Child Astrological Report for
Michael Jordan
February 17, 1963
10:20 AM
Brooklyn, NY
Crystal Inphinity
8677 Villa La Jolla Drive, #1202
La Jolla, California 92037
*** Introduction ***
This Astrological Child Report has been designed as a guide for Michael's parents, with a special commitment: to help with Michael's growth and cultural upbringing, to emphasize and strengthen his assets, and to alert the parents to mistakes or possible problems that Michael could face in his life.
Chapter 1 describes Michael the way he really is (position of the Sun), and the way his personality is expressed (Ascendant sign). Chapters 2 and 3 describe the influences linked to his mother and father respectively, which DOES NOT mean a description of their personalities, but the way Michael sees them, experiences them, and which characteristics he takes from each one. In the astrological chart of a brother or sister, the description of parents could be different due to the individual's perspective. Chapter 4 completes the sequence of the description of Michael's temperament, focusing his mind, his attitude toward education, and his intellectual capacity.
Chapter 5 describes Michael's destiny, his vocation, his profession, and the probability of success in the material world. In order to get an appropriate view of Michael's vocational possibilities, it will be necessary to combine what is in this chapter plus what is in Chapter 1 andany other relevant information in the report.
Chapter 6 analyzes the conditions of Michael's health; some tendencies or possibilities to physical diseases are mentioned, which DOES NOT mean that Michael is going to suffer from them, one by one. It does mean that those are his weak points and he is inclined to those possibilities. As a complement, some recommendations for Michael to have better nutrition are mentioned. PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN REGARDING ANY PHYSICAL PROBLEMS THAT YOUR CHILD MAY HAVE!!! FOLLOW YOUR PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE AND ANY MEDICATION OR THERAPY THAT HE/SHE RECOMMENDS!!! ASTROLOGY SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!
Finally, Chapter 7 describes the astrological influence of the outer planets which affect all the children who were born in the same period of years, producing common ideas and behaviors and subsequent generational characteristics.
It is probable that you may find some contradictions in the report; this is because some planets may be beneficial in a certain area of life while other planets may be less helpful or even harmful. This means that Michael may have both positive and negative experiences in the same area. You need to draw on your intuition and common sense to come to your own conclusions. But remember that every child, no matter the sign he/she was born in, needs LOVE in order to grow up in the right way.
*** Astrological Data ***
For the benefit of students of astrology, the positions of the
planets at the time of birth and other technical information is
given below:
Sun 28 Aqu 15 Neptune 15 Sco 40
Moon 8 Sag 18 Pluto 11 Vir 12
Mercury 2 Aqu 29 Asc. 22 Tau 10
Venus 13 Cap 02 MC 1 Aqu 02
Mars 10 Leo 00 2nd cusp 18 Gem 27
Jupiter 19 Pis 04 3rd cusp 9 Can 34
Saturn 15 Aqu 31 5th cusp 27 Leo 26
Uranus 3 Vir 28 6th cusp 4 Lib 43
Tropical Placidus Standard Time observed
GMT: 15:20:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 40 N 38 73 W 38
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 6 Deg 00 Min
Square : 6 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 6 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
*** Chapter 1 ***
General description of the child: essential nature and
personality. Physical body and childhood.
Sun in Aquarius:
The child of Aquarius is original, rebellious and very special. It is not easy to describe him because he has so many facets. He is jumpy, and always in motion. He will be a rebel from infancy and will not be an obedient child. He is very clever and he learns quickly how things work. He is very curious as well as sociable. He is attracted to the unusual, objects in motion, vivid colors, and anything animated. That is why you have to keep an eye on him when he starts to walk. He is attracted to electronic components, like TV sets, computers, VCRs, audio equipment, etc. and he is always placing his little fingers on the panel where the controls are, driving everybody crazy! It is a very good idea to have computer games at home, because he will enjoy it very much. Remember, if you have any electronic equipment at home, it would be better to show him how to use it, than to forbid him to touch it. When something is interesting for him, he learns with incredible rapidity; sometimes he is a kind of genius. One of his worse problems is being easily bored, so he is always looking for something new. His moods are not very constant, and he can feel up and down on the same day. Though he is a bit unpredictable, he is usually charming and outgoing.
Parents should be cautious when choosing a school for him, because he has a special mind, and it needs constant stimulation. A conservative and traditional education could be catastrophic. He needs to be in touch with modern and futuristic things. His mental vibrations are connected with the future, rather than the past. He is very intelligent but sometimes absent-minded, especially when he is bored at school. His creativity and originality are unbelievable, and it is very important to help him develop these qualities from the beginning. Though he is artistically talented, his creativity is not limited only to this field, and he could also be an inventor. A good gift could be the combination of a set of special pencils and pens and an engineering set, so he can build bridges and towers. He also loves science-fiction, and all things connected with the Universe.
