

SONG: O Little Town of Bethlehem

KK:So is there a beach at this Town Bill?

ST:No Ken. It’s a long way from any beach

KK:So there’s no sand to kick in anyone’s face?

ST: No Ken. No sand I’m afraid. In this little place there’s only straw!

KK:Do you think I could kick the straw in someone’s face Bill?

ST:No Ken. There’ll be no kicking of straw in anyone’s face because at this picnic there’s someone very very special!

KK:Yeh! Me!

ST:No Ken – not that you’re not very special but this person turned out to be the most special person in all of history.

KK:I’m special but I’m a bear so it can’t be me Bill!

ST: Yes, you’re special Ken but this person thought everyone was so special that He came to die for us Ken.

KK:I thought this was a picnic not a funeral!

ST:It is a picnic Ken because there’s a new baby here and the mum and dad are so pleased.

KK:So where’s the baby Bill? Can’t see him with all this straw around the place.

ST:He’s in the manger over there Ken.

KK:Now cut that out Bill. I’ve heard some people called some pretty bad things in my time as a Koala but to called a little baby mangy – that’s just not nice at all Bill!

ST:NO, no Ken! Manger! Manger! It’s the little trough from which animals eat there straw or hay.

KK:Why on earth would anyone want to put a baby in a feed trough Bill – sounds like these parents need a bit of help to me.

ST:Well perhaps you’re right Ken. These parents were very poor and couldn’t afford much else besides which the manger was a very warm place for a baby so it was really quite comfortable in there.

KK:Yeh, yeh – you’ll be telling me next that the animals were in there with them!

ST:Well I won’t say anything about that Ken but here’s another little song about the manger.

SONG: Away in a Manger

ST:And do you know that the best thing about picnics children is that you can have them with your friends and little Jesus had heaps of friends come to share in his first picnic.

KK: Friends! He’s just born and He’s got friends? What are you talking about Bill. He can’t have friends already can He?

ST:Yes He can Ken. You see Jesus already had friends in heaven and they were the angels.

KK:Angels? What were they up to Bill?

ST:They were telling people about Jesus Ken. They were telling people who would listen about how he was going to help the world.

KK:Who were they telling Bill?

ST:They were telling some of Jesus’ other friends Ken and here’s a little song about them and while we’re singing it we could have all the angels come and sit by little Jesus.

SONG: Hark the Herald Angels Sing

KK:But what about human friends Bill? Did He have any of those?

ST:Yeh he did Ken. He had some good old shepherds who came to see Him.

KK:Shepherds? What are they Bill? I’ve never heard of shepherds.

ST:They’re like our farmers Ken – men of the land.

KK:She’ll be right Bill!

ST:Yeh – you’ve got it Ken. And we could have all the Teddys who’ve got Shepherds crooks come up and sit next to baby Jesus now Ken

KK:Good on yah Bill!

ST:That’s right Ken.

KK:Get in behind Bill!

ST: I think that’ll do Ken.

KK:Settle Bill!

ST:Enough Ken! Could all the shepherds come up now?

KK:Anyone else Bill?

ST:Yes Ken – there were some Kings who came to see Him and what’s more they brought some presents!

KK:Ah, now we’re getting to the good stuff – this is what Christmas is all about Bill!

ST:No no Ken. Christmas is about Jesus who is the greatest gift we humans have ever had. But the Kings brought some very special presents – Gold, frankincense and myrrh.

KK:Wow… that sounds really ah… great Bill!

ST:Well they were very valuable then Ken. Here, listen to this next song and while we’re singing it all the Teddy bears with crowns on can come up to sit next to baby Jesus.

SONG: We Three Kings of Orient Are.

ST:So there we have it Ken this was perhaps the most special picnic ever.

KK:Some pretty influential friends eh Bill. Sounds like this guy had it made!

ST:Well no actually Ken. He also had a lot of people who didn’t like him… but perhaps we’ll leave that part till another day.

KK:We’ve got a lot of people here now Bill – looks like it’s going to be a pretty good picnic! But where’s all the food Bill? Can’t have a picnic without food!

ST: You’re right Ken food is very important at a picnic but the food at this picnic is special food Ken.

KK:O goody – heaps of lollies and ice-cream Bill?!

ST:No Ken, none of those things because they’re for the body. The food at this picnic is for our souls.

KK:For our souls Bill. DO they need food?

ST:Yes they do Bill because we are spiritual people and we need spiritual food and do you know who brings us that food Ken.

KK:No Bill but if it’s lollies and ice-cream Ken I don’t care!

ST:Well it’s not lollies and ice-cream Ken because those things pass away. The food that Jesus brings us gives us eternal life.

KK:Woo! Now that sounds pretty good Bill – I think I’d just about give up lollies and ice-cream for eternal life Bill.

ST:I thought you might Ken.

KK:But how do we eat this food Bill?

ST:We eat it by inviting Jesus to be in charge of our life Ken.

KK:But Bill! He might not want me to eat any lollies and ice-cream!

ST:Perhaps Ken but He will have something better for you – something that will last a lot longer than lollies and ice-cream!

KK:Chewing gum Bill?

ST: No Ken – food for our souls – food that will make us the way we were meant to be.

KK:I don’t think I quite get it Bill?

ST:That’s all right Ken – when Jesus comes into your life then you will understand much better. Why don’t we finish tonight by singing about the first night Jesus came to bring us food.

KK:OK Bill.

SONG: Silent Night.