The Alliance for Bloomfield’s Children, CT After School Network, CT Early Childhood Alliance, CT Family Resource Center Alliance, CT Parent Education Network, CT Parent Information and Resource Center, CT Parents as Teachers, CT Parent Power, First Congregational Church Nursery School, Office of Early Childhood, State Education Resource Center, The SEEDS Network, LLC, The Village for Families and Children, University of Hartford, William Casper Graustein Memorial Fund, Windsor Department of Social Services, Windsor Early Childhood Council, Windsor Family Resource Centers present:

Childhood Conversations 2015 Conference

March 20 & 21, 2015

Hartford-Windsor Marriott in Windsor, CT

Request for Proposals:

The 9thAnnual Childhood Conversations conference is seeking presenters for our March 20 & 21, 2015conference. Over the course of the past eight years, Childhood Conversations has brought national speakers to parents and professionals of Connecticut to learn about relevant topics that deal with children ages 0 – 9 today.

Submissions must include the following items:

-RFP application form completed (on last page)

-presentation abstract

-goal and purpose of your presentation

-target audience / number of people appropriate for your workshop

-length of workshop / ability to do more than one session (topic)

-relevant experience/prior presentations on the topic


-contact information / website

Presenters will receive a stipend and waiver of conference registration fees. Please be creative in your submission.

Proposals are due no later than September 10,2014 (no exceptions).

Please email (preferred) submissions to:

Or mail three (3) copies of your proposal to:
The SEEDS Network
26 Abbott Road
Ellington, CT 06029
ATTN: Childhood Conversations Committee

Conference Topics:

We are looking for presentations that would fit into one or more of the core assurances for “The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading” (, specifically:

  • Quality teaching for every child in every setting every day
  • Care, services and family supports for children from birth to third grade
  • Community solutions to improve outcomes for the children least likely to succeed in the early grades

Please note that topics listed below are examples. We encourage presentation submissions on other topics as well.

  • School readiness and closing the achievement gap
  • Vocabulary development in the early years
  • Ways to combat chronic absence
  • Combatting summer learning loss

Ways of blending of core academic learning, hands-on activities, arts, sports, technology, and meaningful relationships

  • Parent engagement in children’s learning
  • Ways to improve nutrition and physical activity for children
  • Creating safe and healthy home environments
  • Strategies to ensure that children are in good health and developing on track
  • Ways to support the social-emotional development of children
  • Child and family advocacy - seamless system of care, services and supports for children and families

Presentation Format:

Please indicate whether you prefer a 90 minute or a 2 hour session. We encourage presentations that include a combination of lecture, interactive/audience participation, hands on activities, questions and answers and group discussion.

Date Available:

Please indicate if you are available to give your presentation on FRIDAY, March 20, 2015 or SATURDAY, March 21, 2015, or both days.

Target Audience:

Please be specific regarding who the target audience is for your presentation. Please let us know if your presentation is predominantly geared towards PARENTS, TEACHERS, PARENTING EDUCATORS, CHILDHOOD AND AFTER-SCHOOL PROFESSIONALS or a combination of all of these.

Proposal Review Process:

Proposals will be reviewed by Childhood Conversations Conference Committee. Once a proposal has been approved, a letter of acceptance will be e-mailed to the lead presenter.

Audiovisual Equipment:

AV equipment (LCD, laptop, overhead, screen) is the responsibility of the presenter. They can be rented by the presenter from the hotel.

Exhibit and Vendor Space:

If you would like to purchase an exhibit or vendor table, please indicate in your proposal and the vendor coordinator will contact you.


$100 per workshopand waiver of conference registration fees.


Childhood Conversations Childhood Conference

March 20 & 21, 2015

Hartford-Windsor Marriott in Windsor, CT

Please include this form with your submission. Submissions must be postmarked or emailed by September 10, 2014.

Presenter Information: Please type or print.


Telephone (Work): Please include area code

Telephone (Cell): Please include area code



Mailing Address:


***Please note primary communication with presenters will be done via email

If Applicable Second Presenter:


Telephone (Work): Please include area code

Telephone (Cell): Please include area code



Mailing Address:


Submission Instructions:

Emailyour proposal NO LATER THAN September 10, 2014 to