Michael's personality includes a combination of a firm practical sense and an unbelievable perception, with a sharp and penetrating logic. His answers will be clear and precise, though at first there will be always "no" for an answer to any order or suggestion. After complaining and thinking about the subject, his final reaction will be reasonable and coherent. He becomes more rebellious and extravagant during adolescence. His parents must be prepared to accept his extravagant hairdos and clothes, his lack of punctuality, as well as his unconventional behavior. Then he will calm down. Remember that it is not a very good idea to attack or contradict him. Instead, it is best to have fun with him. The same attitude should be taken with his friends, who will be unusual. His great energy belongs to his mind, so he needs some help in practicing physical activities. It is very important to show him, as a child, how to take responsibility and to be conscientious about his choices. This will help him to be more responsible and will keep him from choosing the easiest way. Parents should always remember that this child is very special, that he will not follow the usual path, and that the world changes thanks to this kind of person.
Taurus Rising Sign:
Michael was born with a nice and harmonious body. He might have dimples on his cheeks and a beautiful smile on his lips. He will be quiet, soft and calm. He will not move fast and will prefer comfort to complication. If his Sun (as shown above) is located in Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces, he will seek each of his goals, maintaining an outer tranquillity, while feeling anxiety within. He will have a strong will to get what he wants and he will often be stubborn. He has a magnetic personality and a good-looking face and body. He will have a fondness for good food, especially for sweet things, so it is important to teach him good dietary habits early. Believe it or not, food tranquilizes him (it must not be over-seasoned). Michael is a very affectionate child, who needs caresses and gentleness to be happy. He can seem slower than the rest of the children, but you do not have to worry about that, or push him. Michael has his own rhythm and he needs to do things in his own time.
His childhood ruled by Venus will be pleasant. He will always be close to the family and to the places of his childhood, like school, the neighborhood, his house, etc. He will understand very early the value of money and the value of the material things in life. This is very important because if he receives a negative attitude, he could be insecure in the future, becoming a stingy, avaricious and cold person. To expand his expectations of life, his parents must teach him the importance of other values in life. You do not have to grant every wish he has, because this could emphasize his tendency to be lazy. One of Michael's parents, or both, can be very easy on him and this could weaken his will.
Michael is a restless worker and constant in his effort. He must learn to center his mind on positive and constructive ideas. Because he is very impressionable, a bad experience in childhood could bring fears and confusion later. It is very important not to frighten him, or tell him horror tales to make him be good, because he does not forget easily. It is best to be kind and affectionate with him; he will do everything he is asked to, if it is with love.
*** Chapter 2 ***
Maternal figure: emotions, feelings, capacity to love
and share.
Moon in Sagittarius:
This child will be outgoing and will always have a youthful and spontaneous attitude towards life. He will be very optimistic and positive when dealing with feelings and situations. His great curiosity will make him want to discover everything in his world, and he will often escape from his parents' eyes. Michael will be very idealistic and will have a philosophical and questioning attitude about everything. His heart will be noble and the expression of his feelings will be sincere.
Michael will surely have a restless and independent mother, with a unique way of thinking and a great love of freedom. He will feel his mother is a friend, and they will share many adventures. Some discord is likely between them, but sympathy and joy will smooth out the rough areas. Michael will learn not to dwell on sadness, to see the positive side of every situation, and to direct his energies towards his goals. This child may tend to follow others easily, so parents must get to know his friends, because they have the potential to be strong influences. Michael will be very trusting, and his mind will be full of fantasies, even as a grownup. His restless heart will make him a frequent traveler to uncommon and faraway places; he will also conquer every unprepared heart.
Moon in 7th house:
Michael will have deep feelings for his friends and he will derive emotional stability from close ties with them. Though he will have very good marriage opportunities, he will be very cautious about entering into matrimony. It is possible that he will mature later than others of his age. Michael will choose a sensitive mate who can understand his own hidden feelings and offer security and emotional support. This astrological position can make him very well known in society.
Moon Square Uranus:
Michael will have a remarkable intelligence, but at the same time, will be stubborn, fanatical, anarchic, and emotionally tense. Michael will be very restless and may tend to overreact to any situation. His mother will be unconventional and possibly very nervous. If Michael changes his place of residence often, this could make him feel insecure. In the future, he will be very close to unusual people and may have problems communicating his feelings to others.
