College of Education

Child Development Center Annual Report, 2016-17

  1. Enrollment over the last seven years.

2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17
Infants / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16
Toddlers / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16
Twos / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 16
Preschool / 36 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40
Total Headcount / 84 / 88 / 88 / 88 / 88 / 88 / 88

B. Staff Resources

Name / Position / Brief responsibilities
Deanna Hallgren / Director / Oversight of all CDC operations, staff, and children
Amanda Lee / Assistant Director / Tuition payments, Curriculum oversight, classroom quality, waiting list, tour guide, etc.
Pamela Bigham / Kitchen Coordinator / Prepare and deliver breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack daily. Comply with licensing and sanitation regulations.
Megan O’Shaughnessy / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Tessa Sheppard / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Sally Drennan / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Kaye Clark / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Jamie Wright / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Melissa Otte / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Jennifer (Farmer) Porter / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Kim Brewer / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Mariandine Huertas / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Benjamin Orlowski / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Rebecca Roberts / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Jessica Berry / Assistant Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Ruth Lange / Teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Amy Wright / Assistant teacher / Plans and implements daily lessons for children, supervises part-time staff and students with-in the classroom, maintains licensing and sanitation regulations, various other duties.
Numerous/various / Part-time staff / Assists teachers and assistants with care and education of children
  1. Numbers of students from MSU programs that have contributed to the services at the CDC.

Course / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17
CFD 160 (2 hrs) / 4 / 30 / 10 / 0
CFD 260 (4 hrs) / 90 / 88 / 105 / 123 / 111 / 100 / 105
CFD 360 (5 hrs) / 14 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 18 / 20 / 20
CFD 455 (4 hrs) / 57 / 65 / 60 / 62 / 45 / 48 / 65
CFD 255 (3hrs) / 8 / 10 / 24
CFD 301 (3 hrs) / 8 / 20
CFD 560 (2hrs) / 2 / 4 / 8
CFD 563 (2hrs) / 8 / 10 / 12 / 15
Student Teacher / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 0
Students in majors other than CFD or ECE / 15
  1. Current status, updates, and challenges the CDC faces this next academic year (i.e., recruiting, licensing, facilities, staffing, budget, accreditation, etc.)

1.The Child Development Center was re-licensed on December 31, 2015, with re-licensure coming up in December 2017. The center renewed the Eat Smart Advanced certification in October 2016. The Child Development Center was involved in the campus community during Missouri State's homecoming ceremonies. The CDC had a float in the parade as well as a table in BearFest Village. Information about the CDC and CEFS was distributed to the community during the homecoming festivities. The CDC partnered with Service Learning students as well as MSU Foundations to host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Betty and Bobby Allison Fun Field. Students in Family Involvement classes at MSU completed family engagement projects at the CDC including a STEM night as well as a CDC play day. The CDC hosted two Greenwood Laboratory School volunteers, one of which completed her project on children and the visual arts with the children in the preschool classroom. The preschool children at the CDC partnered with the MSU Kinesiology department and attended a motor development lab weekly at McDonald Arena with students in a kinesiology course. The CDC also hosted a mini opera performance put on by several of MSU's opera students. The CDC partnered with the local Springfield-Greene County library to bring a librarian to the CDC once per week to read to all preschool children. The Child Development Center hosted a family luncheon for all families at the CDC during the holiday season. Many extended family members attended the event creating more community exposure for the CDC. The Child Development Center partnered with the local Parents as Teachers program to provide screenings to interested preschool families on-site. Thirty children were screened as a result of this collaboration. In addition, eighty health and developmental assessments were conducted by Missouri State University nursing students. The CDC is currently partnering with Happy Feet Soccer Company to bring developmentally appropriate soccer classes to the CDC weekly for the children. The Parent Advisory Committee met monthly and the members were heavily involved in the planning and implementation of events such as the Usborne Book Fair, the Family Luncheon, and general policy and procedure advisement. The administration put out both a family satisfaction survey as well as a communication survey to serve as a baseline for implementing positive and effective changes to programming and/or communication strategies. All staff members completed required training for the year. This included: CPR, Mandated Reporting, Child and Adult Care Food Program, as well as multiple trainings chosen by staff members as part of their yearly professional development plan for continued professional growth and improvement. Finally, the assistant director as well as one teacher, chosen by lottery, are scheduled to attend a six day training session on Conscious Discipline. This will serve as a spring board for staff training as well as a recommitment to utilizing Conscious Discipline strategies in the CDC classrooms.

2.Challenges include: the everyday wear and tear of the facilities (i.e., tiles that are broken on the floor and need replaced, furniture that needs replaced,walls in need of painting, etc.). The greatest need right now is to finish the update to our kitchen. There is one counter area that needs to be replaced and cabinets need to be updated. Additional challenges include staffing full-time vacation and sick leave and the negative impact this has on the budget (we must maintain ratio at all times due to state licensing regulations and we must grant vacation and sick time when needed). Additionally, budget challenges include the rising costs of food and supplies, balancing a priority list of things needed vs. things wanted in the classrooms and playgrounds.

3.As a result of program evaluation, the following changes are needed:

  • We will spend the summer monitoring, preparing and documenting in preparation for re-licensure and re-accreditation.
  • Continue with staff professional development plans and expand collaboration with outside community agencies.Continue with the professional development plans with the teachers.
  • Finish kitchen.
  • Apply for a grant to cover the cost of Conscious Discipline training for the entire staff, as well as the local community.
  • Continue fundraising efforts to eliminate the budget deficit.
  1. Every Child Promise Scholarship
  2. New this year to the CDC, we have partnered with Every Child Promise (ECP) to provide scholarships to two preschool children in the center. The ECP mission is to prepare a long term strategic plan to deliver this “promise.” This will be accomplished through setting game changing strategic objectives, utilizing the broad existing network of child advocates, identifying and addressing gaps, coordinating strategies, measuring and communicating progress to the community, and seeking sustainable funding for effective and proven programs. The ECP focus is on every child in our community age birth to six, investing wisely now to save later.