Please contact: Business Support
Your ref:
Our ref: FOI 4504
Date: 5 July 2011
Ms Avril WilliamsEmail to:
Children and Adults – learning and caring directorate
Gun WharfDock Road
Kent ME4 4TR
Telephone: 01634 306000
Direct line: 01634 331055
Director: Rose Collinson
Dear Ms Williams
Request for Information Reference Number: FOI 4504
Thank you for your request for information that we received on 2 July.
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and hope to be able to complete the request within 20 working days.
We may have to apply exemptions to the information that you have requested which could mean that all or part of the information you have requested may be withheld. There may be information that you have requested that will need to be subject to a public interest test or liaison with an external agency or company which could mean the 20 day deadline will be exceeded.
If such an instance arises where it is not possible to return the information you have requested within the 20 working day deadline you will be informed as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please use the contact details of the person above, quoting your reference number.
For further information on the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the exemptions and how your request will be dealt with you can log onto the Medway Council website at www.medway.gov.uk/freedomofinformation.
Yours sincerely.
Emma Spencer
Complaints & Information Officer
Enc: Request for Information Complaints Procedures
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request for Information Complaints Procedures
Our aim is to ensure:
· You have received all the information you have requested unless exemptions have been applied.
· We have explained fully why we have withheld information from you and what exemptions we have applied to the information we have withheld.
· We have completed your request for information within 20 working days from receipt of your request.
· We have responded to your request in the form you have requested.
· We have kept you informed at all times if the 20 working day deadline could not be met.
If you are not happy that we have met any of the aims as set out above or you are not satisfied with the information we have provided you can make a complaint.
Making a complaint.
If you have requested information in writing you are entitled to complain about the information you have received. An example of this would be:
· If you feel you have not received all the information we hold;
· if we have applied exemptions you feel are inappropriate;
· if we are not releasing documents held on our publication scheme;
· or if the information is not in the format in which you have requested.
If you have received any correspondence from us that has a reference number on it please quote the reference number you have been given. This will ensure that we can connect your complaint with the original request you logged.
The request for information complaints procedures have 2 stages.
Stage 1 complaint:
Your complaint should be made in writing as it may form part of an investigation undertaken by an independent authority called the Information Commissioner.
Please write to:
Deborah Upton
Assistant Director (Legal Services)
Gun Wharf
Dock Road
Kent, ME4 4TR
You can also complain by email () or online using the complaints form at www.medway.gov.uk/complaints
You should quote your reference number if you have one, and explain exactly why you are complaining about the information you have received. Include in the letter how you would like to receive the result of the complaint.
If you cannot make a complaint in writing you can get someone to write a letter on your behalf or you can ask the Citizens Advice Bureau to write a letter for you.
Where appropriate you will receive written acknowledgement of your complaint within three working days from when we receive it and a full response within ten working days. If your complaint cannot be resolved by then you should receive a letter explaining why and giving you a new deadline.
If you are not satisfied with the result of the complaint you can escalate it to a Stage 2 complaint.
Stage 2 complaint:
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the stage 1 complaint you can take the matter further and complain to the Information Commissioner.
The Information Commissioner is the independent supervisory authority who enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and reports directly to UK Parliament.
To make a complaint to the Information Commissioner please write to:
FOI Compliance Team (complaints)
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
You will need to make clear in your correspondence that you requested information from Medway Council, what information you have requested and why you are not happy with the information that has or has not been provided. You should also inform the FOI Compliance Team that you have followed the council’s complaints procedures and that you are unhappy with the result of that complaint.
The Information Commissioner will initiate an investigation to discover the facts and make an informed decision to whether the complaint will be upheld or should be withdrawn.
The Information Commissioners website address is: www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk
Complaining about Medway Council services.
The Request for Information Complaints Procedure is not for making general complaints about the services that Medway Council provide or to make suggestions on how to improve services.
Details of how complaints, comments or suggestions can be made about council services can be found on our website (www.medway.gov.uk/complaints) or in leaflet form from the main council reception offices at the addresses below.
You can make a complaint, comment or suggestion in writing, in person or by telephone using the following contact points:
Gun WharfDock Road
Kent ME4 4TR
Tel 01634 306000
Fax 01634 332848
Minicom 01634 333111
You can also make a complaint, comment or suggestion about Council services from the internet by completing an online form available from the Medway Council website (www.medway.gov.uk/complaints).