Moon Square Pluto:
Michael will be very jealous and possessive. The relationship between Michael and his mother could be complicated and each one may try to dominate the other. He can be very intolerant, impulsive, and rash in making decisions. He must learn how to be more flexible and also to channel his intense emotions in a creative and positive way.
Moon Trine Mars:
Michael will be ambitious, determined, firm, and quick to react. He will have great physical strength which will help him overcome any health problem. His emotions will be very intense and will always be handled in a positive and constructive way. Michael will prefer to work alone because he could become very impatient with people who do not conform to his rhythm. He will also be frank and straight-to-the- point in expressing all his feelings.
Venus in Capricorn:
Michael will be very reserved with his feelings. He will have a cold and controlled external appearance, though he will be passionate on the inside. Because Michael may feel insecure, he will open himself up to others very slowly until he feels comfortable. Michael might compensate for his emotional insecurities by developing a materialistic attitude and substituting professional and social success. He will find it difficult to show intimacy and tenderness. As an adult, he could fall in love with someone older in order to be protected, or with someone younger in order to be the protector. Michael will link love with responsibility, and once he falls in love, he will be very loyal. Due to his leadership qualities, Michael can be very successful in business.
Venus in 9th house:
Michael will have an intense desire for knowledge and will look for activities which could expand his emotional world. He will be philosophical, religious, and will love to travel. Michael will probably fall in love abroad or may marry a person from another country. He will have strong intuition and will be a cultured person. Michael will love to study and expand his general skills, and as a result of this, Michael will have an urbane, cultivated manner.
Venus Trine Pluto:
Michael will have a great ability to command, and can be a good teacher, preacher, or politician. At an early age he will begin showing strong and clear opinions. Michael will be honest, intuitive, and dedicated to achieving his goals, showing a special passion for accomplishing the things he likes the best. His charm and charisma will enable him to convince and dominate others. In the future Michael will have intense and impetuous romances with elements of quarrels and jealousy, but parents must not be afraid of this, because it will strengthen his feelings.
Venus Sextile Neptune:
Michael will have great imagination and sensitivity; his expression will be refined. He will be very romantic and spiritual. Michael can have telepathic communication with people, sometimes even feeling or knowing what is going on with someone far away; this can happen especially with his mother. Michael will be artistically inspired and, if he chooses music, he will prefer stringed instruments.
Jupiter in Pisces:
Michael will be very helpful and will feel naturally inclined to help others. He will develop sensitivity for people who suffer and for animals; his great compassion can help make him a good doctor, nurse, or veterinarian. Michael will be very kind, warm, and perceptive. In spite of possibly being very popular, he will always be looking for calm, quiet places. Michael will have many fantasies, and may have problems facing the world the way it is.
Jupiter in 11th house:
Michael will be very sociable and he will be attracted to the pleasures of life. Michael will know many people and will have many friends who will be useful to him. He will like participating in organizations, groups, clubs, or religious affiliations. Probably Michael will have a big family, and he will love them very much. His goals will not be difficult to reach, and this can make him a bit lazy.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
Michael will be spiritual and/or religious and will enjoy helping others unselfishly. His intuition will be remarkable and at an early age Michael will be attracted to mystical things and to the metaphysical world. He could do well in professions related to education, social welfare, or creative activity. Michael will have noble and very strong feelings and will always be concerned about his spiritual evolution.
*** Chapter 3 ***
Paternal figure: authority, power, capacity to assume
responsibilities and to defend oneself in life.
Sun in 11th house:
Michael will be very sociable and will have many friends during his life. Some of them will be very important and Michael will receive help and protection from them. This great disposition towards friendship starts with the relationship he has with his father, with whom he will share much in an intense way. Between them there will be no traditional role, where the father has the authority, but a real friendship. In spite of Michael's compliant attitude toward others, he will not follow in anybody's footsteps. Michael will be very idealistic and will enjoy participating in group activities like committees, clubs, or any other association. Usually, Michael will not be selfish, and will always be willing to share everything he has.
Sun Opposition Uranus:
Michael will be anarchical, liberal, and independent and always in opposition to authority. He can be very untidy and thus waste the great potential of his energies. He will attack whatever stands in his way, as he needs to be free. Michael will be impulsive, eccentric, and will follow his own rules. He will also be original but impractical. Michael will always be nervous and will be inclined to dissipate his energy. He must learn to be more cautious, and, because he is inclined to have accidents, to be in less of a hurry. As he is very particular and unique, Michael will be a very difficult child to raise.